Thursday, February 28, 2019
Communication Strategies for Leaders Essay
A leader moldiness be competent to communicate powerfully. When asked to define leading, theorists and practitioners also frequently use the words influence, inspire and transform, all of which depend on colloquy, verbal and nonverbal. Leaders lead through their words and activenesss. This text focuses on both, thus the emphasis throughout on emotional intelligence, the ability to conceive the self and others (Barrett, 2011).Effective leadership communication requires the ability to anticipate to the emf interruptions in the transmission of the message, think the context, understand the audience, select the right specialty and craft a exculpated message that allows the meaning to reach the limited receiver as mean (Barrett, 2011). In my quest to achieve boss communication leadership skills I have had the opportunity to assess and tax my stiffness in communication leadership. This personal assessment has indicated I must become more(prenominal) strategic as strategy is the foundation on which some(prenominal) effective communication depends on.Leaders must be able to analyze their audience in every situation and design a communication strategy that facilitates accomplishing their communication. Communication is faultfinding to every organization and for any aspiring leader. I plan to be strategic in exploitation a plan to be a more effective communicator by reaching out to immaterial constituents as that is an area for communication improvement. Overall, effective communication strategy depends on ones thinking and planning strategically taking into custody your audience, and structuring your communication for opposite situations, retroverty methods, and audiences to ensure that you connect with your audience and deliver your intended message (Barrett, 2011). III.As a leader and manager in my organization I wage pride in being an effective leader and communication. I have been at my non-profit organization for thepast 6 years and have mad e signifi bottomlandt improvement and learned to uprise my communication skills. Owens (1998) mentions two key features of leadership which are (1) the engagement of persons in a process that identifies them with goals, and (2) the potential to change the institutional environment (e.g. values, beliefs, etc.) by implementing diversity goals into the organizational culture.At the same time, I am a leader that promotes integrity to motivate ethical behavior across the completed organization. Also, it is important for me to create an open environment in which followers and employees smelling free to speak up and come forward to me when any run needs to piddle place. Overall, I am ceaselessly striving to be a better communicator in all situations as it teaches as I want to be recognized by others as a transformational leader.I consider my oral public speaking skills to be my major fortissimo when communicating to internal colleagues at my organization. I am always hover to condu ct presentations and set forthicipate in public speaking engagements. I always maintain a sense of confidence and take pride in my public speaking skills. At the same time, I feel overmuch more comfortable in situations where I can communicate in effect with my group members and demonstrate my dynamic skills to engage them efficaciously. I tend to be a coach and a motivator among my employees. I use different means to get my employees to want to be better at their duties and take full ownership of their tasks and goals. I also have a view of confidence in being able to utilize my skills in traffic with others feelings and communicating with them solutions to help them with their particular situation.I would consider my interpersonal communication skills with orthogonal relations as an area for improvement. I tend to be an extroversive when it comes to public speaking and very confidant with communicating with large(p) audiences that I tend to be introverted when it comes t o communication in littler groups or individual communication with members of external organizations. Barrett (2011) suggests that selecting the right vocalism to deliver external messages can be almost as critical as the message themselves. I need to work on this part of my communication leadership by participating in more accessible and networking events to work on my confidence in communicating with external constituents. I also plan to travel more with my executive leadership team and attend meetings and events to get a better understanding of how to communicate more effectively in my external communication. Improvement GoalEffective leadership communication requires the ability to anticipate to the potential interruptions in the transmission of the message, appreciate the context, understand the audience, select the right medium and craft a clear message that allows the meaning to reach the specific receiver as intended (Barrett, 2011). I always maintain a sense of confidence and take pride in my public speaking skills. At the same time, I feel much more comfortable in situations where I can communicate effectively with my team members and demonstrate my dynamic skills to engage them effectively which include motivating and coaching. I would consider my interpersonal communication skills with external relations as an area for improvement.I tend to be an extrovert when it comes to public speaking and very confidant with communicating with large audiences but I tend to be introverted when it comes to communication in smaller groups or individual communication with members of external organizations. I have action steps in place to help me in my leadership information which include attending more external corporate events and meetings with the executive team. dally feedback from executive team members concerning areas for improvement and change any behavior found on feedback. Also, I plan to participate in more networking events with external constituent s.ReferencesAamodt, M. (2013). Industrial/ organizational Psychology An applied approach. Seventh edition. Cox et. al (2007). Evaluating organizational-level work stress interventions Beyond tradition methods. Work & Stress, 21, 348-362. Ebbers, L., Conover, K., Samuels, A. (2010). Leading from the oculus preparing leaders for new roles. New directions for Community Colleges.Wiley Periodicals. Frese, M (2009). The changing reputation of work. In N. Chmiel (Ed.) An introduction to work and organizational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 397-413). Oxford Blackwell publishing. Lawler, E.E. (2001). Organizing for high performance. San Francisco Jossey-Bass. Owens, Robert. (1998). Organizational Behavior in Education (6th ed.). Boston Allyn and Bacon.
Iago Literary Essay
Iago the Master of Manipulation end-to-end the frolic Othello by William Shakespe ar, Iago the antagonist develops a scheme to misemploy Othellos life, just because he didnt get the position of lieutenant and uses stack from Roderigo to Cassio to unfold his plans. Now, how can this villainous reality manipulate people around him so well? Iago in effect manipulates Roderigo, Cassio and Othello by using Roderigos love life for Desdemona, by implying to Cassio that hes assistanting him for his interests when its real the opposite, and by acting as an honest mortal in front of Othello to hold in his true foul personality. SparkNoted Editors). Iago uses Roderigos obsessive love for Desdemona to manipulate him to help him and assures Roderigo he will help him attain Desdemona. (The Polymath). He then tries to easiness Roderigo when he finds out Desdemona is married to Othello by using the metaphor, Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners. (I. iii. 319- 320). Here Iago reacts to Roderigo wanting to commit suicide by telling him to give care of himself, and instead to try to win Desdemona with his money unless actually uses his money for his have plans and makes fun of him for being so naive. Thus do I make my fool my purse. (I. iii. 315) and all this time poor Roderigo has been tricked by Iago from the beginning of the play to the end because Roderigo wanted Desdemona to such an extent. Iago tricked Cassio into thinking he was percentage him for his benefit when all along it was only a check of Iagos plan to ruin the bond between Othello and Desdemona. Iago himself caused trouble for Cassio and that leads to Cassios lieutenant position revoked, only to tell him to get help from Desdemona. Our Generals married woman is now the General/Confess yourself freely to her. Importune her help to stage you in your place again. (II. iii. 293-298). Iago has many Asides in the play telling the audience of his plans. By making Cassio tal k with Desdemona Iago plants suspicion into Othello to ruin his peace of mind. Yet that I put the moor at least(prenominal) into a jealousy so strong that judgement cannot cure/Ill have our Micheal Cassio on the hip, abuse him to the fix in the rank garb. As Iago does this in several ccasions its all for his own benefit, Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me for making him egregiously an ass and practising upon his peace and silence even to madness. (II. i. 294-305). Iago successfully ends a part of his plan by sidesplitting two birds with one stone, Roderigo and Cassio. Now whether he kill Cassio, or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, every way makes my game. (V. i. 12-14). Hence, Iago manipulates Cassio by implying he is helping him when its the opposite. To manipulate Othello, Iago acts as an honest and in effect(p) person in front of Othello to hide his foul personality.Throughout the play, you hear Iago saying, I loathe the Moor (I. iii. 361). He even tell s Roderigo all his schemes. Through a puzzle Shakespeare reveals Iagos true intentions. In following him, I follow hardly myself. (I. i. 58). again Iago only stays with Ohtello for his own benefit and he says his outward-bound appearance is only to fool Othello so he doesnt resort trust in Iago, I am not what I am. (I. i. 65) but interactions between Roderigo and Iago reveals a streak of cowardice in Iago as he tries so hard to hide his bad intentions from Othello he even kills own wife. SparkNotes Editors). Therefore Iago manipulates Othello by acting as an honest and good man to hide his true-foul personality. Iago, possibly the most heinous villain in Shakespeare lets his kindle and jealousy overpower him and ruin Othellos life with his manipulative skills. (SparkNotes Editors). Iago effectively manipulates Rodrigo by using his love for Desdemona, by implying to Cassio hes helping him for his interests when its actually the opposite and by acting as an honest and good person in front of Othello to hide his true-foul personality.Work Cited The Polymath. Iagos Manipulation on Roderigo in Othello. Yahoo Voices. (2010) n. page. Web. 8 Jun. 2012. . SparkNotes Editors. SparkNotes on Othello. SparkNotes. com. SparkNotes LLC. 2002. Web. 8 Jun. 2012. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice. Massachusetts Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1966. Print.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Belonging: Salem witch trials
Ones ace of belong can be defined in so m whatsoever different ways. For some belong is experienced through familiarity with ones environment. For others, be is more about feeling part of a group and beingness accepted in their community. Many of these concepts are explored in the texts, A diddle in four acts tit guide The Crucible by Arthur Miller, A watch book titled The Red Tree by Shaun Tan, and a verse called Metho Drinker by Judith W chastise.All of these texts reflect be in a different way, the Red Tree focusinfulnessg on visual imagery to emphasize displacement, The Crucible based on witchcraft, love, and the need of a extravagantly status to belong, and the poetry Metho Drinker, revealing concern and compassion for a man who only belongs to his addiction. Displacement from ones natural environment can lead to an absence seizure of be. This is shown in The Red Tree as the large size of the tripe feeding bottle and its function being close to the prognosisers eye is distinguished with the fainter little visible image of the ocean creating an absence of belonging.Furthermore the glass bottle is overshadowed by a dark blue sky in contrast with the smoky whites and blues of the sky above the ocean creating a sense of distance between the diver and its natural environment. the imagery shown of The glass bottle is situated on a barren landscape bereft of any life and surrounded by rocks and stones. Entrapment can lead to isolation pr sluiceting a sense of belonging. The thickness of the glass bottle and the narrow bottle recognise give the effect of the diver being trapped with no manikin of escape. The diver is sitting hunched in a stiff position in the centre of the bottle emphasizing its sense of entrapment.In the poem Metho Drinker the author is revealing her compassion and concern for the Metho drinker. A severe sense of belonging is clearly revealed in this poem. Displacement is shown in the starting time stanza as the cruelty of human eyes, revealing inn shunts and rejects him collectable to his strong addiction to Metho (Alcohol). The personification in the second stanza his white and suntan girl, his woman of fire is used because the alcohol he drinks (Metho) is his lover and it shows the passion of how he belongs to his addiction as he compares it to a woman.The slang expression used throughout the poem is suggesting his level in society wake the sense of non belonging and the tone of empathy and compassion created. At the end of the outgrowth stanza Nothing now he lies, we get cipher with a crownwork N because he doesnt belong in society as he federal agency nothing. The poem ends with sad imagery of a Metho Drinkers ascendency by his mysterious passion that doesnt bring peace and led him to the exclusion to not belong. This poem demonstrates a strong sense of belonging and choosing not to belong was shown due to his addiction Metho that he couldnt pass anything for.In the play the Crucible the events of the play demonstrate a capacious power that can be wielded by groups and those whole belong to a group. It shows a small, seemingly powerless group can disrupt a entire community. Prior to the witch trials, Abigail and the girls were not powerful members of capital of Oregon society. up to now through unity, they manage to hold their whole community have great deal tied and have them executed, but belonging to this group also means they share the same potential gains and risks. Those who should belong are excluded until there is nothing left to belong to.The protagonist of the play arse Proctor is an individual who has not put a high priority on belonging in his life. Proctor chooses not to belong to Salem society. The fact that he has sinned with Parriss 17 year old niece Abigail from Salem society causes him to view himself as a hypocrite and not worthy of association of such(prenominal) people like Rebecca Nurse, the most respected and highly regarded member of Salem society, therefore Proctor regards them as better than him. Proctor doesnt even belong to his own family as at the beginning of the play his sin is still playing a negative influence on his affinity with his wife Elizabeth.In Act two we see that they are awkward with each other. He doesnt really belong to his family because hes strayed from them. The repetition and alliteration of spare me You forget nothin and forgive nothin was used to retrace his point too Elizabeth to show that she has not forgiven him because of the sin. His strong sense of belonging is reflected as he yells because it is my pertain, leave me my name. This clearly shows us the society he belongs to doesnt accept him anymore and he fights to save his name so he can be remembered and belong to the Salem society.John Proctor believes that he is unworthy of belonging because of his affair with Abigail. He doesnt deserve Elizabeths love or the respect of the community. Proctors confession of his cozy des ire is an confess of secret guilt. He finally achieves his self word sense and a sense of belonging in his marriage but when everything goes right before he grants a death penalty. In this play belonging is never based on the truth. The truth becomes a shared thing, something everyone agrees on. be therefore is manifested (visible) in so many different ways as evidenced in the crucible, the red tree, and Metho drinker.
Ethical Theory, Utilitarianism and Kant’s Theory Essay
Ethics is a branch of philosophy which has a central appertain of de circumstanceining of how the great unwashed should live their lives in congruity of distinguishing the recompense issueions from abuse human cropivityions (Boat undecomposed, 2007, p. 7). In ethics normative theory propose diametrical principles on how society eject deal with this dilemma and that is through the introduction of deontological and theological ethical system. Deontological ethics or non-consequentialist theory requires people to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do regardless of its consequences (Barry, Sansburry, & Shaw, 2009, p. 1).On the contrary, teleological or consequentialist come sees action to be clean-livingly right or wrong due to its producing type of consequences like pleasure, public assistance, knowledge, or joy (Barry, et. al. , 2009, p. 61). Different cash advance on deontological and teleological ethics was introduced in explaining the polar vie ws of philosophers in symmetry of decision making or resolving our passing(a) problems. Firstly is Immanuel Kant, the famous deontologist introduced relationship between duty and the incorruptity of benevolent actions.He stated that an action gutter be considered clean-living if and tho if it is in relation to our exhaustively will which is in accordance with the honorable law instead of mediocre basing it on our natural inclination (Boatright, 2007, p. 66). He specified that doing things keisterd on our feelings or self-interest even though it might look like we are doing our duty it has simmer down no object lesson worth. He then stated that we should relate our subjective pickax on example law which explained that in every intention on our acts should accept maxim which is use by Kants to cross off the banner of morality or the categorical imperative (Barry, et. al. , 2009, p. 72).He proposed that based on this maxim people force out only act if this action sq ueeze out be become a universal law or which can possibly accepted by the majority. In addition to this, action should ever so be in respect on other people, that we should never dispense others as further means to our end or to use others for the progression of our own interest. On the other hand, Jeremy Bentham, one of the first to develop the useful theory, a form of teleological ethics approach the issue by unceasingly relating our actions to the moral doctrine which stated that the morality of our action can be weight to its consequences, that if it results o the greatest frank for the human welfare the action is right, if not then it is wrong (Barry, et. al. , 2009, p. 72).He then added that a moral prescription of utilitarianism requires that consequences should not only be nursen in consideration of an individual(a) but also in respect of the familiar good. Added to the consequentialist theory is egoism, which equates morality to the attainment of an individuals c onsiderable term interest (Barry, et. al. , 2009, p. 59).As stated in Kants theory, maxim should endlessly take into account other people which are a hit rival to egoism in which the basis of moral act is self-interest. other proponent of deontological approach was the British scholar W. D. Ross, a well-known thwarter of utilitarianism. Ross emphasised other non-consequentialist perspective emphasizing our duty of care to those who regard on us (Barry, et. al. , 2009, p. 72). Unlike utilitarianism we cannot have single(a) obligation to maximize gladness for our obligations which develop out of opposite relationship or our different roles to others.For an instance, our duties as a mom to our children, sister to our siblings and a protagonist to colleagues variegate on each. Another deontological approach by Ross and other contemporary philosophers explained that our moral obligation is our prima facie (Barry, et. al. , 2009, p. 73). In relation to utilitarianisms ratio of good consequences over its bad outcome prima facie explains that one of our obligations can be overridden by a more important obligation that in universe there will come a time that we deficiency to use up from which of our moral duties must outweigh.But then again, unlike utilitarianism, prima facie have it away a genuine obligation that the reason behind this decision is because of the acquire act itself, like breaking our promise to attend to a friends party over bringing someone injured to the hospital. Although, we can see that deontological theory is somehow totally contradicting to teleological theory we should still put into account that two views what makes right acts right.As stated earlier, utilitarianism presents moral action based on the greatest merriment for the greatest people. Utilitarians scarcely believe that the principle of avail should be the one universal moral code. Principle of utility describes as the greatest happiness principle, that whenever peo ple need to make a choice they should consider the one that can maximise their happiness and minimise their unhappiness for the benefit of the greatest number of people (Boatright, 2007, p. 33).Within the scope of the theory of utilitarianism is the existence of its two subdivisions namely the act of utilitarianism and the rule of utilitarianism which is somehow coincides with each other but in a way see the give tongue to theory in a different point of view. Both act and rule utilitarianism agree that an ethical decisions should merely be based on its consequences, that any chosen decision which minimizes the utility is morally wrong and whatever will result in maximize utility is considered to be morally right (Boatright, 2007, p. 2). In addition to this, both views that an individual must aim to act in regards to maximising the happiness of the group as a whole, not just on playacting based on their intention to maximise their self-interest (Boatright, 2007, p. 33 ). However, in regards to the assessment of maximising the greatest happiness of the people conflicts arises between the say subdivisions of utilitarianism.Act of utilitarianism is said to be more straight forwards who entails that always do whatever act that will create the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people (Boatright, 2007, p. 36 ). Jeremy Bentham believed that the only criteria for an action to be moral if it will result to the maximisation of utility. He based his moral theory in accordance with hedonism, that whatever is pleasurable for human is good and whatever is painful is bad thus, he insisted that pleasure and happiness is the crowning(prenominal) intrinsic value or our act.Bentham introduced the hedonistic calculus which can serve up as an individuals guide to act based on the maximisation of utility. This calculation states that individual must rate in accordance to seven proposed consequences intensity, duration, certain or uncertainty, remoteness, fecundity , purity, and extent. Once the individual equates all the said pleasures and pains on each side, he can then solve to which action result to more pleasure for the common people involve.This approach of Bentham received negative feedback from other utilitarians because of lack in providing overall happiness in the coming(prenominal). Other utilitarians specified that hedonistic calculus is unclear of how long and individual must wait to whether their actions is right or wrong. The inconsistency that was discovered in Benthams hedonistic approach gave rise to the formulation of rule-utilitarianism. This approach gave emphasis on the relationship of act and the context in which the act occurs.It considers more than just a singular situation by fetching into account various types of situation and the respective right actions which both should be based in a set up rules to maximize utility. This set up rule is grounded by scathe principle which states that rightful actions should d isallow harming people. Another basis of the said rule is the well-off rule which states that individual should not do something which he cannot be accepted by everybody and model of judging should not only be based on single happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness in total(Boatright, 2007, p. 8). Compare to act utilitarianism, rule utilitarianism is said to provide stronger foundation for the accomplishment of ethical decisions for it satisfactory both present actions and present situation, but also considered present actions and future situations. On the other way around, rule utilitarianism and Kants theory which we just mentioned earlier can present the often confusion that people go about in reality of which of the said approach will bring the well-nigh moral act.Both of them set some standards in which we can base our actions to determine its morality. Kants theory proposed that our actions can only be seen as morally right if it is relation to our good will which is in accordance to the moral law. In here, Kants stated that our every intention should include maxim which can be either an act than can be accepted universally or a deed that will take into consideration the respect for other people which generally explained by the golden rule.Same with rule utilitarianism, Bentham introduced the set up rules as standard of moral act which is also grounded by the golden rule and the principle of harm which in a way is relative to the universal acceptance, that harming people in our actions just for maximising our utility cannot be accepted by society. In contrast, Kants insisted that moral obligation has nothing to do with the consequence in which rule utilitarianism is promoting. Our actions to be moral should just arise from a moral law that is binding on all rational beings.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
The United States Became an Industrial Power
The United States became an industrial power by tapping North the Statess vast natural resources, including minerals, lumber and coal, particularly in the impertinently developed west. Industries that had once depended on waterpower began to use prodigious amounts of coal. Steam engines re military positiond military man and animal labor, and kerosene replaced whale oil and wood. By 1900, Americas factories and urban homes were converting to electric power. Dependence on fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas), which supply machines of unprecedented speed and strength, transformed both the economy and the countrys natural and built environments.What is vertical integration? Vertical integration is a business model in which one troupe controlled all aspects of proceeds from raw materials to finished goods. Once his engineers designed a cooling system, agile invested in a fleet of refrigerator cars and constructed a packing congeal near Chicagos stockyards. What is horizontal inte gration? Horizontal integration is a strategy pioneered by Rockefeller. Like swift he pressured competitors done predatory pricing, but when he had driven them to failure, he invited rivals to merge their companies into his conglomerate.The roles the government activity play in this story were in an effort to attract corporal headquarters to its state, New Jersey broke ranks in 1889, by crack a law that permitted the creation of holding companies and other corporate combinations. disdain reformers efforts, a huge wave of mergers in the 1890s further knockout corporate power. By 1900, Americas largest one hundred companies controlled a third of the nations productive capacity.Such familiar firms as DuPont, Eastman Kodak, and utterer had assumed dominant places in their respective industries. The immense power of these corporations would henceforward be a recurring political concern. Roles that the government could have played but didnt was that distressed by the development o f near monopolies, reformers began to discover the trusts and that few states outlawed trusts as a legal form. The nineteenth centurys industrial philosophy dates, actually, from Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776.This is really the capitalistic bible in which the arbitrariness that greed has a socially efficacious role is first popularly put forward. It also puts forward the notion of the invisible hand that guides the market to improve the standard of life-time of everyone, without cipher to the actual intentions of its participants. This is the magic of the marketplace many a(prenominal) capitalists are so friendly of referring to. But, by the late nineteenth century, these notions of Adam Smith had been distorted and fused, to some extent, with the ideas of Charles Darwin about evolution.This led to the extremely pernicious and largely discredited concept of Social Darwinism, related to Nazism, in the twentieth century. Social Darwinists believe that completely those who are socially successful and powerful should have the right to survive, and that providing attention and support to the weak is, actually, antisocial. According to this view, society can just be on if the impregnable exploit, suppress and, eventually, destroy the weak. The factors that I dont really agree with are the Ideas of social Darwinism.I dont work out that the strong should not assistant the weak because what if were the strongest person in the arena with the most money and were at the top and we refuse to encourage individual who is at the bottom like the very bottom were in thithers no to a greater extent down only way is up at that point say we be keep down the weak party and them the strong party what if we need the admirer they need and the refuse us that help because we believe in social Darwinism as an whole and we didnt help them reach the top when we were up there so why should they help us.industrialism changed the nature of work and in many respects caused an uneven diffusion of power Among interest groups in American society. Industrial workers were employees rather than producers, And retell specialized tasks made them feel like appendages to machines. The emphasis on measure Rather than quality further dehumanized the workplace. These factors, in addition to the change magnitude Power of the employer, reduced the independence and self-respect of workers, but worker rampart only led employers to tighten restrictions. Industrialism also brought more women and children into the labor force.Although undertaking opportunities Opened for women, most women went into pocket-sized-paying clerical jobs, and sex discrimination continued in the workplace. Employers also attempted to cut wage costs by hiring more children. Although a few States passed child-labor laws, such laws were difficult to enforce and employers generally foreign State interference in their hiring practices. Effective child-labor legislation would not come until the Twentieth century. As the nature of work changed, workers began to protest low wages, the military position of employers, the hazards of the workplace, and the absence of disability insurance and pensions.The effectiveness of Legislation designed to objurgate these grievances was usually limited by conservative Supreme Court Rulings surface of frustration, some workers began to participate in unions and in organized resistance. Unionization efforts took motley directions. The Knights of Labor tried to ally all workers by creating Producer and consumer cooperatives the American Federation of Labor strove to organize skilled Workers to achieve pragmatic objectives and the Industrial Workers of the World attempted to Overthrow capitalist society.The railroad strikes of 1877, the Haymarket riot, and the Homestead and Pullman strikes were all marked by violence, and they exemplified labors frustration as hale as its active and organized resistance. Governme nt intervention against the strikers convinced many workers Of the imbalance of interest groups in American society, whereas the middle class began to pertain organized working-class resistance with radicalism. Although this perception was by and large Mis beat backn, bourgeoisie fear of social upheaval became an additional force against organized labor.Not only did industrialization affect the nature of work, it also produced a myriad of products that impact the everyday lives of Americans. As America became a consumer-oriented society, most of its Citizens faced living costs that rose faster than wages. Consequently, many people could not take advantage of the new goods and services being offered. But, as noted above, more women and children Became part of the paid labor force. Although many did so out of necessity, others hoped that the supererogatory income would allow the family to participate in the consumer society.The Nativists didnt take too mannequin to the wave of ne w immigrants. The reason most industrial workers put up with the difficult conditions of their work because factory owners, especially those involved in the brand name industry and in the coal mine industry, often would build company towns. Workers were given cheap rent in these towns to go along with their low wages. In essence the worker was trapped. The company town afforded him a place to live and without the job he couldnt live there.
Planning Of A Rich Media Project For Digital Portfolio
sound popion commandment as the building blocks of various types of businesses holds important roles in delimit the success or failure of these businesses, whether it is used in a routine basis or in used in lighthouse events unless. As the environment changes however, trade union movement management need to face invigorated challenges and issues brought upon it by shifting trends in the society.C formerlyrning visit management, this paper discusses how the trends have shifted and what issues are presented in the face of project management experience. In the end, I will secern how project managers have responded to those challenges and create new business models and new project management initiatives.I. Case Studies and FindingsII.1. Changing Environment Current Trends and IssuesLimited ResourcesOne of the most distinct shifts in project management trends is the limited resources provided for each project. With the level of contest and professionalism expected by invest ors, project managers now are expected to do to a greater extent with little. Tighter budgets, less cartridge holder and fewer resources are some of the challenges address by modern project challenges. Using those limited resources, project managers are expected to create products and provide gos which are faster, cheaper and better. The basis of the tilt is now rooted in two dimensions, time-based considerations and be based considerations. The price based dimension has been around since the beginning, but the change magnitude importance of time-based considerations is the new competitive edge. Companies or project managers today are demanded to control their cost using project management techniques and to deliver product or service to the market faster than anyone. growth a consistent approachSurveyed executive directors and project professionals reported that developing a consistent approach to managing projects is one of the most common challenges in todays project ma nagement. 24% respondents believed that designing the approach toward a project management strategy is the crucial first step. Any different move are built upon the success of this first step. It is the foundation of the unit project. If it is managed successfully, any other steps would run smoothly in aftermath.However, repayable to the unpredictability of situations, project managers can sometimes decide to change their approach toward the project. More often than not, this action does not deliver solutions to the problems, but sooner generate confusion and baffle the people who already have their mind-set tune-in to the approach approach (Research, 2003)Managing multiple projectsAlmost 20% of the respondents believed that it is the allocation of resources that stimulate their huge challenge in managing their projects. The difficulty level is enhanced once the project managers must manage multiple projects at once. One of the preliminary considerations project managers must made is about choosing the near projects. 17% of the executive and project professionals interviewed stated that one of the most common issues for companies is that they choose besides many projects to manage or they choose the wrong projects.Deciding to manage projects without the right basis of considerations will generate flawed end-result and thus flawed incorporated reputation. In managing multiple projects, the extent of the challenges, whether they are from the cost-based considerations or the time-based considerations is enhanced importantly (Research, 2003).Limited visibleness of project activitiesAnother important challenge and the one that is more and more discussed in recent years is the limited visibility of project activities. change magnitude scope of project, complexity and increasing need to be cost and time effective enhanced the necessity to have clear visibility end-to-end the project duration and processes. Nevertheless, such a visibility is seldom forth coming because it requires significant amount of investment in IT initiatives and rung readying.Companies rely on project management more.About 72.4 projects within a company is lasting less than one year, which makes them eligible for implementing the project management science 51% of these projects are considered complex or highly complex. Almost 60% of companies surveyed manage projects at the enterprise level. 44% of these surveyed companies already have an established project might and a center of excellence for project managers (Research, 2003).II.2. Requirement The New employment ModelsII.2.1. Improving the Project ManagerIn order to deal with the changes in todays marketplace, companies rely on project management sciences a lot more than yesterday. This is considered a logical step because managers discovered that project management science contain a significant competitive advantage to other purpose of management. Companies are now supplying their project managers with tools to manage projects efficiently, analogous seminars and training in project management sciences, to learn about scheduling techniques like Gantt charts and PERT diagrams. Project managers are also taught to plan ahead, be proactive yet flexible and creative in anticipating problems due to changes within the environment.II.2.2. Developing the Project TeamProject squads also received significant raining steps. These training steps are performed to give projects teams the capability to write project specifications, estimating time, developing budgets and supply procedures within the project. The training will enhance the efficiency of the project team in planning the project. The more efficient the planning process, the easier the implementation of the project becomes. Afterwards, team members are taught to develop teamwork and team pride to help fasten the projects success. As the level of competition increases, businesses realize the increasing value of providing project ma nagers and project teams with those types of trainingII.2.3. Developing the Information Technology sectionIn order to fulfill the need to have project visibility across its processes, companies and project managers turn to Information Technology. IT initiatives are the choice of 77% project managers having been surveyed, Compare to 69% believing that methodology improvement and staff training are the most crucial problems (Chaakravarty, nd).II.2.4. OutsourcingHaving limited resources and time to manage projects efficiently, companies begin considering outsourcing the project management systems. More than 50% of companies surveyed stated that they only have 1-9 project managers on the companys staff, others are outsourced. 25% of these surveyed companies have 10-25 project managers on staff and 39% of the companies surveyed fully outsourced their project management function or considering it.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Outline for Thesis Architecture
Your aim must, (1) rural argona the subject of your research, (2) quit the question or research inquiry that you cargon to answer and (3) your precept for conducting the research. Sample The purpose of the sight was to identify and understand the need for addressing humankind aspects of architecture how students physically, psychologically and socially behave towards their purlieu such as the library. From the investigation, it is expected to raise awareness amongst students, public and even professionals regarding the significance and tax write-off of environmental psychology particularly proteomics on these spaces. This investigation was done by, first, exploring the association on implication of human behavior on built environment and Malaysian culture associating with the way they socialize and interact.Consequently, observing and understanding how spatial behavioral spacing between individuals within the major spaces may occur. groom and objectives of research Instruct ion State one aim and 2-3 objectives. Your aim must, (1) state the subject of your research, (2) contain the question or research inquiry that you wish to answer and (3) your rationale for conducting the research. The aim of the study is to investigate how far E-B is tacit by students through conducting a survey among architecture and intention-based students. From the survey, it would be thinkable to gauge the level of awareness among the students on the significance of human environments and wideness in the process of design.In line with the aim, the objectives of the study are listed below To testify the level of awareness mongo design-based students on E-B and how far this aspect is considered in their design projects To find out how much they understand the fundamental concept of person-space consanguinity To determine the students perceptions on spaces of one important facility, I. E. The faculty libraryHistory of Shopping Malls in Malaysia Text Retails and Architecture E lements of Store Design Visual Color prefigure 1 Percentage of students going to the library with respective purposes Figure 2 Interior of the library showing the area of sofas Text fiddling text keep this chapter to about 8-11 pages. It is longer if you choose to include the description of your case study here You need to present observations and comments that are critical. Consider summarizing your findings in matrices / table form. sidestep 1 Summary, Discussion and Analysis of Mosque envelope Design Elements Comparison of the both mosques I Discussion and Analysis I Steel Mosque I muck about Mosque I Site Locations I both mosques are surrounded by water element (lake).Water features are also introduced within the boundary of the mosque in the form of pond and waterfall as meaner to further enhance still change. I Tartan Pituitary along the Pituitary Boulevard and sits proficient next to the Pituitary Man-Made Lake. The lake acts as a passive cooling device through ev aporative cooling. I Persian Operand at the halt of Pituitary Boulevard and sits right next to the Pituitary Man- Made Lake. The lake acts as a passive cooling device through evaporative cooling. I I Openings On bulwark Envelope I These mosques present alternate(a) degree of enclosure. One opts for openness and borderless I Wall envelope is completely open with no specific enclosure that promotes natural ventilation and brightness level..Openings are in the form of glass sliding doors and are partially consist of square modules of fixed glass with the rest of the balance come along are totally open for the purpose of harvesting natural ventilation and lighting I I Treatment On Wall Envelope I both mosques seem I Wall envelope panels are applied with woven metallic fabric which is called the Muscularity and on I Wall envelope panels treated with traditionally crafted square module timber that are Joined together to create a screen called Muscularity.. I I Building Materials Use On Wall Envelope I Uses crystallized glass material to encase the steel columns that are exposed right away to the sun radiation.This material maintain its cool temperature although expose to heat imputable to its heat absorbing properties I Uses rose-tinted granite as the main material for the exterior of the wall envelope that is exposed directly to the sun radiation. This material has a very low heat capacity that helps reduce heat prepare I Roof Envelope I Both mosques aim to optimise the stack effect concept by having a sigh strength of space and roof openings I High roof with arc mold openings on dome to achieve stack effect
Family Systems theory Essay
Why study families?Traditional psychology job an individual one Externalise di focus act out interiorize distress withdrawTheorists Psychoanalytic e.g Freud fixated at a phase receivable to trauma and regress to this level Behaviourists e.g learn inappropriate response chemical bond insecure primary attachmentSociological perspectiveBronfenbrenners computer simulation ecological approacha)Life cycle stressesb)Stresses related to cultural expectationsc)Stresses related to diachronic timed)Random fatee)Stress reactions which create more stressDoes research sustenance the sociological viewpoint?YES Distress related to lack of social foul Overcrowded housing, father in gaol, depressed mother Parental stress & agnate negativity plus tyke temperament PovertyWhat is familys point in the sociological model? most influential part of childs social context buffer between child and external world serves to protect or expose child usually coerciveDo families need support? Bro nfenbrenners model less applicable now? Less sense of community Increased fragmentationHow do families work?Can be seen as a system stress - distress child most likely to be the distressed someone as most powerlessBasic premisesCirculatory actor interactive modelNon-summativity whole more than sum of parts parley feeling and contentGoverned by rules spoken or understoodHomeostasis in some sort of balanceMorphogenesis flexibility to respond to changeHow do you measure family relationships?Research relies on two dimensions Affection (aka crankyth, acceptance, cohesion, closeness)Disengaged-OK-EnmeshedAcceptance mesh (aka power, autonomy, flexibility)Neglect-OKRigidAutonomyWhat happens when families get stressed?Timberlawn studies (Walsh 1993)Optimal familiesStrong, warm relationships especially marital oneSee causes and effects as circulativeSee events as multi-causative.Actively involved in world exterior familyNegotiate effectivelyFeelings and thoughts expressed and acc eptedLittle blame or personal attackSee human nature as benignant do best in a situationFlexible congeal to new situationsADEQUATE FAMILIESSeek control rather than intimacy sensory(a)Rule boundEnmeshedPower battlesScapegoatingSevere eg sectsCentrifugal more comfortable with negative feelingsBlame and attackChildren expected to be commutative earlyMaterial wealth takes preference over relationshipsExtreme chaotic, intimidating, genuinely unstableHow can early childhood educators help?Recognise difficultiesemotionally supportingReferring onInformationHelping with children if in crisis
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Attitude Towards Women Fathers and Sons Essay
To analyze the attitudes towards the women question and the most useful starting signal point would be to look at the representation of the liberated woman, Yevdoxia Kukshina, which shag be contrasted with the representation of Bazarovs mother or Nikolai Kirsanovs wife, the women ideals of the previous(a) generation. Kukshina is clearly meant to the representative of the radicalism of the 1850s to1860s, the progressive, advanced or educated woman nigilistka or nihilist woman (Richard Stites). She has vowed to defend the rights of women to the last drop of my blood and is lordly of Sand an out of date woman. She has separated from her husband and plans to go abroad to study in Paris and Heildelberg. She thus, personifies the emergence of new objectives and tactical manoeuvre among the Russian emancipees of the early 1860s.However, it is also quite obvious that while very much has been written about Turgenevs attitude towards his nihilist hero, there is no doubt that the female nihilist Kukshina is an unflattering caricature and as Walter Smyrniw quotes Turgenev has advisedly portrayed Kukshina as a ludicrous and repulsive emancipee. Walter goes on to implore that in his portraiture of Kukshina, Turgenev lampooned only certain undesirable tendencies generated by Russian emancipees. The worst among them was a lack of genuine involvement, an inadequate commitment to the military campaign itself.Some merely assumed the roles of the emancipated women and hence their behaviour was both contrived and unnatural. Although many critics have argued along the same lines of Turgenevs portrayal of Kukshina as a device for irony the progressive louse which Turgenev straighten out out of Russian reality (Dostoevsky) and that he has assumed the same survey in respect to Russian men who merely assumed the incur of materialists and nihilists (eg. Sitnikov), it is hard to escape that in the description of her person and household we take some of the stereotyping of ra dical women found in most conservative writing.He did not hesitate in expressing value judgments when ridiculing the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of Russian women who merely played the role of emancipees. She is dirty and slovenly in her habits and person, her populate is scattered and dusty, her hair disheveled and her dress crumpled. Moreover, her conversation and behaviour is meant to set up us that her radicalism is shallow and unaffected. The narrator tells us that she greets her guests with a string of questions without time lag for answers. It is important to notice here the narrators generalization here, which would bet to impute lack of serious concern (feminine casualness) to all women as dowry of their feminine nature and not to Kukshina as an individual. The narrator draws repeated heed to Kukshinas unattractive physical appearance almost as if that were part her fault.Kukshina is unfortunate enough to show her gums above her top teeth when she laughs and her so nant playing revels her flat-cut fingernails. However, what is most significant in terms of the dominant paternal ideology of the mid-nineteenth century Russia is her declaration, Im free, I have no children. From a conservative perspective, this would count as near sacrilegious statement. though Bazarov himself is a serious character, its possible to read Sitnikov as a parody of the younger generation. At Madame Kukshins, the narrator tells us To Sitnikov the chance to be scathing and express contempt was the most agreeable of sensations (13.44).
The Giver Totalitarian Society
Issues facing par plug intos and the United States after World War II include the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement. Republicans attracted hidebounds and white Southerners from the democratic coalition with their immunity to new-made Deal and Great Society liberalism and the Republicans use of the Southern strategy. African Americans, who traditionally supported the Republican Party, began supporting Democrats pursuance the ascent of the Franklin Roosevelt administration, the stark naked Deal, and the Civil Rights movement.The Democratic Partys main base of support shifted to the Northeast, marking a dramatic reversal of history. Bill Clinton was elected to the presidency in 1992, government as a New Democrat. The Democratic Party lost mastery of Congress in the pick of 1994 to the Republican Party. Re-elected in 1996, Clinton was the first Democratic President since Franklin Roosevelt to be elected to dickens terms. Following twelve historic period of Republican rule , the Democratic Party regained majority control of both the folk and the Senate in the 2006 elections.Some of the partys key issues in the early 21st century in their last national platform have included the methods of how to combat terrorism, fatherland security, expanding access to health care, labor rights, environmentalism, and the preservation of liberal government programs. 10 In the 2010 elections, the Democratic Party lost control of the House, but kept a small majority in the Senate (reduced from the 111th Congress). It also lost its majority in state legislatures and state governorships.The Democratic Party traces its origins to the inspiration of Democratic-Republican Party, founded by doubting Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. That party also elysian the Whigs and modern Republicans. Organizationally, the modern Democratic Party truly arose in the 1830s, with the election of Andrew Jackson. Since the division of the Republican Party in the election of 1912, it has gradually positioned itself to the leave of the Republican Party on economic and social issues.Until the period following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964which was championed by a Democratic president but faced lower Democratic than Republican support in Congressthe Democratic Party was primarily a coalition of two parties divided by region. Southern Democrats were typically given high conservative ratings by the American Conservative Union while northern Democrats were typically given very liberal ratings. Southern Democrats were a core axis vertebra of the bipartisan conservative coalition which lasted through the Reagan-era.The economically activist philosophical system of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which has strongly influenced American liberalism, has shaped much of the partys economic agenda since 1932, and served to tie the two regional factions of the party together until the late 1960s. In fact, Roosevelts New Deal coalition usually controlled the national government until the 1970s. 11 Based on a series of polls conducted in 2010, Gallup found that 31% of Americans set as Democrats, 29% as Republicans, and 38% as Independents. 12 A quasi(prenominal) series of polls conducted in 2011 found the percentage of Democrats to be the aforesaid(prenominal) at 31%, while a two percentile-point rise in the number of Independents, to an all-time high of 40%, appeared to stem from an equal give in the number of those Americans identifying themselves as Republicans from the previous poll, to 27%. 13 A pew Research Center survey of registered voters released August 2010 stated that 47% set as Democrats or leaned towards the party the same poll found that 43% of registered voters identified as Republicans or leaned towards the Republican party. 14
Nuclear Energy Essay
There are many a(prenominal) advantages and disadvantages of using thermo atomic position. Nuclear power is tell to encumber power outages that happen in areas without atomic power. For an example, if we were using hydroelectricity and the dam suddenly malfunctions, then we wont spend a penny electricity until some one(a) fixes the dam, and that would be difficult if it happened in the pith of the night. However, on the opposite hand, atomic power is also considered toxic and it pollutes the military personnel race with harmful and deadly waste. Here are a few reasons why we should and should not call atomic power. peerless of the reasons why we should custom thermonuclear power is that it doesnt pollute like coal and other dodo fuels. Scientists start out said that using nuclear power is used to power electricity in most homes. They have also been saying that nuclear power tend to work better than using fossil fuels, fluid power, and hydroelectric power. Since sc ientists are saying it works better, than we ass use much nuclear power than using fossil fuels, gas power, and hydroelectric power. other reason why we should use nuclear power is that scientists have said that it is possible to generate a gamey amount of electrical goose egg in one single nuclear power form impertinent coal, gas, hydroelectric power sics since they need a few to power electricity. This is of import because it costs more to build a nuclear power plant than to build a coal, gas, or hydroelectric power plant. That way, we can hand over money by building one nuclear power plant instead of a few coal, gas, or hydro electric power plants. One more reason why we should use nuclear power is that scientists have been saying that the affect of globose warming because of nuclear has been relatively midget compared to coal, gas, and hydroelectric power. If we keep using nuclear power for electricity and other good uses, then there would be less global warming, un less if we start to use more and more fossil fuels, then global warming depart keep increasing in the future, so to prevent this, we can use nuclear energy.One of the reasons why we should not use nuclear power is that nuclear power is that nuclear energy releases radioactivity such as alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Alpha particles can cause come up injuries similar to relentless burns, beta particles can travel into the body and legal injury cells, and finally, gamma rays can deliver intense energy to the cells and cause severe damage. Radiationfrom nuclear energy can wipe out the human generation, since mutation usually occurs when a person is affected by radiation. In order to prevent this from happening, we shouldnt take chances and use nuclear energy. some other reason why we shouldnt use nuclear power is because it takes many years for it to decay. Unlike coal, gas, and hydroelectric power, once you use it, it is not done. after a point where it has no more nuclear po wer, there are still radioactive waves in it that provide still damage your cells. after(prenominal) the half-life of the radioactive element occurs, which could take a long time, alone half of it has decayed. Nuclear energy can help, however later on we would have to dispose the nuclear waste to decay in a remote location. If we need remote locations to dispose nuclear waste, then one day we would run out of those areas, and possibly half of the world will be not be accessible to humans due to nuclear waste occupying the areas.One more reason why we shouldnt use nuclear power is that one of the types of nuclear energy, nuclear fission germinates high amounts of nuclear waste. Scientists have been saying that if we use nuclear energy, then we should be disposed off at a safe place since they are extremely hazardous and can leak radiation if not stored properly. If the wastes someway get into the fresh piss and saltwater systems, then all the sea animals will get affected, and we wont be able to drink the water from the freshwater. Another type of nuclear energy, nuclear fusion doesnt produce any nuclear waste unlike nuclear fission, but it is rightfully hard to make, so since it is hard to make, it wont be helpful for everyday electricity. In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages against nuclear energy, but I think that as long as we keep the nuclear power plant is in a remote location where no one can go and get affected, we can use nuclear energy. When the nuclear waste is produced, then we can dispose it off at a safe place since its extremely hazardous and can leak radiation if not stored properly. If we are going to use nuclear energy, then we should handle it carefully even if it is for electricity because if it is misused, then heap who are affected by the radiation from the energy will have mutations or possibly even die.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Marketing Packaging and Labeling Essay
incase and punctuateingWhat youll learn . . . The principal functions of proceeds packaging The principal(prenominal) functions of labelspublicity The strong-arm container or wrapping for a product.Functions of software product Promoting and Selling the ProductFunctions of Packaging Defining Product Identity invokes prestige, convenience, or statusFunctions of Packaging Provides breeding UPC symbols, contents, guarantees, nutritional value, potential hazardsFunctions of Packaging Meeting Customer Needs respective(a) sizes, snack kits, etc.Functions of Packaging Ensuring Safe Use plastic instead of glass, tamperresistant packaging, blisterpacks, childproof containersTo read astir(predicate) the Tylenol murders in 1982, and the resulting invention of the tamperproof package, click on the Tylenol box above.Functions of Packaging Protecting the Product during shipping, storage, and display. Protects food from spoilage. Helps proscribe shopliftingContemporary Packaging Issu es Aseptic Packaging Incorporates a technology that keeps foods fresh without refrigeration for extended periodsContemporary Packaging Issues Environmental Packaging reusable, recyclable, less wasteful, and safer for the environmentContemporary Packaging Issues Cause Packaging to provoke non-product issues such as social and political causes Ex Body Shop, Ben & Jerrys Click on the ice cream carton to learn about cause packaging at Ben and JerrysLabeling A label is an study tag, wrapper, seal, or imprinted message attached to a productA labels main function is to inform about contents and give directionsBrand Label gives the brand name, etc.Descriptive Label Information about product use, care, other featuresGrade Label States the quality AA, A, BLabeling Laws Many package labels must meet local, state, and federal standards FDA Federal Food and Drug politics requires nutritional info, regulates health claims and defines descriptive terms such as light, free, low, and br ing down to make them consistent on all products FTC Federal Trade heraldic bearing monitors for deceptive advertising that is false or misleading, including guidelines for environmental claims like recycled or biodegradable.
Body Alterations
Cosmetic performance is the most public kind of plastic surgery nowadays. It consists on medical practices intended for enhancing angiotensin converting enzymes appearance, main(prenominal)taining it or embellishing it beyond an average level toward an esthetic ideal. Tattoos, piercings and whatsoever other ornaments be applications that also take the humans proboscis as their final object. In his essay The Body Jigsaw, Philippe Liotard states that augmentative surgery and form alterations stand at confrontation sides. In the following, Im going to take a position relatively to the in a higher place statement, before analyzing the situation in my home society, Lebanon.First of all, Liotard believes that body modifications argon focal points that one can use in order to reckon different from the common mass. For him, it is as expression of refusal to comply with social norms (Liotard, 264). So further, its true that having a foreign tattoo or a piercing in a society tha t doesnt originally control them commonly makes a person looks out of the box. Moreover, different combinations of body alterations evince the singularity of each individual and reflect a mixture of cultures. On the opposite side, cosmetic surgery can be applied for several(prenominal) reasons.One of them is looking for example as a certain idol, credit or any public figure. This aim is becoming very otiose between women who seek having this actress nose or that singers lips. From this way of thinking, we can say that cosmetic surgery promotes a kind of stereotype. For that, the uniqueness of each individual is abolished. For this way of interpretation, I stand on the alike shore as the author. Moving to my home society, views and opinions concerning both alternative body alterations and cosmetic surgery vary a lot. Theres no single common way of handling these applications.In fact, some alterations are worsened while others can be tolerated. For most Lebanese, a old(prenomi nal) thought is that piercing as well as others body ornaments or some techniques are not manly. For that, a man with a perforated ear is subject to negative connotations. On the other hand, tattoos for instance are accepted to a certain extend. Concerning cosmetic surgery, we encounter three main categories of opinions. There are some people who completely support these surgeries whereas others reject them completely while some ache intermediate views.As far as Im concerned, I dont beware people having a tattoo even though I wont do it. I personally believe that the decision of having a permanent tattoo is based on mood or momentary convictions that can collapse with time. On the contrary, Im not against having a temporary one. Also, about cosmetic surgeries, I support them when they aim to line up an inborn defect or an accidental one. A personal populate I had was when I broke my nose and the only solution was having a surgery to repair the bad appearance caused by the acci dent.On the opposite side, I disapprove plastic surgeries when they are applied just to have someone elses nose, lips To sum up, I agree that cosmetic surgery and alternative body alterations are philosophical antonyms even though they both affect the body. And, like in everything else, the best use of body alterations relies in moderation. As a Lebanese proverb says Every excess center less Works Cited Liotard, Philippe. The Body Jigsaw. Shades of Gray. 2nd edition. Ed. Zane Sinno et al. Essex Pearson, 2008. strike
Friday, February 22, 2019
Alice Walker’s The Color Purple: Analysis
Alice Walkers The Color Purple From reading the extract from The Color Purple, the reader is blow out of the water almost straight away from how the fibre/narrator (who in this carapace is the author Alice Walker) is treated and brought up by her father. The way in which the explanation is told is in the form of letters and a kind of diary address to beau ideal as she is told You better not tell anybody but god itll kill your mammy. The reader tail end almost sense that this was written and was never expected to be read or seen by anyone else, it feels rattling personal and private to the two-year-old girl just between her and god.The wording she uses is appropriate in the way that you can imagine this fourteen category old black girl who is not very well educated, lecture and writing this way. Putting her bill across in a conversational manner hammers theme in a way the gravity of the young girls enlist all the more as it talks to a capacious range of readers and is u nderstandable to all. Also the syntax with the short and punchy sentences again hits home and grabs the attention of the reader right away My mama dead. She die let loose and cussing. She scream at me. She cuss at me. Im big. I cant move stiff enough.The mankind is extremely emotive and graphic with the images it invokes upon the mind of the reader. You can feel the beatings and torment she suffers on an almost daily basis. With this being a true story it feels all the more real to the reader as you can sympathise for this poor girl and the ordeals she is confronted with, it would be hard for a lot of people to empathise with her as it is an extremely harsh and august time in her life and mayhap through this hold up she has maybe helped people who are in a similar situation, which demonstrates how strong this piece is in creating the character/s.Again you can really feel for her plight throughout the extract it could be argued that writing a personal story is probably easier than that of a work of fiction, as there is no imagery required because the characters and story are already created. This said with the graphic percentage point in which the author/character/narrator puts her story across it shows a strength and humbles the reader for the way the author has opened herself to the world. This again gives the exclusively piece a sense of realness, which would be harder to convey if it were a work of purely fiction.The reader feels and cares about the characters well-being right away from the commencement ceremony three or four paragraphs as she endures being raped by her father and the beatings which followed. Alice Walker has created here an extremely emotional piece by the way she has put her own story in to words and by using her own personal experiences of suffering. She has created a very strong character/narrator, so that anyone who reads this piece can visualise and feel as if we the readers are god and she is talking solely to us.
Power of One Word
A single enounce support be recitationd to belittle, hurt, and humiliate. mavin word of honor can get under ones skin so a weed hurt to a mortal that they burst into tears or whorl crop up into a damaging hole that they cant get prohibited of for an drawn-out amount of magazine. Throughout history, names abide been used to occur a population in its place. Insults have been hurled to make a single person consider what a nonher thinks of them. Words be used all the fourth dimension to cause damage to a person or an entire spates soul. One word can have a lot of power. In Whats in a Name? , Henry Louis supply spawn was a headspring respected negro in his community.Maybe the better room to put it is to a great extent respected. He worked two callings, and being more financially successful fantastic the familys status. The Gates family was the only negro allowed into a local drugstore to very sit muckle and eat. On one occasion, Mr. Gates and his adipose tis sueher went in together for ice cream and his father greeted a neat worldly concern. The white gay, Mr. Wilson, responded, but called his father George. George was a disparaging name for black men. Mr. Gates asked his dad to correct the Mr. Wilson, thinking it had been a mistake. When he realized that Mr.Wilson had by design insulted his father, it changed something in him forever. I believe Mr. Gates could not comprehend Mr. Wilson acknowledging and derogate his father at the same time. Why did he say anything spinal column at all? Why would he be rude on purpose? Mr. Gates, up until that moment, had believed that Mr. Wilson was a nice person. After Mr. Gates father explained that he called all black man George, his opinion shifted. The white man insulted every black man he k untested. This was the first time Mr. Gates could recognize that people were not always who they take upmed.He was confused about why his father did not correct Mr. Wilson. Surely his father must have been insulted. He must have understood that Mr. Wilson meant to insult him. I believe he became embarrassed for his father and wanted him to correct Mr. Wilson, to stand up for himself. His develop called it ripe one of those things (Gates 6), and he was upset that they accepted that. It was painful that they had so many of those moments. He wanted his father to change something, to correct the ruin. judge it was painful and shameful. He wrote that he could never number Mr.Wilson in the shopping centre again. One word, George, made a little boy see intelligibly a white man, his black father, their positions in society, and the injustice that society tolerated. It changed his inspect of the world and of his family forever. In A Lesson Before Dying, a black man, Jefferson, is sentenced to be electro attenuateed for a murder that he did not commit. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time with a couple of boys he had known his undivided feel, and they were infliction. Th ey robbed a liquor store that was owned by a white man, and during the robbery the white man was violent deathed.A black man at the scene of the crime never stood any chance of not being convicted. When the sentencing part of his trial came up, his lawyer tried to get him out of a death sentence. The lawyer claimed that he was the equivalent of a hog. I ask you, I implore, look c arefully- do you see a man sitting here? (7 pt. 3, ch. 1) What justice would there be to take this life? Justice gentlemen? Why, I would just as soon put a hog in electric chair as this. (8 pt. 4, ch. 1) Jefferson and his godm new(prenominal), Aunt Emma, are both deeply affected by the word hog.She calls on a family friend, Grant, to help Jefferson learn to be a man. She says, I dont want them to kill no hog and I want a man to go to that chair, on his own two feet. (13 pt. 2, ch. 2) She wants him to die with dignity. The first time they see him after the court date, Jefferson has taken being a hog to h eart. Hes so hurt that he snuffles and makes hog noises, saying that dignity is for youmans (83 pt. 8, ch. 11) and they should only be bringing certain foods that hogs eat, since he was a hog. Grant has no melodic theme how to t each(prenominal) dignity to a man, but over time they lower to communicate.They talk about ice cream, which Jefferson wants for his last meal, and Grant brings him a radio. This reminds Jefferson of his humanity, and he thinks maybe Grant is trying to do him some good. Grant had been try with his own demons since he came back to his hometown after college. He no long-lived believes in God and is bitter and beat slash by the way black people are treated. He separates himself from his community because he thinks that he no longer belongs. He thinks that his family and friends dont understand how white people keep them all in their place, and that they are weak because they just accept it.He never wanted to help Jefferson and thought he would never be com mensurate to make a difference. Breaking through to Jefferson makes him realize that as much(prenominal) as he hates the way life is in their small town, he does belong. He is a part of it and the people. He can finally understand what Jeffersons aunt wanted him to do, and explains to Jefferson that he can die a man, that Jefferson can go to the chair with so much dignity that he strengthens the whole community. They all owe something to each other, and like it or not, they should all be trying to help each other out.Jefferson realizes that since he loves his aunt he should learn to be a man so she can have peace when he dies. When he finally goes to the chair, he is a man. He dies with dignity and leaves his mark behind. White men know deep in their hearts that his punishment was unjust. He starts a slow change in certain people in that town. Jefferson left behind more than he had brought with him to the world. One word, hog changed two men forever. Jefferson found himself and bec ame something for the people to look up to. Grant realized that he was not better than everyone else, and began lacking(p) to make his world a better place.The word hog took Jefferson nap so low that he believed he should be eating quagmire off the floor and that they should just hurry up and slaughter him. When his time finally came, he was calm and understood that he could actually use this to do some good. He was a man. Females can be horrible to each other. They can be vicious and sneaky, and sometimes that is most explicit in sororities. Sororities have intense and sometimes demeaning tasks and initiations to become a member. The older girls will tell their pledges that they are losers, fat, or stupid.There is one word that seems to be thrown out more often than not, and it should be a word that women dont use against each other, bitch. The girls that pledge to sororities are looking at for somewhere to belong when they get to a new school and are away from home for the f irst time. In a lot of cases, rather of being welcomed and introduced to their new school in a friendly way, they are put through hazing and degrading situations. In Pledged, one of the initiations was putting the new girls in blind folds, stripping them rase and laying them face down on the floor.Boys from a fraternity were then free to move most the room with markers and mark on the girls. The boys would highlight the areas on their bodies that the new girls necessary to work on. (Robbins 259-260) Others sororities have branded their new girls with lit cigarettes or metallic element brands after encouraging the girls to drink heavily and then stripping them down without their consent. (Robbins 258-259) Any girls who objected to this treatment, however, would be called a bitch and kicked out. Women should not be treating each other this way.It is hard to understand that sororities, which should be lifting their members up, would want to subject their members to hithertoing wo rse treatment than what they already saying at home, in the outdoor(a) world. They put each other down and are constantly recounting them how to do their hair, how to dress, how much to weigh, and how to act. The whole time they are doing this, however, they are copulation the new girls that they are not good enough, and probably wont be adequate to(p) to meet those standards. They are told that all of this is to help improve themselves and its all for the greater good.If a girl decides to stand up for herself, she will have no choice but to leave the sorority for not being able to cut it. Girls that complained were called a bitch and had their rooms ransacked. (Robbins 359) The new girls are told that the sorority is tearing them down in order to build them back up. It destroys their trust in other girls and in a system they thought was going to protect and conjure up them. In Born Round, Frank Bruni always had a little trouble with his fish. He came from a big Italian famil y, where big family dinners and having a lot of food in the house was normal.He had a personal struggle with food. He knew he should not eat so much and dieted frequently because he was embarrassed of his weight. When he got into adulthood, he gained quite a bit of weight at one point. He realized that he was judged, sometimes just by his weight alone. He liked to eat however, and got a job as a food critic. Starting out as a food writer, he managed to keep his weight down to a manageable level. As time went on, however, his weight started to creep back up. When he saw an old family friend while he was heavier, she judged him and told him he was so fat. Bruni, 35)This word. fat sent him into a slight depression, where he put on even more weight. He dieted again, continuing in his circle of up and down weight. It took him a long time to accept who he was and find his goodish weight, and most of his psychological problems with his weight came from the word fat. A single word can be used to belittle, hurt, and humiliate. One word can cause so much hurt that it makes a person doubt who they are and their self worth. It can, however, make a person stronger. It can put events into consummation that change a community. One word can change people forever.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Heart of Darkness Active Reading Guide
Conrad1. * Fifteen days after protect leaving the outside station Marlow hobbles into the Central Station, which was being run by the diffuse devil, referring to the greed of the Europeans. on that point he constitutes out that his ship had been change posture when they tried to rent off before he got on that point. He excessively meets the soldieryager of the Central Station who is solitary(prenominal) employed because he neer gets sick, and the brick master who doesnt actu in ally make any bricks. He overhears a conversation between the manager and his uncle, who is leading the Eldorado Exploring Expedition that passes by means of the station.They atomic number 18 public lecture tumesce-nigh Mr. Kurtz. This all occurs two months before they discover Kurtzs station. * Marlow then supports off in his newly repaired sauceboat (Conrad 21). l miles before Marlow reaches the Inner Station where Kurtz is, he comes across a hovel on the side of the river. They approac h and see a sign on a pile of wood that says Wood for you. Hurry Up. Approach carefully. Then inside a hut, Marlow finds a word of honor entitled An query into some Points of Seamanship inside of which argon notes written in what Marlow says looked like postcode (38). Eight miles before Marlow and his crew reach Kurtz they get stuck in a heavily fog, and are un adequate to(p) to move for quite a kidnapping of time. Then once the fog lifts they are able to proceed, but find themselves stuck once once again nonpareil and a unmatched-half miles before range Kurtz. Here they are attacked by the natives. They blow the whistle on the boat and the natives are scared a manner (47). * Finally, Marlow reaches the Inner Station. The prototypic someone that he meets is the Russian/Harlequin, who venerates Kurtz. He then meets Kurtz who is taken on board the steam boat. Kurtz dies aboard the steamboat, and Marlow returns to Europe. In Brussells, Marlow goes to visit Kurtzs intended . She is distraught over Kurtzs death, so Marlow lies to her about the reality of what really happened, saying Kurtz was a good and well(p) man (75-79). 2. * While Marlow is in the Central Station, knave 23, he is needed to repair his ship which had sunk before he reached the Station. Marlow says I went to stool the next day, turning, so to speak, my dorsum on that station. In that substance turf outely could I keep my hold on the redeeming facts of life. Still, unitary mustiness look about sometimes and then I saw this station, these manpower strolling aimlessly about in the sunshine of the yard.In this passage, when Marlow states he is turning his back on the station he is referring to the lack of produce that goes on at the Central Station, and how his hard wrench repairing his steam boat looks in contrast. When he says that work allow ins him to keep his hold on the redeeming facts of life it lets the proofreader hunch that he values work, and thinks it encourag es people to become founder. * Still at the Central Station, Marlow makes other comment on the work ethic of the Europeans who are at the station saying that their pretending to work was as null as everything elseas the philanthropic pretence of the w mickle concern, as their talk, as their government, as their show of workThey intrigued and slandered and hated each other only on that accountbut as to effectually lifting a myopic fingeroh no (25). His sarcastic tone toward the end of the excerpt, shows that he faces their refusal to work as silly and ridiculous. The way he clear so slowly see through their pretence too shows how short effort they aim into everything in the congo, because they are driven by greed, and greed alone. When Marlow comes across the appropriate in the hut on the side of the river he exclaims that it was not a very enthralling have but at the first contemplate you could see on that point a singleness of intention, an honest concern for the cha stise way of going to work, which made these humble pages, thought out so many years ago, luminous with another than a professional demoralize (39). The fact that Marlow is so impressed by the book because it appreciates hard, honest work, shows what an anomalousness this outlook is blue in the Congo. Marlow appreciates the book so much because the book lines up with his same views on work. On page 18, when Marlow is talking to the straits Accountant, the Accountant mentions how he is able to keep such clean vestments saying Ive been teaching one of the native women about the station. It was difficult. She had a distaste for the work. This is more representative of the Europeans view of work than of Marlows. The Europeans believe that work is something for slaves and people who arent as privileged as they are. Overall, Marlow believes that work is highly beneficial to a person. When someone works, they are unploughed sane, and are kept honest.Not only are they more sensible, an d productive, it makes one a better person in the long run, unlike the ridiculous Europeans outstrip by greed and laziness. 3. * unrivaled reference to futility in the novel occurs after a fire starts in the Central Station. The people in the campg snipe are rushing to put it out, and as one of them ran past Marlow he notices there was a hole in the bottom of his pail (24). This shows how toothless much of what the Europeans were doing, as a pail with a hole is not able to transport nearly as much water as an intact bucket.This also shows how ignorant the Europeans are about matters in the Congo as the man holding the bucket is not aware of the hole in it, even though that detail is so vital to his plight. * When Marlow ineluctably to fix his ship, he only needs one material to fix it, which would be rivets. However, there are none to be set at the Central Station. Marlow says that at the Outer station, You could fill your pockets with rivets for the trouble of stooping down, b ut there wasnt one rivet to be found where it was wanted.This ex large shows yet again the ignorance of the Europeans. They have an ample come up of something that is quite unnecessary in one place, but are cunning to the needs of those in other places. Just like they have an ample amount of people digging for ivory in the Congo, but they make no attention to the needs of the natives. * Only 8 miles from the inner station, Marlow and his ship get trapped in the fog. Marlow has a conversation with his manager The manager muttered something about going on at once, I did not even take the trouble to answer him.I knew, and he knew, that it was impossibleI authorise you to take all the risks, he said, after a short silence. I scorn to take any, I said shortly which was just the answer he pass judgment (43). This conversation is an excellent exemplar of futility, because the conversation is merely for show. There was no actual causality for the conversation to take place, because t he conclusion had already been arrived at. This is homogeneous to when Marlow sees the men blowing up parts of the cliff to build a train track, even though the cliff was not in the way (16). 4.When Marlow first comes to the Inner Station he eviscerates it by saying, Through my provide I saw the slope of a hill interspersed with rare trees and short free from undergrowth. A long decaying building on the summit was half buried in the high grass the large holes in the make roof gaped black from afar the jungle and the woods made a background. There was no enclosure or fence of any configuration but there had been one apparently, for near the house half a dozen slim posts re chief(prenominal)ed in a row, roughly trimmed, and with their upper ends ornamented with round carved balls.The rails, or whatever there had been between, had disappeared. Of course the forest touch all that. The river-bank was clear, and on the water side I saw a neat man under a hat like a cart-wheel beck oning persistently with his whole arm. Examining the edge of the forest above and below, I was some certain I could see movements mankind forms gliding here and there. I steamed past prudently, then stopped the engines and let her drift down. The man on the shore began to shout, urging us to land. We have been attacked, screamed the manager. I knowI know. Its all right. yelled back the other, as beamish as you please. Come along. Its all right. I am glad. His view re mental capacityed me of something I had seensomething funny I had seen somewhere. As I maneuvered to get alongside, I was asking myself, What does this fellow look like? Suddenly I got it. He looked like a harlequin (53). And then later states, You remember I told you I had been strike at the distance by certain attempts at ornamentation, rather remarkable in the ruinous aspect of the place. Now I had suddenly a nearer view, and its first result was to make me feed my head back as if before a blow.Then I went gu ardedly from post to post with my glass, and I saw my mistakeI had expected to see a knob of wood there, you know. I returned deliberately to the fist I had seenand there it was, black, dried, sunken, with closed eyelidsa head that seemed to sleep at the top of that pole, and with the shrunken dry lips showing a narrow white line of teeth, was smiling too, smiling continuously at some deathless and jocose dream of that eternal slumber (58). This passage shows excellent impressionist style, because of the unreliability of the narrator.The scene is described on the button as it first appeared to Marlow. He first sees the heads on the poles, and thinks that they are knobs of wood so instead of saying, I saw something on the poles that I later found out were human heads, Conrad allows the reader to believe that they are indeed, only knobs of wood, for as long as Marlow believes that they are knobs of wood. It is also shown in the slightly erratic narration, which doesnt engage an ex act order, but instead jumps around wherever Marlows mind happens to be at that exact moment in time.Another clue, would be Conrads use of commas. Impressionist writers tend to use a wide build of commas, which some believe are also symbolic of the short light touch strokes of impressionistic painters. 5. Kurtz shows interest in two very different women in the novel. The first we are introduced to is his native lover. she is described as being maddened and superb, wild-eyed and magnificent there was something ominous and stately in her (62). This muliebrity is powerful and wearing the value of several elephant tusks upon her.She shows her emotions openly, but does not allow weakness to show through. Kurtzs intended on the other expire is described as having a mature capacity for fidelity, for belief for wo(e)This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow, seemed surrounded by an ashy rain cloud from which the dark eyes looked out at me (76). The intended is more meek, and just of suffering. She claims that she is the only one who understood Kurtz, and Marlow notes the need to protect her from the truth.With the native lover, one of the men onboard says that he would have shot her if she had intended to board the boat. One of the women inspires fear, objet dart the other inspires pity. But they are both very similar in their fierce loyalty to the man they love, Mr. Kurtz. 6. * The first motif that I noticed was that of the savages. They are often referred to by names which are not unremarkably used to describe a human, because they were not thought to be human the way the Europeans were thought of as human.The first modeling that I found was on page 6 when Marlow is describing what his occupation includes, Sandbanks, marshes, forests, savagesprecious little to eat fit for a civilized man, which implies that he believes that feed that the natives find acceptable, wouldnt be good enough for him, because he is better than the natives. The second ma nakin was on page sixteen when Marlow describes the faces of the chain clump that walks past him saying, They passed me within six inches, without a glance, with that complete, deathlike indifference of unhappy savages. This shows the way they group all of the savages into one conglomerate mass, saying there is no difference between one of them, and the next. The third deterrent subject was one page eighteen. Marlow walks through a group of death natives, and picks out one in particular. While I stood, abomination-struck, one of these creatures rose to his hands and knees and went on all-fours towards the river to drink. This sentence doesnt refer to the native as something resembling a human. The words creatures, hands and knees and all-fours are phrases that are only used to describe animals, which reflects on the European opinion of African natives.The fourth example was a comment made by the Chief Accountant when he has a sick native recuperating inside his office. When on e has got to make go under entries, one comes to hate those savageshate them to the death. This comment puts his work, and his accounting, over the well being of human beings. Meaning he values the lives of the natives less than he values his work. The exist example was on page 24 when Marlow dialog of viewing the man who was beaten, when a fire starts in the Central Station.He says, A nigger was being beaten nearby. They said he had caused the fire in some way be that as it may, he was screeching approximately horribly. I saw him, later, for several days, sitting in a second of shade looking very sick and trying to recover himself after he arose and went outand the wilderness without a sound took him into its bosom again. This shows the treatment of the savages. The fire obviously started for absolutely no reason, but quench they insist on blaming the fire on the native, rather than on one of their own. The second motif that I chose, was that of the jungle. The jungle is obv iously a main part of the boloney, because most of the land around the Congo River is jungle. The first character that I found was on page six of the novel Marlow says all that mysterious life of the wilderness that stirs in the forest, in the jungles, in the police van of wild men. The jungle is often referred to as wilderness, which is a good example of what it represents. The jungle is the wild aspects of the world, and the uncivilized parts of the background. he second example was on page 23. Marlow speaks of the difference between the station and the surrounding area, And outside, the unplumbed wilderness surrounding this cleared speck on the earth struck me as something great and invincible, like evil or truth, waiting patiently for the locomote away of this fantastic invasion. This quote is interesting, because Marlow speaks of the Europeans in the Congo as an invasion. Meaning, the forest is a separate entity, and is not just there for the Europeans to take as they p lease.The third example is on page 24, when Marlow is talking about the native that was beat for the fire he says the wilderness without a sound took him into its bosom again. This shows that the wilderness is only cruel to those that arent used to it, meaning the Europeans. it is a kind home to the natives just as Europe is a kind home to the Europeans. The fourth example was page 27 where Marlow says, Could we handle that dumb thing, or would it handle us? I felt how big, how confoundedly big, was that thing that couldnt talk and perhaps was indifferent(p) as well.Marlow usually describes the forest as being silent, which is usually associated with a sense of foreboding. This shows the unknown threats and dangers that can be found in the jungle. The last example was on page 33 where Marlow describes the silence again saying The high stillness confronted these two figures with its ominous patience, waiting for the passing away of a fantastic invasion. * The third motif that I chose was the river. This is the most integral part of the horizontal surface, because it is the primary mode of transportation.On page five he asks, What greatness had not floated on the ebb of that river into the mystery of an unkown earth The river is a connection between civilization and wilderness, ancient times, and modern. The second example is on page 14 where he says, Nature herself had tried to ward off intruders in and out of rivers, streams of death in life, whose banks were rotting into mud, whose waters, pachydermatous into slime, invaded the contorted mangroves, that seemed to writhe at us in the extremity of an infertile despair. Here he is describing the rivers as the embodiment of the suffering the Europeans are causing.The third example is spoken by the unknown narrator who describes sense of hearing to Marlow, I listened on the watch for the sentence, for the word, that would give me the clue to the faint unease inspired by this narrative that seemed to shape i tself without human lips in the heavy night-air of the river. Here he uses personification, by saying that the river itself was actually the one intercourse Marlows story. The fourth example is on page 34 when he says Going up that river was like travelling back to the earliest beginnings of the world, when plant rioted on the earth, and the big trees were kings. This again shows the connecting power of the river from ancient times to modern. The last example was on page 35 where Marlow says, The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. He views the river as a one way path into the heart of darkness. 7. * The first example of assumptions made in the book would be Marlows interaction with his Aunt. Because his Aunt has only perceive what the companies are telling the world, she believes that the sole purpose of expeditions to Africa is to civilize the brutes who live there.This is, in her min d, a worth while undertaking, so she praises Marlow for his decision. However, if she had actually understood that the reason that the Europeans were in the Congo was to destroy the country in their search for ivory, and pervert the natives, then her reaction, may not have been as kind. * The second example would be the first interactions between Marlow and the brick maker in the Central Station. Because the brick maker believes that Marlow has connections with officials who are high up in the company, the brick maker is extremely straightlaced to Marlow and immediately attempts to befriend him.He only does this, because he assumed that being friends with Marlow would allow him to get a boost in his standing with the company. * The third example would be the interaction between Marlow and Kurtzs intended. Marlow who has quite a misogynistic view of women says, Its queer how out of touch with truth women are. They live in a world of their own, and there had never been anything like it, and never can be. It is too beautiful altogether, and if they were to set it up it would go to pieces before the first sunset. Because he has this preconceived notion of women being so fragile, he acts cautiously when he meets Kurtzs intended, and eventually, this preconceived notion causes him to lie to her about exactly the kind of man that Kurtz really is. 8. The horror that Mr. Kurtz refers to would partially be his function in the European presence in the Congo. Unlike the other managers of stations, Kurtz is not completely detatched from the natives. He gets to know them on a personal level, until they idolize him as a God, and I believe that eventually he began to feel remorse for the way that he was using them.He could never have a real, true relationship with them, because he still had to report to a company, so the main basis of their relationship would always be extortion. Kurtz eventually realise how wrong this was, but at that point he was so regard that there wa s no way he could reverse the damage he had done there. I feel that he was also, in his last dying breath, attempting to continue the legacy that he had managed to build for himself. Throughout the entire book it seems as if people idolize him for his speeches, but are never able to give real substance for why he is this fantastically, amazing person they describe him to be.This would be a great example. No one get out ever be able to explain exactly what The horror The horror refers to, but the words are just haunting enough that Marlow allow for never be able to go a day without contemplating what they could perchance mean. In this way, Kurtz is ensuring that his legacy will live on. 9. I believe that the grade structure is very important, because it gives credibility, and a sense of meaning to the story. A story being relayed by the person who experienced it may or may not be interesting or of extreme importance.But, because Conrad chose to have another narrator relaying Mar lows story, it shows that Marlow was not the only one who thought that the story was worth hearing. It lends that the narrator heard the story from Marlow, and decided it was worth while enough that other people besides those that heard it from Marlow, should hear the story. It also allows Conrad to skip over the least important parts of the story, and only depart from those details that are crucial to the story line. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph, and Robert Kimbrough. Heart of shadower An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Essays in Criticism. New York Norton, 1971. Print.
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