Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Henry The 8th essays
Henry The 8th essays Henry VIII was born on June 28th 1491, in Greenwich Palace, London. He was the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Henry VIII came to the throne on the June 24th 1509, after his fathers death. Almost 18 at the time, Henry was interested in sport, dancing and feasting, than he was in governing his country. He left most of his ruling to his advisor, Cardinal Thomas Wosley. Henrys reign was often overshadowed by his six marriages, as he hoped to have a male heir. His greatest achievements include the development of the British navy, and the reformation of Roman Catholic churches, which resulted the creation of Protestant churches. When Henry was eleven, his life was transformed by the death of his elder brother, Arthur. He was now heir to throne. In 1509 Henrys father died, and he succeeded him. Shortly after he came to the throne Henry married his brothers widow, Catherine of Aragon, the daughter of the king of Spain. They had a daughter named Mary, who was born in 1516, and for most of the 24 years their marriage it was quite a happy one. But Henry desperately wanted a son to follow him on the throne believing that a male heir would be a better ruler, and to his mind this was a failure to his reign. He blamed this on Catherine. Although she was pregnant many times only, Princess Mary survived. Henry had affairs with ladies of his court until he fell in love with Anne Boleyn, a woman of strong will and political instincts. Henry decided to divorce Catherine in order to marry Anne. From 1527 Henry was looking for a way out of his marriage, arguing from accordance of the bible that the union with his brothers widow was invalid. Henry sent his Cardinal Wosley to Rome to present the English case before the pope; Cardinal Wosley was unable to secure the Popes permission for the divorce. Henry did not tolerate failure and dismissed the Cardinal, for failing. However, the divorce was politi...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Chinas Boxer Rebellion of 1900
China's Boxer Rebellion of 1900 The Boxer Rebellion, a bloody uprising in China at the turn of the 20th century against foreigners, is a relatively obscure historical event with far-reaching consequences that nevertheless is often remembered because of its unusual name. The Boxers Who exactly were the Boxers? They were members of a secret society made up mostly of peasants in northern China known as I-ho-chuan (Righteous and Harmonious Fists) and were called the Boxers by the Western press; members of the secret society practiced boxing and calisthenic rituals that they thought would make them impervious to bullets and attacks, and this led to their unusual but memorable name. Background At the end of the 19th century, Western countries and Japan had major control over economic policies in China and had significant territorial and commercial control in northern China. The peasants in this area were suffering economically, and they blamed this on the foreigners who were present in their country. It was this anger that gave rise to the violence that would go down in history as the Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion Beginning in the late 1890s, the Boxers began attacking Christian missionaries, Chinese Christians and foreigners in northern China. These attacks eventually spread to the capital, Beijing, in June 1900, when the Boxers destroyed railroad stations and churches and laid siege to the area where foreign diplomats lived. It is estimated that that death toll included several hundred foreigners and several thousand Chinese Christians. The Qing Dynastys Empress Dowager Tzu’u Hzi backed the Boxers, and the day after the Boxers began the siege on foreign diplomats, she declared war on all foreign countries that had diplomatic ties with China. Meanwhile, a multinational foreign force was gearing up in northern China. In August 1900, after nearly two months of the siege, thousands of allied American, British, Russian, Japanese, Italian, German, French and Austro-Hungarian troops moved out of northern China to take Beijing and put down the rebellion, which they accomplished. The Boxer Rebellion formally ended in September 1901 with the signing of the Boxer Protocol, which mandated the punishment of those involved in the rebellion and required China to pay reparations of $330 million to the countries affected. Fall of the Qing Dynasty The Boxer Rebellion weakened the Qing dynasty, which was the last imperial dynasty of China and ruled the country from 1644 to 1912. It was this dynasty that established the modern territory of China.  The diminished state of the Qing dynasty after the Boxer Rebellion opened the door to the Republican Revolution of 1911 that overthrew the emperor and made China a republic. The Republic of China, including mainland China and Taiwan, existed from 1912 to 1949. It fell to the Chinese Communists in 1949, with mainland China officially becoming the Peoples Republic of China and Taiwan the headquarters of the Republic of China. But no peace treaty has ever been signed, and significant tensions remain.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Goal of education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Goal of education - Research Paper Example Education begins when a person is born. The initial education in a person’s life is acquired from the mother or the guardian. After which, a person advances to other formal education stages. The steps include preschool, primary, secondary, and higher level education. There are those in the society who benefit from special education such as the mentally handicapped (Arnove, 2007). Apart from the formal methods of education mentioned above, there are other forms that people use to acquire knowledge. Among them are alternative forms, indigenous forms, informal learning and self-directed learning (Schlosser & Simonson, 2010). There are many stakeholders’ to education. There are important roles assigned to each stakeholder in order to attain the goals of education. Among the stakeholders are students, parents or guardians, teachers, government, community, and businesses among others (Whitehead, 1967). The theory stipulates the purposes for the educational persuasion. The theory discusses in depth particular issues such as goals of schools, educational psychology, learning modalities, philosophy and curriculum (Collins,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Don't have a topic choice one Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Don't have a topic choice one - Research Paper Example Despite the fact that various developments are considered to have taken place, some groups remained assertive that further action is needed to resolve gender issues. In some cases, media has been arguably blamed for frustrating the gender mainstreaming process as much as it is expected to play a pivotal role. This paper proposes a study to assess the role of media in reconciling gender issues, such as in terms of women representation and content inclusivity. Problem Statement Various developments have taken course regarding the gender issues. Some of the developments have pertained to media. Whereas some articles have pointed out that there are still problems within the media in supporting gender mainstreaming, there are those that insist media has made various developments in fostering gender mainstreaming. The question is then how these could be effectively ascertained. Importance of the Research Policymakers are concerned about the state of gender mainstreaming and the need to rea lize equality for all persons. This study would go a long way in informing the policy makers about the situation. This will in turn help formulate appropriate measures to address the problem. If the results would present the media positively, it would form a basis for the society to celebrate the achievements. Hypothesis H1: Media has responded positively to the requirements of gender mainstreaming. H2: Media has not aligned gender representation. H3: Media has not assured women about the inclusivity of content. Variables There are two variables that would be given uttermost considerations. These are media representation of media and inclusivity of media content regarding gender, as far as gender sensitivity is concerned. Aims of the Study 1. To find out the state of treatment of gender subject in the media. 2. To find out the state of women representation in the media. 3. To ascertain the state of content inclusivity with regard to media. 4. To suggest the need to take measures. Ba ckground and Literature review The subject of gender issues is traced to a period that was characterized by gender movement in Western society. This was in response to various discrimination policies. In America, women did not vote, access education, or even engage in politics. Rampant incidences of sexual violence directed at women were not uncommon. Worse still, women were always the main victims of domestic violence. Women were looked down upon and discriminated in all areas of life. However, the evolution of the world was accompanied by various changes pertaining to women rights owing to emergence of women rights movement so that there were various developments between 1900 and 1970 (Stratigaki, 2005). With several years down the line, it is expected that a lot of developments have taken place. As far as media and gender issues are concerned, literary works on gender issues are well documented. The United Nation Platform for Action (1996) singled out the portrayal of women in me dia as that marred with stereotypes, further singling out that women possessed limited access to the creation of the products of the media, as well as in making decisions pertaining to media and culture. Woodward (2003) defines gender mainstreaming as the process where the public policy gender element is recognized and incorporated into gender dimensions in policy provision. Gender mainstreaming is characterized by a set of three essential elements, which include equal
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Genetically Modified Foods and the Labeling Debate Essay Example for Free
Genetically Modified Foods and the Labeling Debate Essay There has been an ongoing debate between consumers and the government regarding the use of Genetically Modified Foods in the market today. â€Å"Since the introduction of the Flavr Savr tomato, biotechnology companies continue to introduce genetically engineered agricultural products to consumers†(Whittaker). The â€Å"Flavr Savor†tomato was the first food available to consumers that was produced using technology involving the recombinant DNA techniques in 1993. This was the dawn of a new generation in food production, and thus a whole new world of genetically engineered foods. At the present time the government, more specifically, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not regulated labeling products that contain genetically engineered foods. Currently the policy for labeling all consumer products must meet the standards of the safety and nutritional assessment. The evaluations of genetically engineered foods by legal authority require that bioengineered foods must meet the same standards set forth for all imported and exported foods marked for human and animal consumption and according to the US FDA genetically modified (GM) foods meet these guidelines. Since the early 1990’s scientists has been researching new and improved techniques to bring plumper, juicer and insecticide resistant agricultural products to all consumers. But research such as this is nothing new to the scientific community and for over 50 years techniques have been used to create strains of wheat, rice, pears and many more crop species to create high yielding products that are capable of growing anywhere and anytime of the year. Currently, only one tenth of the world actually uses GM plants with the countries of Canada, US, Brazil and Argentina growing 90 percent of the GM crops (Freedman). With the majority of these crops being produced in North America, the US is seeing GM foods everywhere and this is drawing attention to different agencies and groups pushing to educate the public by labeling any products that contain genetically engineered foods. The US Food and Drug Administration has been dealing with the battle against labeling products with genetically modified organisms (GMO) for years, but regardless of the consistent scrutiny the FDA sticks firmly to the current regulations that govern the labeling of all foods for human and animal consumption. Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FDC) Act, which drives the FDA’s safety regulations for food and food ingredients, â€Å"unless a significant safety risk exists or there is a sincere need for consumers to distinguish between food products before purchase, the FDA hesitates to mandate labeling of food products†(Leggio). Joseph A. Levitt, Director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition with the US Food and Drug Administration states in his â€Å"Should the FDA Adopt a Stricter Policy on Genetically Engineered Foods? †testimony that â€Å"bioengineered foods and food ingredients must adhere to the same standards of safety under the FDC act that apply to their conventionally bred counterparts†(Levitt, 81). With the strict laws set forth, the FDA remains consistent with its decision to maintain their current labeling program as it adheres to all safety standards of any food for consumption. The US FDA also assures the public that they have done significant research for decades on biotechnology foods to ensure it is safe for consumers, and additional testing is conducted years prior to the release of a GM product to the shelves. Scientists address all of the potential concerns to include the potential to adding new allergy causing proteins, removing vital nutrients and the possibility of introducing toxins, in these studies to ensure that unexpected results do not occur, â€Å"this testing provides a way to detect such changes at the development stage†(Levitt, 79) and it will also delay any release of products until they are able to find a solution. The FDA takes such precautions and studying all aspects of this technology to be confident that the risks are non-existent. Although the government has provided the public with research, publications, testimonies and scientific proof that the current law governing the labeling of food and animal products is appropriate and doesn’t require change, there is still much concern of the risks that the technology poses to humans. Barbara Boxer, a US Senator from California, introduced the Genetically Engineered Food Right-To-Know Act in 2001 in her testimony in â€Å"Should the FDA Adopt a Stricter Policy on Genetically Engineered Foods? †which states â€Å"all foods containing or produced with genetically engineered material bear a neutral label†(Boxer, 76). This act was created based on the lack of data and concerns that GM products are introducing risks of exposure to many health issues to include food allergens, lack of nutrition and toxic ailments. These claims are legitimate, however, the US FDA does take precautions as stated by Joseph A. Levitt, specifically with these risks while conducting trials during the developing stages of the product. In 2011 there was a petition filed against the FDA which warranted the need for labeling of GM products. According to this petition â€Å"consumers are misled when food labels do not differentiate foods with known health properties from novel foods with unknown health consequences†(Burgaard). An example of such health concerns come from a study performed in Scotland at the Rowett Institute in 1998. A plant biochemist named Arpad Pusztai conducted an experiment on rats who consumed a genetically engineered potato and his experiment concluded that the rats that were fed the modified potato â€Å"suffered growth and immune system-related changes†(Freedman). Ironically, the genetically modified potato used in this study â€Å"was not intended for human consumption it was, in fact, designed to be toxic for research purposes,†(Freedman) discrediting the research altogether. Additionally, â€Å"American Medical Association, the National Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization, and more than twenty-five Nobel Prize-winning scientists have concluded that there is no scientific evidence that GM food carries any risk to human health and that genetically engineered crops are safe,†(Burgaard) which ties into the overall nutrition and safety assessment that genetically engineered foods meet the same standards that imported and exported foods at held too. In the end, the US Food and Drug Administration stands by the current law governing the policy on labeling genetically modified foods. They maintain their standing on mandated labeling even under the microscope of doubters, but most importantly the â€Å"FDAs process for evaluating bioengineered foods is one in which the public can have confidence that food biotechnology products must meet the laws safety standards†(Maryanski). The FDA cares deeply of the health and wellbeing of the consumers in America and strive to meet the needs of the public in both food and nutrition education. Until the studies show significant risks or changes in the GM products warranting the need to readdress the process, the government and the US Food and Drug Administration believe their approach is relevant and remain firm to the present policies. Annotated Bibliography Whittaker, Michael A. Reevaluating The Food And Drug Administrations Stand On Labeling Genetically Engineered Foods. San Diego Law Review 35. 4 (1998): 1215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This journal review argues that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must reconsider its position on the labeling of genetically engineered food as well as consumer perceptions of the threat posed by genetically engineered foods. Freedman, David H. Are Engineered Foods Evil?. Scientific American 309. 3 (2013): 80-85. Environment Complete. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This article discusses the debate over the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops. It covers comments from agricultural and environmental economist at the University of California, Berkeley, David Zilberman, on the benefits of GM foods compared to their health risks, a ban on GM crops by the European Union (EU), and the difference between selective plant breeding and mutagenic techniques. Leggio, Kelly A. Limitations On The Consumers Right To Know: Settling The Debate Over Labeling Of Genetically Modified Foods In The United States. San Diego Law Review 38. 3 (2001): 893. Academic Search Premier. Web. 3 Jan. 2014. This journal review supports the decision of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reject mandatory labeling of genetically modified foods as a solution to accommodate consumer fears. There is a description of an approach designed to evaluate whether mandatory initiatives are appropriate to protect consumers right to know and the importance for states to follow guidelines established by the FDA. Should The FDA Adopt A Stricter Policy On Genetically Engineered Foods? PRO/CON. Congressional Digest 80. 3 (2001): Pages 76-95. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This is a two part article that discusses genetically engineered foods and the potential need to adopt a more strict policy. The articles provided information from the perspective of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Joseph A. Levitt, the director of the Center of Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and US Senator, Barbara Boxer who speaks on behalf of the Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act and additional interviews that were conducted to give the audience an overall understanding of both sides of the debate. Burgaard, Sudhir. The Labeling Of Genetically Modified Foods Debate. Natural Resources Environment 28. 1 (2013): 55-57. Environment Complete. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This article focuses on the debate on labeling of genetically modified (GM) food which reflects food safety concerns in the U. S. It highlights various legal issues related to use of GM foods which includes increased risk of antibiotic resistant bacteria, increased use of pesticides, and environmental effects. It briefs the audience about the Center for Food Safety filing a legal petition with the U. S. Food and Drug Administration regarding labeling of genetically engineered food. Maryanski, . James H. , Ph D. News Events. Genetically Engineered Foods. US Food and Drug Administration, 19 Oct. 1999. Web. 2 Jan. 2014. This testimony is from the perspective of the Biotechnology Coordinator with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that discusses the current regulations governing genetically engineered foods and the process that dictates what and how determines what a DNA derived food is labeled. It includes a variety of examples that justifies the current labeling regulations and why GM Foods may not require additional information for the consumers.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Prison Of Puberty :: essays research papers
We the teenagers, of the people, of this world submit this list of injustices and wrong doings that mother nature has laidupon us. She has put us in a horrible prison, the prison of puberty, where our sentence is all of adolescence and our punishmentis to endure the hardship which causes many of the institutionalized personal to crack under the pressure.We protest against acne, a cruel and horrifying thing that occurs to someselected teenagers. This punishment is cruel and undeserving. At times anindividual with this dilemma may experience young children questioning chickenpox are on the ill-fated person. Also the individual has quite a hard time finding a companion to flirt with without utterly humiliating themselves. As the opposite sexdoes not find it desirable to be chatting to a person who has hideous spots on his/her face and this will cause an excuse to be made up with the most famous "excuse me I have to go and wash my hair" One who has this problem may go through many circumstances that make the individual lose their dignity, self esteem, and pride, but the male prisoners tend to not have these in the first place and will move on to the next subject with no apparent concernOther unjust routines of the Puberty Prison are the unscheduled growth spurts. These are put on the prisoners randomly and causes the prisoner to feel akward and gangly. This brisk development directs one on a path of buying new pants or in the case of the uneducated cell mate wearing the same pants with your ankles showing.On some occasions this individual might feel taller than peers, but soon the persons colleagues have reached the same peak, and a sense of contentment is contained within the subject.In the male subjects the warden places a horrible, undeserved, and unjustified punishment. Where the inmate has uncontrollable leaps into sounds which only the prison dogs can hear. The voice break has caused many inmates grief and has resulted in many of them taking a vow of silence in fear that they will crack glass.Another undesirable punishment is the gaining of hair in every place of the body for most of the males and heaven forbid even some of the female subjects who have been deprived the right of a shaver. This gain of hair can becomeuncomfortable and disgusting and is an annoyance to many of the subjects. The horrible warden Mother earth also may bring on appetites that are unmanageably colossal.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mathematics & Natural Sciences with absolute certainty (TOK) Essay
Write an essay outlining your personal response to this topic. â€Å"Mathematicians have the concept of rigorous proof, which leads to knowing something with complete certainty. Consider the extent to which complete certainty might be achievable in mathematics and the natural sciences.†To what extent can man use mathematics and the natural sciences to embrace the concept of achieving absolute certainty? It is not possible for humans to achieve absolute certainty in knowledge using mathematics and the natural sciences. This is because mathematics is a creation of man to organize and communicate highly complex concepts and theories to others through a kind of language which goes beyond the spoken or written word. Many people believe the written word to be more true that the spoken word, the same can be applied to mathematics. Just because something can be written in the numbered format by a credible source, it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true. The same can be said about the level of certainty to be achieved using proofs from natural sciences, with additional external variables. This can be explained through evolution. The natural sciences were discovered, observed and recorded to be studied further by man. The small level of certainty which can be obtained is from the inability to change nature without physically disturbing it and that human observations themselves are a big problem in the natural sciences. Conversely, absolute certainty can only be found in a few instances in nature. Math and the Natural Sciences are the two areas of knowledge which have the highest impact on our ability to achieve absolute certainty in knowing. The world revolves around proving knowledge with scientific claims, however any such claims must originate from the mouths of highly regarded mathematicians and scientists. Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, validity of knowledge is in the mouth of a credible source. If I were to go up to a friend and state that there is a mathematical sequence that can be found in every naturally produced object on earth, the friend would hinder. If I were to approach this friend with long papers written by credible mathematicians, the friend would be swayed to believe its likelihood. The same goes for the natural sciences. If I were to approach a friend and state that every living organism on earth is made up of billions upon billions of cells, assuming this friend wasn’t the brightest of individuals, the friend would not be completely persuaded by the fact. If I were to approach the friend again with evidence of this fact being true, backed by credible science, there would be a significantly higher chance that the friend would be convinced this fact remains true. Logical reasoning is commonly connected with math, which is supported by certainty in that if A=B and B=C that A=C. When individuals try to back decisions with reasoning, they are using this deconstructive problem solving, assuming that it will lead them to the correct results. Unconsciously we are convinced that because both natural science and mathematics are backed by numbers, the results are going to be more accurate than more subjective reasoning. This goes without saying that most people believe that because both involve mathematical terminology, natural sciences and mathematics are interlinked. First of all, the concept of math is man-made, created to provide evidence for the natural sciences. Natural sciences was a term created by man, but originating from human’s very own existence. Natural science wasn’t created by man, it has always existed on earth. In other words, what we study from the natural sciences is purely based off of thousands of years worth of observations of what’s happening around us. Using technology, humans have began to glance deeper into the natural sciences, but it’s all still just observations of either how things function and came to be, or simply to predict where we were, where we are, and where we will be. People seem to believe that because mathematics and natural sciences have some similarities and use similar problem solving techniques, that they are connected. Observations are a big problem in science. If a biologist and a person with no experience with this work were trying to differentiate an Indian Rhinoceros and a Javan Rhinoceros, the biologist would rely on the perception of the rhino’s appearance and behavior. The biologist would have the training experience to determine these characteristics, but the person who doesn’t could easily mistake the two or not even know the differences. Although the biologist may have the title and credibility of making the conclusion to differentiate an Indian Rhinoceros and a Javan Rhinoceros, and the person with no experience and no training doesn’t, it doesn’t mean that the credibility of the biologist provides absolute certainty. Slight imprecisions are not very significant and probably wouldn’t alter the results. However, even the most insignificant factors would prevent the biologist from being completely certain. An example involving mathematics which follows similar principals to the biologist and the rhinoceros’ would have the same outcome. This saying that science and mathematics can only be highly meticulous; it cannot achieve absolute certainty. Although ethics and emotion have very little effect on the natural sciences and mathematics, religion often does. The ethical viewpoint from which any mathematician or scientist have, will show no effect on his or her work. This is because a mathematician won’t refuse to answer an equation or attempt to explain a theory because of his ethical considerations. A scientist wouldn’t sit down and conduct an experiment using the wrong variables in a moment of extreme emotion. The only counter argument that stands is religion. Conversely, a hypothesis may be formed with religious consideration, straying far from achieving an absolutely certain result. Scientist William A. Dembski is a highly regarded advocate of the Intelligent Design theory. Although he thoroughly investigated the argument and determined that it’s more likely God exists, probably because of his religious background as a practicing Catholic. The religious bias shaped to his beliefs. Unlike the chance of interfering religious ideology, scientists and mathematics generally steer from involving ethics or religion into their work. The only emotional factor would be commitment. Mathematicians and scientists who work in the fields of the natural sciences dedicate their lives to their work. They strive to find the absolute certain answer but the best they can ever do is find a highly precise one. This is why the advancement of knowledge often takes a long time. The mathematician or scientist will generally have endless approaches to solving or proving their work. The golden ratio is a formula used in both mathematics and the arts which can be applied the geometric relationships. The ratio is one of the only absolute certainties founded by mathematics. The golden ratio wasn’t created, it was discovered in nature. Simply, the golden ratio is when a geometric shape (golden rectangle, regular pentagon) has the ability to be split infinite times, and remain in the same ratio. It is only found in nature and only proved by theories. The term golden relates it to perfection, or in relative terms, absolute certainty. It is not possible for humans to achieve absolute certainty in knowledge using mathematics and the natural sciences. Mathematics is a creation of man to organize and communicate highly complex concepts and theories to others through a kind of language which goes beyond the spoken or written word. Most people do believe the written word to be more true that the spoken word, as seen, this can be shown just as thoroughly in mathematics and the natural sciences. Just because something can be written in the numbered format by a credible source, it doesn’t mean it’s true. The level of certainty to be achieved with absolute certainty of knowledge concludes with the same results, using multitudes of empirical evidences from observations. Therefore, although the natural sciences and mathematics may achieve highly precise and accurate results, with very few exceptions in nature, absolute certainty cannot be attained.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Skagen Design Report
Skagen Designs Group 4 Q1. What screening criteria should Skagen Designs use in connection with its choice of new markets for its watch collection? When Skagen Design chooses the new markets and use the connection with them, at first, they have to care about price. Competitive price is not only one of the essential of their brand, but also the easiest method to enter new markets, especially in developing markets. In watch markets, you can see which markets is developed or developing from the charts, after looking at those, you will see which strategies Skagen Design needs to enter into each market with.Somehow, competitive price is qualified advantage in any markets, of course, it is a lot more affecting to developing markets. So, Skagen Design need to keep the low price and proper quality, of course, with their characteristic design either. Next, aside from price, they also have to separate market into developed & developing markets in watch markets as I mentioned already. By dividi ng them into two groups, they can decide which strategy they will adapt to, for instance, if the market is developed market, they have to upgrade their quality.It will charge more cost, so the price should be higher, but the customer in market doesn’t need normal one, so it is necessary. Meanwhile, if the market is still developing market, the best way to attract them is to keep low price with proper quality. Also, Skagen Design has simple design, it could make easy to adapt slight change from local needs. Third, Skagen Design should check whether the market has any forces with international trade such as high tariff.It is basic step before getting into the market, since Skagen Design has not bigger brand power comparing to competitors such as Gap, Calvin Klein, it has to be emphasized with quality and low price. With high tariff, it ain’t possible to keep lower price than local brand, and not even other international brands which has good online markets. So, if the ma rket has high tariff or regulation from its government, Skagen Design should operate their business in small step such as online supply.It is uncontrollable part for every watch companies to change the market situation, so it has to keep checked, since it is also possible to get first mover’s advantage if Skagen Design gets into new market with low regulation at first/ Last, no matter how the market is developed & developing or has different situation, Skagen Design has to keep their watch proper quality and design. It is essential for every business to keep them. Consumers never buy crappy product again, also the product from those brand images.Even though Skagen Design could offer lower price than others, their brand shouldn’t be same to local anonymous brand images, so they have to keep their brand characteristic, either. Quality & characteristic design are always the most important parts in every markets, and competitive advantages for business success. Q2. Make a specific choice of new markets for Skagen Designs. Table 1 and Table 2 can be used to support your argument. The characteristics of Skagen Designs are colours, shapes, and simplicity, etc.However, one of the most competitive characteristics is competitive price. Their high turnover has been kept for decades, and it’s originally started from competitive price, of course, its design either. To choose which markets Skagen Designs get into, they have to consider not only how much retail volume they have, but also how much they are afford to pay for watch. At least, they have advantage with their price comparing to competitors like Calvin Klein, Coach, Guess, Gucci, Swatch, Alfex and Jacob Jensen, etc, somehow it could make their product more successful in retail market.About retail volume, we can confirm it from Table 1 and Table 2. From Table 1, retail volume in thousands of units can be estimated, for sure, USA market has been still the biggest market since the research started from 2003. Also, we can see interesting raise in India market, their retail volume has been growing rapidly the most. Now, India market has the second biggest retail volume in thousands of unit, and it is even same to USA almost. Looking at number of watches per 1,000 people, Mexico has showed highest ratio, and India’s ratio is still the lowest.From Table 1, we can see Mexico, Netherland, South Africa, Sweden have the greatest number of watches, and opposite to it, India, China, Japan, Belgium have the lowest number of watches. Aside from Table 1, Table 2 shows value of different watches, which also shows the biggest and the lowest markets as well. From Table 2, USA, Japan, UK are the biggest one, in opposite to Belgium, Hungary which are the lowest one. One thing we can discover here is counties with biggest retail market have not so big volume value of watch market.Also $ per capita shows similar aspect, from Table 2, we can see the separation between developed market and growing market. Already developed markets have the biggest $ per capita when it comes to market, meanwhile growing markets have the lowest one. It is same with value of watch markets. So, from those charts, we can suggest potential markets for Skagen Design would be Mexico, India or China. Skagen can offer them average quality with lower price than competitor’s, also their design is so simple and never follow established trends that it can be adapted in growing market easily.It can be adapted to local needs slightly with marketing. Meanwhile, when Skagen Design enters into developed market, it doesn’t need to adapt local needs or adaptation. What only they have to care is more high quality with higher price, so it can’t be good market as much as first one. Q3. Which market entry mode should Skagen Design use on the chosen markets? First of all, you have to know what is a market entry mode : this is an institutional arrangement which is necessary for the entr y of a company’s products into a new foreign market.There are three different types of entry mode: – Export – Intermediate – And hierarchical mode There are few factors that influence the market entry mode choice. These factors are externs or interns, or specifics. The market entry mode is different between countries with low, medium and high standard of living. Firm’s products are manufactured in the domestic market or a third country and then transferred either directly or indirectly to the host market. Three types of exporting: 1. Indirect mode 2. Direct mode 3. Cooperative mode |Lowest US $ per capita |Medium US $ per capita |High US $ per capita | |Indirect export mode |Is the process of exporting through | | | | |domestically based export | | | | |intermediaries, but the exporter has no| | | | |control over its products and over the | | | | |marketing decisions. | | | | | | | | |Fast market access. | | | | | | | | | |No infrastructures are b uilt. | | | | |Low sale promotion. | | | |No market researches are carried out. | | | |Direct export mode | |If the international markets are considered as a | | | | |crucial part of the company’s success the direct | | | | |exporting is the best market entry tool. | | | |Using own sales subsidiary and direct marketing | | | | |(including mail order and telemarketing). | | | | |Low infrastructures are built. | | | | |Market researches are carried out upon secondary | | | | |data. | | | | | | | | |The business can use: | | | | |Distributors | | | | |Market country agents | | |Intermediate mode | |The intermediate mode is used to transfer the | | | | |knowledge and the skills to the local | | | | |producer/seller. | | | | | | | | | |There is no full ownership by the parent firm | | | | |involved, but ownership and control can be shared | | | | |between the firm and the local partner. | | | | | | | | |Four types of intermediate entry modes: | | | | |Licensing | | | | |Franchis ing | | | | |Contract manufacturing | | | | |Joint ventures | | |Hierarchical mode | | |Solid infrastructure. | | | | |Sponsoring artists, athletes and | | | | |events. | | | |Market research, qualitative & | | | | |quantitative. | | | | |Aggressive marketing campaign. | | | | |Sales promotion. | | | | |Market coverage: Intensive | Each kind of countries has one appropriate mode concerning its export, and each of these modes are listed in the table above. Q4.What should be the guidelines for including other products lines in the Skagen Designs collection? Including other products mean want to have an expansion? : you can add a new product to expand your business; just be sure to take these four steps before moving forward:? Determine the specific needs of your customers in each high-priority market segment.? Identify the product/service bundles (groups of features) that would be most attractive to them. Create a unique value proposition for the proposed line extensions and decide ho w you'll position the product in the market segments you've identified. ? Determine the sales and distribution channels that will achieve the highest penetration of your target market segments.In all, you'll need to use market research and speak customers and marketing partners or distributors and evaluate competitive products. This will help you to validate the present level of demand for the product and the best channels for sales distribution, plus shape the product messaging. If you do your homework and proceed with an analytical eye, your line extension will increase sales, help you reach new markets and build market share overall for your growing business Having a guideline represents choosing the right segmenting, targeting and positioning. Segmentation [pic] Targeting [pic] Positioning The positioning is the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market.So, the guidelines for introducing other products lines are mainly resp ecting the positioning. For Skagen, we can describe the brand as simple, elegant and affordable. It is indeed very elegant with technical precision and a true original design. It means that a new line of products has to be part of this universe; it means something chic, no food or others. Furthermore, it has to need a technical precision because they could have an advantage using their expertise with that kind of materials. It has to be simple. Indeed, for example, the super slim line is totally purified, simple. The watches are non-numerical, the logo is very discreet. So the new line has to be made in a very simple style.Last but not least, it has to be an affordable product. It means that they have to find way to produce it almost low cost. And so it has to be a product which can be made almost low cost. Ideas for the future of new products – High quality & design pen as Rolex for example – Clothes as Calvin Klein for example Q5. Which criteria should Skagen Designs use for its selection of future sponsor partners? First of all, it is interesting to give a little definition of sponsorship to understand the interest for companies to make some partnership. After that it must easier to define some criteria in the selection of future sponsor partner. Sponsoring:Supporting an event, activity or organization by providing money or other resources that is of value to the sponsored event. This is usually in return for advertising space at the event or as part of the publicity for the event. [1] For Skagen Designs it can be really interesting to set up a sponsoring policy. Sponsoring is one of the best ways of communication for two reasons. Firstly, it is a good tool to highlight and precise the positioning of Skagen Designs thanks to an event or a celebrity really famous and know by everyone. Secondly, this kind of partnership makes advertisements more visible. For example in the past, Skagen Designs had a partnership with the famous TV series Ally McB eal.This sponsoring corresponded to the Skagen Designs targeting (active population, 25-45 years old with a fashion sensitivity) and to the positioning also (classy, elegant and affordable). Moreover, people who loved ally McBeal and who recognize themselves in the series must be more sensitive to the brand Skagen Designs. It was a really good promotion. Indeed, when the sponsorship is well selected, it allows identifying with a particular target market or lifestyle and so attracting customers, easier. The first reason is increasing of awareness of brand name and then, reinforcing perceptions of key brand image associations. For example, every time people watched Ally McBeal, they thought Skagen Designs.The sponsoring makes the brand alive and present everyday in the life of customers. As any decisions, nevertheless, sponsor partnership can be risky. That’s why we speak about selection. One of the difficulties of sponsorship it is hard to measure and predict success and outco me. Another risk depends on the sponsored person’ image which can change because of an event or a situation. This can affect the brand credibility and associate the brand with this bad event or behavior and change perception of brand values. That is why it is important to establish a list of criteria in order to make a good selection amount the different sponsor partnerships available.Firstly the partnership has to be in adequacy with Skagen Designs values and strategy: †¢ The sponsorship has to be in line with the business and communication objectives. †¢ It has to be a strategic fit between the events target markets and Skagen Design? s. †¢ The sponsorship must match the targeted market and be able to reach it. Finally the sponsor partnership has to be in line with the positioning and targeting in order to touch the customer and attract him: †¢ The sponsorship must generate sufficient awareness, possess the desired image and create the desired effects. à ¢â‚¬ ¢ The consumers have to see attributions for the sponsor’s engagementTo conclude, Skagen Desings has to focus on its values and keep in mind its strategic direction for the brand. Then it must be easier to choose a partner by following the criteria. Finally by following up and evaluating the sponsorship Skagen Designs will be able to decide if it’s better to continue or stop the sponsorship. Q6. Skagen Designs is considering online sales of his watches. What problems and possibilities do you see for the company in this area? On this basis what are your conclusions? Nowadays, every brand is most of the time at least a brand â€Å"click and mortar†, if it is not a â€Å"pureplayer†. Nevertheless, the online trade cannot be adapted to every type of brand. Indeed, the brand universe has to be able to be put on the internet.Furthermore, when competitors start to sell on the internet, if you do not want to lose market share, you have no choice: you have to fight their advantages and so start considering selling online. First, we have to remember what an online sale is. An online sale is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without intermediary services. So, we can think that a luxury brand such as Skagen, which anyway looks luxury, will lose its ability to advice consumers, one of his strengths. Furthermore, those watches are pretty technical products and so require some expertise. However, there must be some advantages. It is important to say that Skagen has already a website and is already selling on this website, so every watch can be purchased on the internet.Indeed, for example, you can choose a watch, click on it to have a bigger view of it, and then you can â€Å"add it to the bag†. You can then see your â€Å"bag†on which you see the price of your watch and of the shipping. The last step is to do the check out by giving your perso nal address, and of course, paying. As a consequence, we can think that Skagen took its decision: they decided to sell by the internet also. Now, what means â€Å"problems and possibilities†. A problem is an obstacle. A possibility is more an opportunity. It means in this case how the website can be done, what possibilities they have. But also, it means what opportunities it will bring.So, we can think that the expression â€Å"problems and possibilities†refers to the â€Å"Threats and Opportunities†in the SWOT analysis. First, it is an opportunity because customers are not the same nowadays. The new customer is always in a hurry, always wants to change his style, optimizes a lot his time in the transport by using his cellphone. So, of course, if the competitors start to sell on the internet, Skagen customers, which are young and active people, will lose their faithfulness toward Skagen finding better answers to their needs. Second, as it was said, the typical Skagen customer is the typical person who spends a lot of time buying on the internet and who is very comfortable with new technologies.It means that it will not be a problem for him to buy at the online store, and even, it will bring new customers: this main target, the one of Skagen, is sometimes so much active that it does not have time to buy and sometimes, he is totally willing to buy in another country but cannot because there is no online store. As a consequence, it means that more than an advantage, creating an online store was necessary for Skagen’s customers. Plus, every brand does not have exactly the same target. We can guess that because, for example, Alfex is still not selling on the internet, you can just click on â€Å"where to buy†on its website. Third, but it is a detail, it quite easy to establish some advantages for faithful customers on the internet. For example, reductions, special sales. And it is easily accessible. These advantages can also be combined with partners.Indeed, Skagen, choosing to start selling on the internet can start having good partners for complementary items such as clothes for example. However, we can observe that most of this brand does not make any promotion for other brands. We can think that it is because the world of watches is an â€Å"elegant†world; it means that websites are really modern and purified. Fourth, we can think that it could be cheaper to sell on the internet because you do not have to pay a so huge rent and you do not have to pay the sells staff. However, of course, there are some disadvantages. First, it is a quite precise and technical product: some exigent customer can feel lost, even if it is well described they might need still more details.Details that are so numerous that it cannot be put on a website for example if you have some risks to break a bit your diamonds on the watch if you go on the shower with it. Second, Skagen will always have to watch the markets evol ution and to be able to answer very quickly to demands. It means a lot of stocks and money. This is an aspect of starting selling online: selling online is a job in itself, you have a lot of technics to acquire such as how to ship your products for example. And, because it is a lot of money, you have to calculate if it is really worth it to sell on the internet and if it is, how you will do it without huge amounts of moneys. Beside, details which is important for Skagen which is a brand whose positioning is selling very pretty products at affordable prices.Third, Skagen, as clothes, is a fashion brand, it means that people requires style from it. And, as they do with clothes, they might want to try it to see how it feels and how it fits their clothes. And, indeed, it is the main problem with online stores. But, anyway, it is less grave for watches than for clothes. However, we can notice that on their website we only see their watches alone, which means that it hard to imagine how i t looks on a wrist. Some competitors such as Jacob Jensen or Guess still have this trouble, they should all of them do as Alfex, show it on the wrist of a model also. As a result, it was almost mandatory for them to go on the internet.Indeed, they have the perfect target, it can be cheaper and they are an affordable brand because they can produce low cost, their competitors start to sell on the internet and this type of products which are objects and not clothes or food, can be quite easily sold on the internet. The disadvantages are really negligible comparing to the advantages. We can anyway to go more far think that they could do it in another way such as proposing pictures of people wearing it and even proposing some clothes style to fit with it. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] http://www. tutor2u. net/business/marketing/promotion_sponsorship. asp â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Report 2013/02/19 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SODERTORNS HOGSKOLA
Friday, November 8, 2019
Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Domestic Violence Essays
Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Domestic Violence Essays Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Domestic Violence Essay Effects of Drug and Alcohol Abuse on Domestic Violence Essay Introduction Domestic force is besides known as spousal maltreatment, domestic maltreatment, confidant spouse force ( IPV ) or child maltreatment. It is hence defined as opprobrious behaviours by either one or both spouses in a relationship. Such intimate relationships include: household, dating, matrimony, cohabitation or friends. Domestic force take many signifiers such as physical aggression or maltreatment ( seize with teething, kicking, throwing objects to a spouse, striking, keeping, slapping, jostling ) , or menaces, stalking, bullying, ruling or commanding, sexual maltreatment, emotional maltreatment, economic want and inactive maltreatment which is besides known as covert maltreatment such as disregard. These maltreatments if invariably repeated can take to self injury, mental unwellness and an effort to perpetrate self-destruction. Drug maltreatment is besides known as substance maltreatment ; it is referred to as a maladaptive behaviour of the usage of drugs and alcoholic substance that is dependent. Some of the drugs which can be abused include: bhang, cocaine, intoxicant, Quaalude, benzodiazepines, opioids and pep pills among others. Using these drugs on a regular basis can take to lasting dependence, societal, physical and psychological injury which can be irreversible if non treated at the early phases. Harmonizing to the research conducted, drug and intoxicant maltreatment have a direct correlativity between these emerging domestic force issues. The research findings indicated that, domestic force is caused by high rates of drug and intoxicant maltreatment used by these violent and chesty people. Batterers abuse drugs and intoxicant which in bend addition the chance of domestic force. Drug maltreatment and domestic force interact and they are correlated therefore both of them should be addressed at the same time. A few instances of domestic force can offer equal guiding and guidance or wellness services plans for drug and intoxicant maltreaters. Spousal maltreatment Spousal maltreatment is a broad issue including sexual maltreatment, psychological maltreatment or emotional maltreatment, verbal maltreatment, fiscal maltreatment, economic maltreatment and physical maltreatment. The research shows that the culprits of spousal maltreatment can either be the female or male as can be the victims. However, most of the informations collected after carry oning research shows that, abused victims are largely female and battered work forces instances are rare. Drug maltreatment was rated as the major cause of this job brought approximately by the maltreatment of drugs. A spouse who is abused can go feeble, die and lack societal power of interaction hence remaining an stray life from his or her friends. Gender of attacker In most instances, adult females fall victims of slaying by an confidant spouse either in a matrimony, cohabitating, dating or in a friendly relationship. A research conducted in United States of America ( USA ) shows that ; out of 1,642 instances reported, three one-fourth ( 1,218 ) are female and merely 424 are male who are killed by their confidant spouse. This is regardless of which spouse ( male or female ) started the force. Harmonizing to the analysis done by Dr. Martin, F. from California State University in the section of Psychology, it indicated that adult females are more physically aggressive than their male opposite numbers in the relationship. However, research carried out by Kimmel Michael found out that, work forces are the chief cause of domestic struggles and force ; because adult females overestimate the usage of force as work forces underestimate it. On the other manus, the National Institute of Justice on its surveies found out that, work forces are abused by adu lt females every bit or even more than they abuse adult females. In both surveies, it does non give facts on who started or initiated the force or struggle. Straus and Gelles found out that, domestic force ensuing from drug maltreatment is normally common with both spouses brawling and reacting every bit. Womans have been known to utilize arms while contending ( domestic force ) whether by throwing frying pans, home bases, cups or mugs. It has besides been proven that, adult females can seek aid from other people if they are determined to kill their confidant partner ; nevertheless, such incidences are non counted as domestic force but slaying. There are three common types of domestic twosome force associated with drug maltreatment and these are: common twosome force ( CCV ) , violent terrorist act ( IT ) and common violent control ( MVC ) . The common twosome force arises when either of the spouses or both try to command the behaviour of his or her partner floging out at the other spouse with ill will. Intimate terrorist act is more common type of force and it is non common hence will affect serious hurts and contusions. It may include psychological and emotional maltreatments if one spouse is dominant and he or she is under the influence of drugs. Barrett, Meisner and Stewart, Sharper. What constitutes prescription drug abuse: jobs and booby traps of current conceptualisation? Pittburgh: Pittburgh Publishing Press, 1999 ( 3 ) 260-28 Barrett and Steward ( 1999 ) in their book have mentioned the drugs and intoxicant maltreatment and how it causes domestic force. Both of these writers explain the steps to be taken in order to battle domestic force. This is really of import when analysing the causes of drug dependence and the negative effects to 1s spouse and other household members. The writers excessively have given statistics on the research conducted in America in the last 20 old ages. The research findings as explained by the writers show that drug maltreatment and domestic force is on the rise. With the grounds of research findings, it makes this book effectual and dependable to its audience because of the facts articulated. This book is indispensable because it explains the causes and effects of the maltreatment of drugs on the household members particularly between two spouses ( hubby and married woman ) . The findings as expressed by the writers target the full community ( household members, relations, neighbours and friends ) because drug maltreatment and domestic force take topographic point in the community where people live. The information in this book is effectual because it explains the negative effects Ferraro, Kathleen. Domestic Violence. Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 5, Issue 45, September/October 2008, Pages: 34-46 The diary by Ferraro ( 2008 ) explains how domestic force has been promoted by drug and intoxicant maltreatment by some members in the household. The article by Ferraro, 2008 have provided proved research grounds that work forces abuse drugs and intoxicant at a high rate than adult females. The writer has besides made it clear that, emphasis and hard economic and fiscal state of affairs are the major grounds for most people to mistreat drugs. However, in this article, the writer has failed to explicate other negative effects of drug abuse apart from domestic force. The writer excessively has targeted ( audience ) the young persons, parents and community at big by guaranting that the diary is low-cost to the bulk of these audiences. This makes the diary to be dependable and effectual with good researched information. The diary has given types of domestic force and the definition of drug maltreatment and domestic force. The writer has used simple, clear but easy to understand footings so as to do the information on drug maltreatment and domestic force to be comprehended easy by all users. Follingstad, Daniel. The Role of Emotional Abuse in Physically Abusive Relationships. Journal of Family Violence, vol. 4, Issue 5, January/February 1998, Pages: 107-120 This diary of household force by Follingstad ( 1998 ) is another indispensable and utile article in my research ; on effects of drug maltreatment and alcohol addiction on domestic force. The writer of this diary has vividly brought out how drug maltreatment can impact relationship in the household. He has besides elaborated that adult females and kids suffer most in the household from emotional and physical maltreatment than work forces. However, he has indicated that, some work forces excessively are victims of domestic force but non at a high rate as adult females experience. This diary will be effectual and dependable when analysing the effects of drug and intoxicant maltreatment because, it gives a general apprehension on the causes and effects particularly to those in an confidant relationship and other household members. The writer has grounds on the drug and domestic force collected from the research he conducted in many states such as Germany, United States of America, France , Canada, Nigeria, Singapore and Iraq. This article will assist me give an luxuriant decision because of the facts contained in it. This article is of import because it targets all people in the society including young persons, work forces, adult females, kids, married and people in any signifier of relation who may fall victims of domestic force. Jaffe, Hellony. Drug dependence and maltreatment. Journal of Drugs and substance maltreatment, vol. 4. Issue 12, November/December 2002, Pages 50-69 This is an article by Jaffe ( 2002 ) about drug dependence and maltreatment ; it has given facts on drug and substance maltreatment. The writer has connected thoughts and gave luxuriant information that concerns the society on the negative effects of the drugs and intoxicant. The diary besides exemplifies into the wellness concerns of the people and largely on the domestic force caused by those who misuse the drugs such as cocaine and bhang. Jaffe s research findings have been used to educate people particularly the young persons who are in school to avoid utilizing illegal drugs. From an analysis of this diary, one is able to recognize and appreciate how it has helped many people change their lives and attitude towards drugs. It is clear that, the writer of this article is systematic and direct to the point in showing his positions and thoughts. This is really good because the diary has addressed chief issues on drug maltreatment and domestic force and how to cover with this job. Th is diary holding systematic information ensures that its audience gets dependable information hence guaranting effectivity during execution of recommendations the writer suggested. The diary could hold dwelled more on negative effects of drugs on their wellness alternatively of concentrating merely on domestic force because it could hold assisted drug nuts to alter their attitude towards drugs. These journal findings are effectual and dependable because of the groundss from the research conducted by the writer of this diary. Jolivet, Christie. Prevention of anti-social and violent behaviour. Journal of violent behaviour, vol. 2, Issue 7, March/April 2005, Pages 56-76 In this diary, Jolivet has in-depth information on bar of anti-social and violent behaviours which are caused by the drug addicts in the community. The writer has given grounds of the domestic force in assorted states. She collected this grounds, from interviews she conducted and the questionnaires she distributed to people in different states. Her research findings are hence dependable in composing the proposal on the effects of drugs and intoxicant maltreatment on the household members on domestic force. This diary by Jolivet has wide and deep illustration of the current or recent domestic force from different states. This makes her journal effectual since the information contained marks those who are married because most maltreatments occur in the household. The writer has explained how bad company ( friends ) , media ( wireless, Television and magazines ) and deficiency of set social moral values and norms have contributed to an influence on people to indulge in drugs. The writer has explained ways of controling or battling illegal drugs from making many people. She has emphasized on guiding and reding plans to be introduced in all small towns, churches and schools as a manner of assisting people who are already drug nut and those who have been physically or emotionally abused in the yesteryear. Steering and reding married twosomes on domestic force will assist cut down such incidences by 87 % . Therefore, her findings are effectual and dependable since she has suggested the most possible and practical solutions to this job together with the research findings. Nutt, King. Development of a rational graduated table to measure the injury of drugs of possible abuse. Journal of Domestic force, vol.6, Issue 8, April/May 2003, Pages 80-103 This is a diary by an writer called Nutt. In his article, the writer has criticized the governments particularly the authorities ; he expressed his concerns that the authoritiess has failed to use the appropriate Torahs to collar and prosecute the providers of drugs. He farther blamed the people who have been victims of domestic force for neglecting to describe such incidences to the governments for action to be taken. In the article, there is demand for non governmental organisation, authorities, schools and spiritual establishments to educate people on the effects of drugs. The writer of this diary further stresses the point that, stringent regulations and ordinances ( Torahs ) must be legislated so as to reduces and deter people from mistreating drugs ; hence cut downing domestic force and maltreatments being experienced. Because the writer has articulated on facts, this makes the diary to be dependable and effectual in covering with this threat of drug abuse doing domestic force. This is because it targets all people in the society therefore effectual because it aims at work outing the job utilizing facts. Lert, Susan. America s Drug Problem. Making a Monster Newspaper, 4TH April, 2009. National Institute on Drug Abuse. The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction. Scholarstic Classroom Magazines Partnership, 27th September, 2002 Lert ( 2002 ) in the newspaper scholarstic schoolroom magazine, he gives a clear prevue on America s drug maltreatment job and how it affects the economic place of a state. The writer of this article in the newspaper has suggested early marks of a individual who have been abused and a possible redress. The writer ( Lert ) further mentioned that, though the married woman may mistreat the hubby or frailty versa, the kids will be affected negatively either straight or indirectly. The writer farther acknowledges that, social ethical motives and norms have deteriorated hence people lack steering rules on what is good or bad, right or incorrect. This newspaper is dependable and effectual in research because of the in-depth information on the issue of drug and intoxicant maltreatment. Infact, the writer have found out that drug maltreatment is extremely correlated with domestic force doing it dependable because it will be used to supply solutions and a decision on all facts related to this subject. This magazine is hence of import when composing a proposal particularly on the effects of drugs and how it contributes to the domestic force. The writer of this article in the magazine targets all people in the society ( immature, old, married and singles ) because drug and intoxicant maltreatment affects all people either straight or indirectly. This article will hence be utile in seeking to place the major challenges confronting most households which are under the influence of drugs. The function of emotional maltreatment in physically opprobrious relationships. Retrieved on 29 September, 2010 from A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // A ; gt ; In this web site on the function of emotional maltreatment in physically opprobrious relationships, it clearly explains how spouses in an confidant relationship can physically mistreat one another. This is because of the drugs and intoxicant influence. The website information is utile to me when analysing the major effects and grounds as to why spouses in a relationship can physically mistreat one another. The web site is dependable because it give the facts from the research conducted hence information is efficaciously pass oning or conveying the message needed to work out the job. In this instance, the information can make many people irrespective of the state since about all states have a web connexion hence people can log in and entree the information in their computing machines. However, the web site has no recent information on domestic force, even though the available information is valid and dependable when doing a decision. The web site besides gives an luxuriant account on the major challenges those in authority face as they try to command drug maltreatment which has led to increased domestic force. Depression, Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence. Retrieved on 29 September, 2010from A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // A ; gt ; The web site above references how maltreatment of drugs causes depression, emphasis and domestic force. This web site is really of import because it gives an luxuriant dimension on drug maltreatment and how drug nuts have caused more harm to their households, friends and the community at big. The developers of this web site who contributed to this information are experienced on issues related to drugs and intoxicant and its impact. In the web site, the root cause of the job is foremost identified before the possible solutions are drafted. The information contained in the web is critical because it has touched on all countries including the most sensitive information on who are the drug traders. The information contained in this web site is dependable and effectual because it gives the facts based on the informations collected from the drug nut people in all states of the universe. Though this web information is luxuriant, it has failed to lucubrate on the most affected states with more people who are abused. The mark audiences in this web are people who can entree the cyberspace services and specifically those who have fallen victims of domestic force. Others who are targeted are the drug addicts so that they can be rehabilitated in order to populate a normal life out of drugs. Domestic Violence and Substance maltreatment. Retrieved on 29 September 2010 from A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // A ; gt ; The web site about domestic force and substance maltreatment is indispensable in covering with people who use drugs and intoxicant ensuing to domestic force. This web site is in favour of adult females and kids because research carried out shows that, they are largely affected by domestic force. The web is besides luxuriant because it gives statistics of the states taking in drug and substance maltreatment. These states are those in Africa and Asia. The chief ground for this is the high poorness degree hence people become hopeless and hence find ways of avoiding duties therefore indulging in drugs. Those who carried out this research for this web site are knowing because they are able to give elaborate information supported by facts which can be relied upon. This web site will be utile to me in the treatment of the effects of drug maltreatment and how it contributes to domestic force. Though other writers of different books, diaries and magazines have argued that, adult females are affected most when domestic force erupts ; this web site has the most recent statistics demoing that work forces who are being battered or abused are on the addition. The web site besides has the most recent and the current information doing it to be more dependable because it was carried out by professional research workers. Having recent statistics makes it effectual in presenting the intended message in a clearer mode in that it can be understood because of its lucidity and clearcutness. Causes of drug and intoxicant maltreatment on domestic force There are many causes associated with drugs abuse that make people to indulge in drugs. As it is said that, bad company ruins good moral ; many people have confessed that their friends introduced them to take drugs. With the influence of drugs, people become aggressive and violent particularly to their confidant spouse, kids, friends and their fellow or miss friend. Research has shown that, some people can make up ones mind to utilize drugs because of emphasis, difficult economic times, and depression or lose of a spouse or a parent who was a exclusive staff of life victor. Effectss of drug maltreatment and intoxicant on domestic force Drug maltreatment has negative impacts to the people and society. There are no positive effects though some people believe that, some of the drugs are medicative in nature and can bring around some unwellnesss. Peoples who are drug nuts have been known to do force particularly to their spouses. This is evidenced between a married woman and a hubby where one of the spouses can be battered or abused by the other. This has been proven to increase degrees of emphasis and depression in the household. Due to misconstruing, struggles and battles between the married woman and hubby, will impact the kids either straight or indirectly. The kids will non acquire the attending, attention and love or fondness they need. Due to the influence of drugs, a spouse in an confidant relationship may be killed, bruised or injured. In most states, due to changeless maltreatment ( sexual or physical maltreatment ) some married twosomes have divorced, some broke up their friendly relationship or wooing before acquiring married. Under such fortunes, kids schooling will non execute as expected and others may drop out because the parents are no longer responsible to pay school fees and to supply school uniforms. If kids are non taken attention of, they will free hope and in the long tally indulge in drugs therefore doing more jobs to the society, household and their organic structures. Because the kids lack basic demands, they will make anything bad to acquire some money to purchase nutrient including stealing. Insecurity will increase larceny and robbery with force and colza instances will lift due to miss of ethical motives due to drugs influence. It is hence clear that drugs and intoxicant affects people s wellness and causes disunity and tenseness in households. Possible solutions Many people particularly the medical experts have suggested some possible solutions to this job. For those who are already addicted with drugs, rehabilitation centres or establishments should be established. Such rehabilitation centres will help those who are chronic because proper medical attending will be provided by qualified doctors. Parents have a greater duty to take attention of their kids by transfusing subject and good ethical motives in them. Responsible parents will train their kids with an purpose of rectifying them when they do anything incorrect. This will guarantee that kids will non tie in with some people or friends with bad wonts such as smoke, taking intoxicant or other drugs such as cocaine and bhang. In every society or community, there are ethical motives, norms and regulations which must be adhered to by all people. These ethical motives and norms forbid immoral actions such as drug maltreatment and domestic force. Religious establishment must get down guiding and guidance plans so as to steer and advocate people with psychological jobs associated with drugs and domestic force. Steering and reding plans should be supported by the authorities by guaranting that every small town has atleast two qualified guiding and guidance experts. The authorities should ordain rigorous Torahs to penalize those involved in drug trafficking in the state. Those got prosecuting in domestic force Acts of the Apostless such as banging, sexual torment, seize with teething and crushing must confront the jurisprudence and be a lesson to them and discourage others from making the same. The wellness section should besides play a major function in educating people in small towns and all learning establishments on the effects of drugs and intoxicant on their wellness.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Examples of Syntactic Ambiguity
Definition and Examples of Syntactic Ambiguity In English grammar, syntactic ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings within a single sentence or sequence of words. Also called structural ambiguity or grammatical ambiguity. Compare with lexical ambiguity (the presence of two or more possible meanings within a single word). The intended meaning of a syntactically ambiguous sentence can often (but not always) be determined by context. Examples and Observations The professor said on Monday he would give an exam.The chicken is ready to eat.The burglar threatened the student with the knife.Visiting relatives can be boring.This morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I dont know.(Groucho MarxA lady with a clipboard stopped me in the street the other day. She said, Can you spare a few minutes for cancer research? I said, All right, but were not going to get much done.(English comedian Jimmy CarrPlanes can go around the world, iPhones can do a zillion things, but humans have not invented a machine that can debone a cow or a chicken as efficiently as a human being, says Alan Alanis, a JPMorgan Chase (JPM) analyst.(Bryan Gruley and Lucia Kassai, Brazilian Meatpacker JBS Wrangles the U.S. Beef Industry. Bloomberg Businessweek, September 19, 2013) Types of Ambiguity We can crudely classify the sorts of ambiguity found in sentences as follows: 1. Pure syntactic ambiguity:old men and womenFrench silk underwear2. Quasi-syntactic ambiguity:The astronaut entered the atmosphere again.a red pencil3. Lexico-syntactic ambiguity:We saw her duck.I saw the door open.4. Pure lexical ambiguity:He reached the bank.What is his position? The statement pure syntactic ambiguity is meant ambiguity in which the variant readings of a sentence involve identical lexical units; the ambiguity is thus necessarily a matter merely of the way the elements are grouped together.(D. A. Cruse, Lexical Semantics. Cambridge University Press, 1986 Using Speech Cues to Decipher Syntactic AmbiguitySome sentences are syntactically ambiguous at the global level, in which case the whole sentence has two or more possible interpretations. For example, They are cooking apples is ambiguous because it may or may not mean that apples are being cooked. . . .One of the ways in which listeners work out the syntactic or grammatical structure of spoken sentences is by using prosodic cues in the form of stress, intonation, and so on. For example, in the ambiguous sentence The old men and women sat on the bench, the women may or may not be old. If the women are not old, then the spoken duration of word men will be relatively long and the stressed syllable in women will have a steep rise in speech contour. Neither of these prosodic features will be present if the sentence means the women are old.(M. Eysenck and M. Keane, Cognitive Psychology. Taylor Francis, 2005 Ambiguous StructuresSyntactic ambiguity occurs when a sequence of words can be structured in alternative ways that are consistent with the syntax of the language. For instance, . . . [this word group] is ambiguous: (1) a. John told the woman that Bill was dating. . . . In 1a, that Bill was dating could either be a relative clause (as in John told the woman that Bill was dating a lie) or a sentence complement (as in John told the woman that Bill was dating a liar).(Patrizia Tabossi et al., Semantic Effects on Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution in Attention and Performance XV, ed. by C. Umilt. MIT Press, 1994)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Tourism Influences and Impacts Case Study - Malaysia Assignment
Tourism Influences and Impacts Case Study - Malaysia - Assignment Example As the tourism industry of Malaysia is the earner of huge foreign exchange, this has helped to contribute to the economic growth and development of the country and attract more foreign investments. As a result, the opportunities for jobs have also increased. Apart from promoting the domestic tourism, the government of Malaysia is highly focused on strengthening the position of the country as a leading tourist destination of the world. In order to support the growth of the tourism sector of Malaysia, many investors, business owners and entrepreneurs are identified to make huge investment in different areas for the development of the tourism sector as a whole. The Ministry of tourism is responsible for developing the tourism industry of Malaysia. Whereas, Malaysia Tourism Centre, Virtual Malaysia and Tourism Malaysia are responsible in promoting the diversification of the services of Malaysia’s tourism both nationally and internationally. The increase in the tourism activities i n Malaysia has resulted in the growth of various sectors like hotel industry, restaurants, transportation and retail business. The tourism industry in Malaysia is playing a major role in the growth and development of Malaysia (Scribd Inc, 2014; The Establishment Post, 2014;, 2014; Othman & et. al., 2012; Tourism Malaysia, 2008). The tourism industry is a major contributor to the Malaysian economy and thus, helps in the economic growth and development of Malaysia. Huge amount of foreign exchange is earned by the tourism industry, which has created new investment opportunities in the country as well as in generating more employment opportunities. A campaigning strategy was adopted by the Malaysia tourism board named as, ‘Malaysia Truly Asia’ in the year 1991. As a result of this campaigning, about eight million tourists visited Malaysia from various parts of the world and the revenue from this was nearly RM 12.3
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marketing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Marketing assignment - Essay Example Many writers considered that there are four Ps of a successful marketing mix strategy. However, with the passage of time people also included another P in this and now as we see it we have five Ps that are related to the marketing mix. These include: Product, Packaging, Pricing, Placement, and last but not the least Promotion. There are a lot of factors involved, if an organization or a big corporation like McDonald’s wants to develop a successful marketing strategy. First of all, the marketers will have to investigate and research the market accordingly, in the context of McDonald’s Corporation products and service they offer. This research will provide an important vehicle to McDonald Corporation in developing appropriate products, good pricing decision, better distributional channel, and then will help them to reach to their target audience by the means of advertising and promotional activities. All the above decision will help McDonald’s in earning optimal re turn on investment. However, as we see it today, McDonald’s marketing policies have always been spot-on, ever since it was formed and serving a lone hamburger in 1955. After that, when Ray Kroc took a important decision to expand this restaurant and to make it a global entity through advertising, it was probably the wisest decision ever, that contributed in making McDonald Corporation the most valuable global brand. The greatness of McDonald’s Corporation lies in the fact that it not only produces standard products all over the world, but it also make slight alterations in line with the diverse cultures of the different countries in order to produce a product that is in concert with the religion, culture, values and trends of the home country in which the franchise is operating in. This respect given by McDonald’s to different culture has clearly
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