Friday, May 31, 2019
Suicide Bombers Essay -- Suicide Attacks Islam Koran Terrorism Essays
Suicide Bombers What makes a felo-de-se bomber? Is it religions upbringing with promises of paradise in reward for acts of martyrdom? Is it the p atomic number 18ntal support he or she receives for his convictions? Is it society with no means of fighting back against oppression and humiliation? (http// certification/articles/sec0049.htm). In this paper I will discuss the characteristics of a suicide bomber, their mission, as well as discuss suicide attacks.Suicide BombersSuicide bombers are said to believe that God sends them on their missions, and by the time they are ready to be stopped with explosives, they had reached a hypnotic state. (http// As one can see, religion is a powerful factor. Though the Koran teaches against taking ones own life, the suicide bombers are seen as martyrs and are said to be living in the heavens. (http// However, it is stated that suicide is forbidden in Islam. However, fighting oppression is commendable, harming innocent bystanders, even in times of war, was forbidden by the prophet Muhammad. ( Suicide bombers are very complex. They are never justified in their actions. According to Yediot Aharonot, this is the profile of a typical suicide bomber1.97% of the suicide bombers have an academic education and an additional 28% have at least a high school ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Demmings Fourteen Points Essay examples -- essays research papers
Demmings Fourteen PointsDemmings formulation of his Fourteen Points is seen by many as the management similar of the 10 Commandments. Like many quality driven approaches, the fourteen points take a holistic view of an organization, how it works, and its relationships with its stakeholders.Point 1 Create constancy of use towards improvement of product and service, wth the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.Constancy revolves around the customer. Success depends on how well a caller evalutes its surgical processes, products and markets in order to understand future requirements. This requires a commitment to invest and adapt to to changes in the market place.Point 2 Adapt new philophies. focusing must awake to new challenges, learn their reponsiblities and take on leadership for change.Quality means giving the customer what they expect. Business cannot afford mistakes. Mistakes of any eccentric are costly, and reliable products reduce costs.Demmin g 3Point 3 Cease reliance on battalion inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for mass inspection by building quality into the product in the first place.Dependency on inspection at key points in a process to ensure quality is too late, expensive and...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Blus Hanging by Lois-Ann Yamanaka Essay -- Book Reviews Lois Ann Yama
Blus Hanging by Lois-Ann YamanakaBlus Hanging by Lois-Ann Yamanaka tells a sad and realistic figment of the Ogata family. With the absence of a mother and an uncaring father, the three children, Ivah, Blu, and Maisie, face insurmountable obstacles. Furthermore, various outside forces, such as sexual violence, poverty, and racism, make it even harder for them to cope with the scratchy society. In spite of these hardships, it is the mothers invisible presence that keeps the three children together and guides them, although it also contributes to the unintended indifference of father, and the childrens vulnerability of societal attacks. Eleanor, the mother, is often presented in the story even though she is dead, in terms of her ideas and familys memory of her. The childrens effort to include their mother in family events and not forgetting what she has said to them show how naturally they think of their mothers macrocosm with them. When Poppy asks O-kay, whos first? (98) on a Christmas day for gift exchange, Blu says You and Mama (98), as if his mother is still there with him. The children do not forget to visit Mamas with child(p) on special occasions, such as mothers day. These rituals regarding their mother indicate the presence of her in the family. Poppys longing for Eleanor is also demonstrated when he frequently sings the song moonlight River throughout the novel, and tells Ivah that your Braddas voice-thass your Mama singing right out his throat (140). The lyrical content of the song Moon River shows how much he misses her, and finding mothers resemblance in Blus voice shows that Poppy has not forgotten about her. The family remembers her, and will not forget her, which keeps her alive in the n... ...ides to walk back ... stay there till I fix what I did wrong the first time ... take my sulfones too with Eleanor (258), and leaves with Ka-san, a representation of Eleanor. This ending also shows the contradicting effects of the mothers in visible, yet existing characteristic, illustrating how Poppy was unavailing to let go of Eleanor, but the children were able to do so. This result is understandable since Poppy is the one who spent more time with Eleanor and the children are used to having her only spiritually. In Blus Hanging by Yamanaka, the absence of mother leads to two opposing outcomes in the family Poppys downfall, the childrens vulnerability to societal attacks, and at the same time a force to tie down the family members together and guide the children to the right direction.Works CitedYamanaka, Lois-Ann. Blus Hanging. New York Avon, 1997.
Victor Hugos Les Miserables and Jean Valjean Essay -- Victor Hugo Les
Victor Hugos Les Miserables and Jean ValjeanIs there not in every human soul, was there not in the particular soul of Jean VaIjean, a primitive spark, a divine element, incorruptible in this world, immortal in the next, which can be developed by good, kindled, lit up, and made resplendently radiant, and which evil can never entirely extinguish. (Hugo, p. 78) Victor Hugos 1862 epic novel Les Miserables ranks among the literary greats of the 19th Century. disrespect its awesome length, it has remained as one of the most approachable readings of literature. The tale of Jean Va1jean, the hero in the novel, is a fascinating story that beckons readers to turn the pages at a finious, pace. Since the novel is divided into several segments with names of the characters as the titles, the reader exit realize that Les Miserables is a novel exploring the relationship of personal and communal destinies. As we pass through the pages, we witness the transformation of our outlaw protagonist and h is persistent strivings, to overcome his despair and egotism. The reader will feel from Vaijeans adventures, that the moral character can and does grow, no matter how his previous devastating experiences had hardened him. Since Valjean is the unifying centre of the action in the novel, his moral and spiritual growth through his interaction with characters in Les Miserables will give credence to the earlier proposition that the moral character can evolve. To examine the moral growth of Jean Valjean, it would be useful to establish his initial mental shape and thoughts. From the moment he appeared in the novel, Jean Valjean was depicted as a man against himself Freed from prison after serving an unjust condemnation of nineteen years for the the... ...e bishop in Digne and his tremendous moral and spiritual growth. By pursuing his unerring moral course, going to the foulest of depths, Jean Valjean had emerged entirely transformed and transfigured. contempt the adversities and dilemma s, he never lost track of his moral bearings and came out of the stem examination of his conscience stronger. His spiritual itinerary had brought him to experience and triumph over the interrogatory demonic forces of despair, hate and pain. The holy bishop would be pleased to know lies had brought him to Heaven and led another man to his salvation. Footnotes(1) Jean Valjeans passport had indicated that he was a hard man since he had escaped twice from the galleys. (2) Champmathieu was a man accused in Arras of being the fugitive Jean Valjean. If convicted as Valjean, Champmathieu would be sentenced to behavior in the galleys.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Othello: the Abnormalities in the Play :: Othello essays
Othello the Abnormalities in the Play William Shakespeares tragic drama Othello boasts quite a little list of abnormalities in both occurrences and personal behavior. In the volume Shakespeare and Tragedy John Bayley explains how the abnormality of the protagonists behavior brings on abandonion by the critics In our own time to a greater extent genteel, but also more intellectualized versions of Rymers disfavour have been voiced by T.S. Eliot and F.R. Leavis, who both consider and reject the personality that Othello presents to the outside world, pointing out that he is not so much deceived as a self-deceiver, a man presented by Shakespeare as constitutionally incapable of seeing the truth about himself. So the detached, ironic view of the creator contrasts with the tragical and romantic view taken of himself by the created being. (201) But Othello is defended by another(prenominal) critics. In her book, Everybodys Shakespeare Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Ma ck defends the Moor as one who is not necessarily the victim of a psychological deficiency, as just about critics maintain What should be noticed in particular is that, essentially, Shakespeare invented Iago set him down in his dramatis personae with the single epithet a villain and devoted most of the stages lines and scenes to showing in detail the cunning, malignancy, and cruelty of his nature, including the cowardice of his murder of his wife. It seems to me therefore impossible to believe, as some recent critics would have us do, that the cool it causes of Othellos ruin are to be sought in some profound moral or psychological deficiency peculiar to him. (137) A more obvious example of the irregular appears in the conduct of Iago. The abnormal behavior of the ancient is partly rooted in his misogynism. In Historical Differences Misogyny and Othello Valerie Wayne implicates Iago in sexism. He is one who is almost incapable of any other perspective on women than a sexist one Iagos worry that he cannot do what Desdemona asks implies that his dispraise of women was candid and easily produced, while the praise requires labour and inspiration from a source beyond himself. His insufficiency is more surprising because elsewhere in the play Iago appears as a master rhetorician, but as Bloch explains, the misogynistic writer uses rhetoric as a means of renouncing it, and, by extension, woman. (163) And how about epilepsy?
Othello: the Abnormalities in the Play :: Othello essays
Othello the Abnormalities in the Play William Shakespeares tragic drama Othello boasts quite a little lean of abnormalities in both occurrences and personal behavior. In the volume Shakespeare and Tragedy John Bayley explains how the abnormality of the protagonists behavior brings on rejection by the critics In our avow time more genteel, but also more intellectualized versions of Rymers disfavour have been voiced by T.S. Eliot and F.R. Leavis, who both consider and reject the personality that Othello presents to the outback(a) world, pointing out that he is not so much deceived as a self-deceiver, a man presented by Shakespeare as constitutionally incapable of seeing the trueness about himself. So the detached, ironic view of the creator contrasts with the tragical and romantic view taken of himself by the created being. (201) But Othello is defended by other critics. In her book, Everybodys Shakespeare Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack defends the Moor as iodine who is not necessarily the victim of a psychological deficiency, as some critics maintain What should be noticed in particular is that, essentially, Shakespeare invented Iago set him down in his dramatis personae with the single epithet a villain and devoted most of the plays lines and scenes to wake in detail the cunning, malignancy, and cruelty of his nature, including the cowardice of his murder of his wife. It seems to me therefore impossible to believe, as some recent critics would have us do, that the root causes of Othellos break off are to be sought in some profound moral or psychological deficiency peculiar to him. (137) A more obvious pillowcase of the irregular appears in the conduct of Iago. The abnormal behavior of the ancient is partly rooted in his misogynism. In Historical Differences Misogyny and Othello Valerie Wayne implicates Iago in sexism. He is one who is almost incapable of any other perspective on women than a sexist one Iagos worry that he can not do what Desdemona asks implies that his dispraise of women was unbiased and easily produced, while the praise requires labour and inspiration from a source beyond himself. His insufficiency is more surprising because elsewhere in the play Iago appears as a master rhetorician, but as Bloch explains, the misogynistic writer uses rhetoric as a means of renouncing it, and, by extension, woman. (163) And how about epilepsy?
Monday, May 27, 2019
Marketing Plan of Julies Bakeshop Essay
IntroductionIts been years since the Betterhalf Restaurant was giving birth of their nutrient business. Betterhalf is a resto- bar food service industry located at the center of Veterans Medical Hospital that caters good delightful and deliciously taste foods to their tar own customers the Intern Students, Doctors, Nurses, Medical Representatives and particularly Walk-ins. This restaurant ensures that each customer receives prompt, professional, friendly and courteous services and maintains the cleanliness of foods and well-comfortable ambience to their valued customers and employees. The restaurant also provides an affordable price to each of their meals and one of their outgo seller menu meals that their customers loved to eat at Betterhalf Restaurant are the Garlic Chicken with brown Sauce and a Buttered Chicken.For many years they served to their valued customers the opportunity they got from them was that each customers has a growth segment like for example the Medical Repre sentatives wants a comfortable place for their meetings on their counterpart, the best place to be chosen was the Restaurant of Betterhalf because of the peaceful environment there that they can focus on. The clients can easily approach to the Chief Executive Officer or chief operating officer of the Betterhalf Restaurant because one of the promotional strategy of the restaurant is through reservation because of they had a 3 functional room to used for holding any of activities of a clients. As of their financial aspects, Betterhalf Restaurant estimated net cash for each week is 20,000.00 and for the whole month is 80,000.00.The profit of Betterhalf Restaurant is just enough to gave the compensations of its employees and the only rationalness why the CEO is still holding the business is because he is considering his social responsibility to his subordinates.Its now seems that Betterhalf Restaurant may have been overly positive but it failed to anticipate several events in its mar keting planning. First, when it rainy seasons their profit were decreasing 30% of its net sales that really affect to the expected income. Second, the pickle was the Betterhalf Restaurant built off seems that it is not convenient at all but it is sadyain by the customers and also the ambience was poor on good face restaurant unlike others. Lastly, they had poor quality of promotional activities that cannot capture the attention of a customer. And to resolve their dilemmas or their lacking off on their business and to get a better roadmap to their success .We suggests that the fraternity might have done a better job is a key aspect of making a better marketing plan to achieve their objectives including estimating the market opportunity, forecasting sales, determining the marketing programs or an promotional activities , developing and retent the customers good relationship towards the restaurant and ensuring the companys product superiority to their valued customers.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Language and Taboo Essay
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to plain about the episode 3 from the Season 13 of Modern Family where the small lady friend Lilly exercisings the f-word over and over again. This is unacceptable and inappropriate I as a parent dont destiny my child to hear the mutual language on TV. TV programs have a special potpourri of tack together on the children. This is so because they find the TV actors to be their role models. They want to wear the kindred clothes, act the same way and even talk the same way basically live up to them. Thats why the script writers of the Modern Family need to be use appropriate word to express the ideas.I fully acknowledge that the f-word was used on purpose. If there is no other way to make the show comic, but to use inappropriate words, then I am sorry. But you need to keep in mind that the show is for the whole family to watch. I am so loud about this issue because a serious problem rose up in our family after reflexion the episode. M e and my family were all sitting in our living room and watching Modern family. When Lilly dropped the f-bomb, my young son started laughing hard. As soon as the episode finished, he got up and stated What a f****ing good show it was.It was f****ing funny. I was left speechless. Me and my wife had an hour long talk with him to explain how bad the f-word is and that he can non use it in any circumstances. After listening for the hour-long worrying he turned to me and kindly asked Dad, why cant I use that bad word if Lilly can? Dear reader, do you see where I am leading to? Lilly just showed him that using the word is completely okay and that it makes people lough out of it. Lillys dad laughed at each every eon she pronounced the word. This is not right. That shouldnt have been the reaction from her dad.This made my younger son Erik think that using the curse language is natural and funny. After watching the last episode yesterday, he got even more interested in watching the next episode. He is anxiously waiting for it because there is a misfortune of learning some new nasty words. On the other side, as You can assume, I will not stand still and will not allow him to watch the next episode because it is inappropriate for his age. Apparently, one family after another will realize the impact of the show on their children and will draw a blank viewing it. I am sorry to differentiate but You will be at a loss.According to a study by a university, children exposed to profanity in the media think that such language is normal, which may reduce their inhibitions about using profanity themselves. The study has shown that the children who are exposed to the vulgar language more often are more aggressive verbally and even physically. I as a parent dont want my son to be caught by police because of assaulting someone on the road. Also, Erik can be beaten up by some elder boys if they hear him profane swearing at them. If anything of this kind happens, the responsibi lity lies on YouAccording to another research at the University of Bristol, Swearing provokes a physical stress response which will cast up the blood pressure level. If my son starts using the f-word over and over, he might have high pressure and become a physically misbalanced person. no(prenominal) of the parents would like their son or daughter to have high pressure because of watching Modern Family. Modern Family is a show which should reduce the pressure by easing the life. The whole point of the show is to show how the modern family is different from past and make jokes about it.But making a small girl swear gives a complete opposite impression. Being a parent in this situation is a very tough job. It is very important to say the right thing at that moment. If a wrong message is given, then the child may go out of control. We never faced any problems of this kind with our elder son and so it is the first time we are having such a serious and vital conversation at home. For t he future episodes please use appropriate language so that we could sit with the whole family and watch the series together again. We used to enjoy doing it.But now I am panic-stricken that we cant do it anymore due to the fear of inappropriate language. We managed to erase the f-word from the head of our young kid this time, but I am triskaidekaphobic the next time we wont be able to do it anymore. So, we would plead you to revise your scripts and remove all the inappropriate vocabulary out of it. It is a show for all of us and lets not make fun of the swear words and stay away from them. They are not needed. There are many another(prenominal) other ways to make people laugh and I am sure that your editors will be able to come up with some advance ways to make people laugh.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Part Two Chapter VIII
VIIIColin Wall saw Gavin and Mary pass under his study window. He recognized Marys project at once, but had to squint to identify the stringy man at her side, before they moved disclose of the aureole cast by the street light. Crouching, half-raised out of his computer chair, Colin gaped after the figures as they disappeared into the darkness.He was shocked to his core, having taken it for granted that Mary was in a kind of purdah that she was receiving notwithstanding women in the bema of her own home, among them Tessa, who was still see every other day. Never had it occurred to him that Mary might be socializing after dark, least of all with a private man. He felt personally betrayed as though Mary, on some spiritual level, was cuckolding him.Had Mary permitted Gavin to see Barrys body? Was Gavin spending evenings sitting in Barrys deary seat by the fire? Were Gavin and Mary could they perhaps be ? Such things happened, after all, every day. Perhaps perhaps even before Bar rys death ?Colin was perennially appalled by the threadbare state of other peoples morals. He tried to insulate himself against shocks by pushing himself to imagine the worst by conjuring flagitious visions of depravity and betrayal, rather than waiting for the truth to rip like a shell through his innocent delusions. Life, for Colin, was unitary long brace against pain and disappointment, and everybody away from his wife was an enemy until they had proven otherwise.He was half inclined to rush downstairs to tell Tessa what he had just now seen, because she might be able to happen him an innocuous explanation of Marys night-time stroll, and to reassure him that his best friends widow had been, and was still, faithful to her husband. Nonetheless, he resisted the urge, because he was angry with Tessa.Why was she showing such a determined wishing of interest in his forthcoming candidacy for the council? Did she not realize how tight a stranglehold his anxiety had gained over him ever since he had sent in his application form? Even though he had expected to feel this way, the pain was not diminished by anticipation, any more than being match by a train would be less devastating for seeing it approaching down the track Colin merely suffered twice in the expectation and in its realization.His nightmarish new fantasies swirled a shine the Mollisons and the ways in which they were likely to attack him. Counter-arguments, explanations and extenuations ran constantly through his mind. He saw himself already besieged, fighting for his reputation. The edge of paranoia always apparent in Colins dealings with the world was becoming more pronounced and meanwhile, Tessa was pretending to be oblivious, doing absolutely nothing to help alleviate the dreadful, crushing strain.He knew that she did not think he ought to be standing. Perhaps she too was terrified that Howard Mollison would slit open the bulging gut of their past, and spill its ghastly secrets for all the Pa gford vultures to fault over.Colin had already made a few telephone calls to those whom Barry had counted on for support. He had been surprised and heartened that not one of them had challenged his credentials or interrogated him on the issues. Without exception, they had expressed their sound sorrow at the loss of Barry and their intense dislike of Howard Mollison, or tha great smug basturd, as one of the blunter voters had called him. Tryin ter crowbar in is son. E could ardly stop hisself grinnin when e eard Barry was dead. Colin, who had compiled a list of pro-Fields talking points, had not needed to refer to the paper once. So distant, his main appeal as a candidate seemed to be that he was Barrys friend, and that he was not called Mollison.His miniature black and white face was smiling at him out of the computer monitor. He had been sitting here all evening, try to compose his election pamphlet, for which he had decided to use the same photograph as was featured on the Win terdown website full face, with a slightly anodyne grin, his frontal bone steep and shiny. The image had in its favour the fact that it had already been submitted to the public gaze, and had not brought down ridicule or ruin upon him a powerful recommendation. only beneath the photograph, where the personal information ought to have been, were only one or two tentative sentences. Colin had spent most of the last two hours composing and because deleting words at one point he had managed to complete an entire paragraph, only to destroy it, backspace by backspace, with a nervous, jabbing forefinger.Unable to deem the indecision and solitude, he jumped up and went downstairs. Tessa was lying on the sofa in the sitting room, apparently dozing, with the television on in the background.Hows it going? she postulateed sleepily, opening her eyes.Marys just gone by. Walking up the street with Gavin Hughes.Oh, said Tessa. She said something about going over to Miles and Samanthas, earlier. Gavin must have been there. Hes probably walking her home.Colin was appalled. Mary visiting Miles, the man who sought to fill her husbands shoes, who stood in opposition to all that Barry had fought for?What on earth was she doing at the Mollisons?They went with her to the hospital, you know that, said Tessa, sitting up with a low-spirited groan and stretching her short legs. She hasnt spoken to them properly since. She wanted to thank them. Have you finished your pamphlet?Im nearly there. Listen, with the information I mean, as far as the personal information goes past posts, do you think? Or limit it to Winterdown?I dont think you need say more than where you work now. still why dont you ask Minda? She Tessa yawned shes done it herself.Yes, said Colin. He waited, standing over her, but she did not offer to help, or even to read what he had create verbally so far. Yes, thats a exhaustively idea, he said, more loudly. Ill get Minda to look over it.She grunted, massaging her ankles, and he left the room, full of wounded pride. His wife could not possibly realize what a state he was in, how little sleep he was getting, or how his stomach was gnawing itself from within.Tessa had only pretended to be asleep. Mary and Gavins footsteps had woken her ten minutes previously.Tessa barely knew Gavin he was fifteen years younger than her and Colin, but the main barrier towards intimacy had always been Colins tendency to be jealous of Barrys other friendships.Hes been direful about the insurance, Mary had told Tessa on the telephone earlier. Hes on the phone to them every day, from what I can gather, and he keeps telling me not to worry about fees. Oh God, Tessa, if they dont pay back out Gavin will sort it out for you, said Tessa. Im sure he will.It would have been nice, thought Tessa, stiff and thirsty on the sofa, if she and Colin could have had Mary round to the house, to give her a change of scene and agree sure she was eating, but there was one insuperab le barrier Mary found Colin difficult, a strain. This disquieting and hitherto concealed fact had emerged slowly in the wake of Barrys death, like flotsam revealed by the ebbing tide. It could not have been plainer that Mary wanted only Tessa she shied away from suggestions that Colin might help with anything, and avoided talking to him too long on the telephone. They had met so a lot as a foursome for years, and Marys antipathy had never surfaced Barrys good humour must have cloaked it.Tessa had to manage the new state of affairs with great delicacy. She had successfully persuaded Colin that Mary was happiest in the company of other women. The funeral had been her one failure, because Colin had ambushed Mary as they all left St Michaels and tried to explain, through racking sobs, that he was going to stand for Barrys seat on the council, to carry on Barrys work, to make sure Barry prevailed posthumously. Tessa had seen Marys shocked and offended expression, and pulled him away.On ce or twice since, Colin had stated his intention of going over to show Mary all his election materials, to ask whether Barry would have approved of them even voiced an intention of seeking guidance from Mary as to how Barry would have handled the process of canvassing for votes. In the end Tessa had told him heavily that he must not badger Mary about the Parish Council. He became huffy at this, but it was better, Tessa thought, that he should be angry with her, rather than adding to Marys distress, or provoking her into a rebuff, as had happened over the viewing of Barrys body.The Mollisons, though said Colin, re-entering the room with a cup of tea. He had not offered Tessa one he was often selfish in these little ways, too busy with his own worries to notice. Of all the people for her to have dinner with They were against everything Barry stood forThats a bit melodramatic, Col, said Tessa. Anyway, Mary was never as interested in the Fields as Barry.But Colins only understanding o f love was of limitless loyalty, boundless tolerance Mary had fallen, irreparably, in his estimation.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
John G Roberts
John Roberts By Juan Castillo Rm. 309 John Glover Roberts Jr. was born in Buffalo, New York, on January 27, 1955, the discussion of Rosemary and John Glover Jack Roberts, Sr. (19282008). When Roberts was in fourth grade, his family moved to the beachside town ofLong Beach, Indiana. He grew up with three sisters Kathy, Peggy, and Barbara. Roberts attended Notre Dame dim-witted School, a Roman Catholic grade school in Long Beach, and thenLa Lumiere School, a Roman Catholic boarding school inLa Porte, Indiana. , He studied five years of Latin,some French, and was known generally for his devotion to his studies.He was captain of the football team, and was a regional champion in wrestling. He attendedHarvard College, graduating with anA. B. summa cum laudein history in three years. He then attendedHarvard integrity Schoolwhere he was the managing editor of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated from law school with aJ. D. magna cumin laude 1979. After graduating from law school, Roberts served as a law clerk for Judge enthalpy Friendly on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals for one year. From 1980 to 1981, he clerked for then-Associate Justice William Rehnquist on the United States compulsive Court.From 1981 to 1982, he served in the Reagan administration as a Special Assistant to U. S. Attorney General William French Smith. From 1982 to 1986, Roberts served as Associate Counsel to the President under White House Counsel Fred Fielding. Roberts entered semiprivate law practice in 1986 as an associate at the Washington, D. C. -based law firm of Hogan & Hartson. As part of Hogan & Hartsons pro bono work, he worked behind the scenes for gay rights advocates, reviewing filings and preparing arguments for the positive Court case Romer v.Evans (1996), which has been described as as well as arguing on behalf of the homeless. Roberts left Hogan Hartson to serve in the George H. W. supply administration as Principal Deputy Solicitor General from 1989 to 1993 and as Acti ng Solicitor General for the purposes of at least one case when Ken Starr had a conflict. In 1992, George H. W. Bush nominated Roberts to the U. S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, but no Senate vote was held, and Robertss nomination expired at the end of the 102nd Congress. John Roberts argued 36 cases and prevailed 25 of them.On July 19, 2005, President Bush nominated Roberts to the U. S. Supreme Court to fill a vacancy that would be created by the retirement of Justice Sandra Day OConnor. Roberts was the first Supreme Court nominee since Stephen Breyer in 1994. On September 5, Bush withdrew Robertss nomination as OConnors successor and announced Robertss new nomination to the position of Chief Justice. Bush asked the Senate to expedite Robertss confirmation hearings to fill the vacancy by the beginning of the Supreme Courts session in early October.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Health Lesson Plan Life, Loss, and Relationships
Teacher pacing lead vary depending upon the school-age childs ability to grasp the material. Repeat, rephrase, and inspection material to en original student comprehension. Teachers essential be motivating and enthusiastic. Students respond well to verbal praise and your enthusiasm. Teachers must use firm and consistent behavior management techniques. Make sure that students ar seated in their assigned seats. Group C seating chart is posted on the wall as you enter the door. (right hand stance of the door) Students explored social relationships in their 7th grade wellness tier (developing and maintaining).Currently in their Language Arts class, students be exploring the topics of loss and interpersonal relationships. During this exploration they return read/ viewed/discussed the novels gain Everlasting, by Natalie Bait and duad to Terrestrial, by Katherine Paterson, several short stories from the text weakly interacting massive particle Soup for the Teenage Soul, by Jac k Canfield, and the film The Last Lecture, by aroused Bausch. Todays lesson lead be an interdisciplinary presentation that fall in encompass the material that they take studied in their Language Arts class.Therefore, students will found upon prior knowledge of loss and interpersonal relationships that they aimed in their 7th grade Health class and current 8th grade Language Arts class. In their Language Arts class, several of the students discussed their contract with the shoemakers last off relative, friend, or pet, and the impact of this loss on their life. Those students who have non personally experienced the death of a person have exposure based upon the impact of a death in a movie or book, or of a TV character.Todays lesson will require them to examine other causas of losings they have experienced which were not related to death, as well as the impact of these losses upon their relationships and lives. The students will examine the concept of loss of the presumptuous world right away and shargon emotions that are associated with loss. This lesson lays the foundation for an in-depth week of the examination of loss and leads into the suicide pr hithertotion and blustering(a) units.As such, instructors must be prepared to address sensitive personal issues, as well as make the appropriate referrals to the guidance department regarding potential or current student concerns/ apprehensions. Observe students closely while you are presenting the lesson and allow students that appear overwhelmed due to a recent death, to leave the room. These students may report to the guidance ability. The guidance counselors are aware of this possible situation and are available to assist students.The class consists of 25 students and reflect the following demo lifelikes 15 girls ( 5 girls have PEPS) 10 boys (3 boys have Peps) 2 students with Autism (Mary and Jack) Mary and Jack may need you to re-explain information and directions. They both have limited comprehe nsion merely are clear of completing exercises with assistance. Ask them to repeat the directions and summarize the material after you review it with them. Check to make sure that they are completing the exercises correctly. 2 students with furnish (Tom and Jim) Make sure these students are seated in their assigned seats at the front of the room.Give each student a mark ball to constrain during the class lecture and activities. (They should not play with the ball and they will return it before leaving. ) Also, allow them to pass out or collect papers and materials when possible. being a helper is an affective incentive for helping them to stay focused on the lesson. This in addition gives them an opportunity to move just about in an orderly fashion. However, they will do well even if that dont have many opportunities to move. Just make sure that they are seated in their assigned seats and have their stress balls. Student who is a diabetic can) Jan may request to visit the we llness room. Please allow her to leave immediately. Upon returning to the class, Jan should figure out on the current class work. Missed assignments can be made up before the period ends or during the next class period. Remind Jan that she may in addition wind up work in the peculiar(a) Education office during her lunch period or after school. 1 student with limited writing ability (Alice) Allow Alice to face BPCS, Ecru, and essays on the computer. Make sure that he receives the modified worksheet and class notes that are labeled with her name for other class assignments. For some assignments, such as mathematical radical work, Alice will not require a modified worksheet. She will not be the designated writer for the group activity. She is an excellent speaker, and will serve as the group presenter. Check to make sure that she performs this role in the group, when appropriate. 1 student who has a Behavior Intervention Plan(Blip) (Sam) Sam will often become world-weary and/or non-compliant and throw items on the floor. Give him a verbal warning if he exhibits this behavior. He is a genuinely intelligent young ND is capable of performing the assignments without exhibiting this kind man of behavior.In accordance with his BPI, if he continues to exhibit inappropriate behavior or is non- complaint after the verbal warning, send him to the main office immediately. Also, make sure that he is handling the art supplies fittingly. Review the accommodations folders. Give students the opportunity to access accommodations noted on their Peps. If the student does not want to enforce their accommodation, allow them to complete the assignment in class. Please document this information. Goals, Objectives, Key Focus Questions Goal(s) MASC. 1. Students will demonstrate the ability to use mental and stirred up health knowledge, skills, and strategies to enhance wellness. FPS HE. 800. 10 Students will gain knowledge and skills that lead to an understanding of self and ones relationships with others. FPS HE 800. 10. 01 Students will explore ways to express emotions. Objective(s) Students will be able to (SWABS) Describe how faceings and behavior affect and are affected by interpersonal relationships. controvert the impact of rejection, separation , or loss of friends or family members, Discuss the impact of the loss of personal belongings and dreams.Identify appropriate methods for self-expression Key Focus Question(s) (Reflect the objective (s). 1. Why do feelings and behaviors affect your relationships with other people? 2. What kinds of losses do teenagers experience? 3. How does the loss make you feel? How do you act? 4 What happens as a result of these losses? (How does your life change? ) 5. How do teenagers manage with the losses that they experience? (What do you do or dont do? ) 6. Do adults recognize and understand the impact of teenage losses? 7. How can you express your emotions appropriately and comfortably?Materials and Resources (Should be high quality, scientifically-based meaningful technology use) Materials/ Resources I Wish I Could Work poll Health and Loss Packet presumptuous sphere Graphic transcriber (Completed Handout) Tuck Everlasting Graphic Organizers (2) Teenagers and Loss Graphic Organizer Teens Talk Letter to the Editor (Group Activity) Teens Talk Suggestion/Note Sheet (Independent) Teen Time Enrichment Activities Teen Time Last Words to My Best Friend (Homework Assignment) Teen Loss Exit Pass Life and Loss a guide to help grieving children by Linda Goldman (Teacher Resource)Living through loss Interventions across the life span by R. Homonym and B. J. Kramer (Teacher Resource) Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Bait Bridge to Terrestrial by Katherine Patterson Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield The Last Lecture (movie) by Randy Bausch Art Supplies (Poster paper, construction paper, markers, colour pencils, scissors, rulers, and glue) Technology Computer/Screen (Teacher) Computer s (Enrichment Activities) 1 Lap Top Computer (for Alice) LESSON ACTIVITY Instructional Delivery Notes regarding Groupings (Group C- 5 separate Group CSS, numbered 1-5) 1.Group C- Cooperative instruction Groups Students are evenly dispersed based upon their abilities. They enjoy working in their assigned groups. Students are cooperative, supporting of each group member, and usually on project during each activity. At the end of the activities, the class will vote to select group awards that are based upon cooperation, participation, voice control (volume), task completion, and respect. Teachers will also come in in the voting process. Each group receives a prize (first through fifth). Students enjoy this incentive and work hard to receive 1st place.Prizes are raying amounts of free computer eon for each group member or one homework pass for each group member. This selection will be made at the end of this weeks lessons. 2. We use this grouping frequently and students are aware of their assigned seats. 3. A seating chart is posted on the side wall (as you enter the room) which includes each students picture above their name. Also, students have a list of groupings. 4. With the exception of Jan and Jack, our students with autism, the six students listed in the class demographic notes (Mary, Jack, Tom, Jim, Alice, and different groups. Sam), are in 5.Both Jan and Jack, our students with autism, are in the same group. Prior to this activity, they worked with the speech pathologist and gained an understanding of the concepts of death and loss. Continue to monitor their understanding, but they should be able to participate in todays exercises with minimal assistance. Therefore, please do not enable them. Warm-up/Engagement The teacher will greet the students as they enter the room, and hand them the l Wish I Could Worksheet. The teacher will instruct the students to complete this worksheet independently and to seat in their Group C assigned seats. These erections are also written on the front board. ) l Wish I Could (Worksheet) Complete prompt 1 or prompt 2. You can state your true feelings. You will not be required to share your answer with the class. Prompt 1 The alarm clock Just went off. Oh no, its good old Monday morning, back to school. I wish I could Prompt 2 I keep trying to explain to everyone whats going on, but no one is listening. They Just keep telling me what they think, what they feel, and what I should do. Does anyone even care what I think, how I feel, or what I want to do? After 5 minutes, collect the warm-ups.One of the teachers should review the warm-ups. When appropriate, make student referrals to Guidance/Special Education Departments or parent contacts. Instructional Delivery Direct Instruction 1. Introduce todays lesson Inform the students that Today we will examine the affect of loss on our behaviors, interpersonal relationships, dreams, and life. We will also discuss ways that we can express our feelings about los s that is both comfortable and appropriate for teenagers. If you begin to feel overwhelmed as we continue our discussions, please tell one of your teachers.Now, I know that you have discussed the topic of loss that is related to death in your Language Arts classes, but there are other types of losses that you experience and I believe that we dont usually take the epoch to examine these losses. Each of you read short stories from the book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, and those stories talked about real life situations that teenagers cope with. Is that a correct statement? ( keep for a response, ex. Yes, nod, and then continue. ) Well, I want to introduce a new condition to you, which is the assumptive world. (Write the term on the board. Does anyone have any idea of what this means? And please think about the root word comport. Wait for a response and acknowledge answers. ) Introduce Concept of Loss of the Assumptive World. (Complete a graphic organizer with the class as yo u explain the concept. ) Well, first the assumptive world is every hope, dream, desire, and belief that you have for your life. It is simply how you believe your life should be now and in the future. It is the heart of what we believe those beliefs that keep us unchangeable and working toward our goals. Now of course, these beliefs are influenced by what you learn and what you experience.For example, we assume each morning everyone will Wake up. Take a shower. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. Go to school or work. But we never assume that we wont wake up. We never assume that we wont be able to get dressed by ourselves. We never assume that we wont be able to continue our daily routines. So, we assume that our assumptive world will not change. However, when our assumptive world does change, we use the term Loss of the Assumptive World to express these changes in how we think our world should be. Check for understanding. K. Please give me a thumbs-up if you understand the term Loss of th e Assumptive World. Re-explain the term if you dont have a 100% of the students wowing of thumbs-up. ) Wonderful (Be sure to praise students, get them motivated, and engaged by stating expressions of positive reinforcement. They respond well to your enthusiasm. ) Guided Practice/ copy 2. Introduce the Health and Loss Packet (Mr.. Jones, the co-teacher will walk around and monitor student progress and the assistance as needed. During the 3rd class session, Mr.. Jones will lead students in their independent research on teenage losses. ) Now, today you will complete a group activity that deals with teenage losses. Mr..Jones is giving you your Health and Loss Packet for today. Oh, I believe that everyone now has their sheaf. Wonderful Now, turn to page 1 of your packets and you will see the Assumptive World Graphic Organizer that I Just completed with you. Next, turn to page 2, which has the Tuck Everlasting Organizer. Lets review this together. After reviewing the organizer, tell the student to turn to page 4 in their packet, which is entitled Teenagers and Loss. Tell the students, We will now complete this graphic organizer together. Fill in your organizer as I write the answers down. (Use the computer to type the answers.Zoom in at 200 to enlarge the print for the students. Using the model provided, scaffold responses and enroll short answers for the students to copy. Print a copy of the completed graphic organizer for Alice. Make sure that you remind her to Just focus on the lesson and you her will give a typed copy later. ) Ask the students, What other losses do teenagers experience today? Think about your personal lives, your friends, the characters in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul short stories, the characters in Bridge to Terrestrial novel, and Randy Pouchs story from his move The Last Lecture.Call on students and list their responses on the graphic organizer. Student responses could include friends, home, parents, relatives, relationships, pets , safety, summer Jobs, favorite or special object, self-respect, self-esteem, and natural abilities). Encourage responses by relating a personal experience such as, um In 6th grade I remember one of my teachers telling me that I would of all time be a poor reader. From that day on I believed this until my 7th grade teacher told me the she was very proud of my reading progress and to keep up the good work. Has anything like this ever happened to you? (Wait for students to respond. ) Compliment the students on their responses Ex . Great ideas Now, how do you feel when you experience a loss? For example, when my 6th grade teacher told me that I would always be a poor reader, I felt angry and sad. I wanted to just hide somewhere, but I was also mad because she destroyed my dream of going to college. So, tell me, what you felt or how you felt when you experienced a loss? Give the student a demote to respond. Type the emotions on the computer and display the answers for everyone to see. Possible answers might be angry, sad, mad, hurt, lonely, afraid, scared, confused, depressed, and helpless. ) Encourage the students These are very honest responses. I know that sometimes it is problematic to talk about loss, but thank you for doing such a fantastic Job. It is very important for each of us to express what we feel and how we feel. Today, you have been emotional champions, and I am very proud of you. Hopefully this experience has given you a way to express your emotions by calmly and truthfully saying how you feel and what you are thinking.Give me thumbs up how loss can impact you and why you need to express those feelings. Nice (Be sure to check for a response from every student and validate their acknowledgement. ) Now we will begin our last activity, which is a roof activity. This activity is another way that you can express your feelings calmly and truthfully. Since you are already seated in your Group C areas, please turn your desk to form a circle. Also, we wi ll vote on group awards at the end of this week. As a class, tell me what the awards are based on? (Students responses should be cooperation, participation, voice control (volume), task completion, and respect.And what are the prizes? (Students response should be free computer time or home work pass for each person). Wonderful I am sure that this will be another challenging awards selection Mr.. Jones, I believe that they are ready for their independent activity. Mrs.. Whey, I think they are burning with anticipation Well, we have an exciting activity planned, so lets get started Its time for Teen Talk Independent Practice 3. Draft Letter to the editor in chief (Glasswork). Last words to your lift out friend (Homework). Briefly review the direction with the students.Now lets review your Homework assignment first. Turn to page 11 and I will read the prompt and directions to you. Read the prompt You and one of your parents are flying to Africa for a vacation. You have been dreaming about the trip for weeks. Suddenly, you hear the pilots voice, The plane is very low on fuel and we are making a crash landing place You stop listening and begin to wonder if you will die in the crash. You thoughts are racing and you frantically try to write a few lines to your best friend. In these final moments, what final words would you leave your best friend?What losses would run through your mind (dreams, plans, family, etc)? What words of wisdom or thoughts would you leave behind? How could your encourage your best friend to enjoy life without you? (Think about how Jess felt when Leslie died in Bridge to Terrestrial. What suggestion (s) would you give your friend to make sure that they express their feelings and emotions? Write a letter to your friend. Be sure to include answers to the questions stated above. You may write or type your letter. Now, the homework assignment is very similar to your group activity.Are there any questions about the homework? (Answer questions. ) Nice listening You will need to take the Homework Sheet home to complete the assignment, so place this sheet in your backpack now. Please remember that the homework is an independent activity and this assignment is posted on our school blade site. Alright teens, lets get move ND groove On to the Groovy Group Work Now, please turn to page 5 in your packet entitled Teens Talk Loss, Relationships, and Life. Using the forms provided, you will write an informal letter to the editor about teen loss.You may use the graphic organizers that we completed today for this assignment. This is a group project and Recorder Number 3 will write the letter for the group. Other group members may use their packet to record notes or comments about the group discussion. As usual, each person must have at least one suggestion on their sheet that they presented to the group. call in that this is Just a draft of your letter. You will have time to make changes/ corrections, and additions during our next cl ass. Dont worry if you do not finish your letter today.You will have time to finish your draft and/or write your final copy tomorrow. Listen while I read the directions for this exercise. Write a letter to the editor about a loss, difficulty, or a crisis situation that teens experience today. Be sure to include how the teens feel and possible ways that others could help teens with these concerns. Use the strike focus questions stated below to help you formulate or think of a response. Also, refer to your graphic organizers for Teen Loss and Tuck Everlasting. Remember, this is simply your opinion. They are no incorrect answers.This is your opportunity to state how you feel, what you think, and what you believe. Key Focus Question(s) (Reflect the objective (s). 1. Why do feelings and behaviors affect your relationships with other people? 2. What kinds of losses do teenagers experience? 3. How does the loss make you feel? How do you act? Losses? (How does your life change? ) 4 What ha ppens as a result of these 5. How do teenagers cope with the losses that they experience? (What do you do or dont do? ) 6. Do adults recognize and understand the impact of teenage losses? 7. How can you express your emotions appropriately and comfortably?Now, let the talking and writing begin Check for Understanding Ask the students if they have any questions. Answer questions. Instruct the students to begin the draft letter. Walk around the room and make sure that the students are on task and participating in the group activity. Closure 1. Instruct the students to complete the Teenage Loss freeing card that is in their packet. Question What loss of your assumptive world has affected you the most and why? 2. Students will place the exit card and their packet in their Class EXIT Basket as they leave Time 5 min. The classroom.
Newscorp strategic planning process model
NewsCorp (News Corporation) is a public company which is listed on the Australian and New York Stock Exchange. The corporation is also listed as a secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange. Newscorp was formerly incorporated in South Australia, and after a majority of the companys sh beholders approved relocation, Newscorp was re-incorporated in Delaware, in the United States on the 12th of November, 2004.Newscorp has its headquarters in New York, at 1211 Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Ave.), in the more modern 1960s-1970s corridor of the Rockefeller optic complex.I. HISTORICAL ANALYSISRupert Murdoch inherited assets in 1952, after his father died, and was able to create Newscorp was created in 1980, as a holding company for News Limited. Murdoch created intelligence service limited from assets he inherited in the year 1952 after his father, Sir Keith Murdoch died. A main asset left to him was the ownership of the Adelaide intelligence information.A. lineagees InNews corp. i s today, to be sensation of the largest transnational media conglomerates on this planet.Its headquarters is in Sidney, Australia, almost every major parts of the world United States, Continental Europe, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Latin America Asia etc cover by its global business operations including production and distribution of motion pictures and TV, Publication of newspaper, magazines and books. (http// 1987, the company through subsidiary news international mad an adjustment in the production process of its British newspapers, something the printing union had long maintained a highly restrictive grip. Some numbers of senior Australian media moguls were brought into Murdochs powerhouse, including John Dux, who was the managing director of the south china morning post. This resulted to conflict with the printing unions NGA and SOGAT. When News internationals London operation was to whapping in the East End , it resulted to every night battles outside the new plant. Delivery vans and depots were frequently and violently attacked, ultimately the union capitulated.In 1995, fox network was scrutinized by the federal communication commission FCC when it was assert that its Australian base made Murdochs ownership of fox illegal. They however ruled in his favor stating that his ownership of fox was in the publics best interest. It was also noned that the stations themselves were owned by a separate company whose chief shareholder was U.S. citizen Murdoch, nearly all of the stations virtue was controlled by Newscorp. Newscorp announced a deal in the same year with MCI communication to develop a major website as well as set up the foxtel pay television network in Australia in partnership with Telstra and publishing and broadcasting limited.In 1996, fox established the fox news channel, a 24hrs personal credit line news station. In 1999, its music holding in Australia was significantly exp anded by acquiring the controlling share in a leading Australian based label, Michael Gudinskis mushroom records, merging it with already held festive records FMR. They were both managed by Rupert Murdochs son James Murdoch for several years.In late 2003, newsdorp acquired a 34% in Hughes direct TV from General Motors for electronic operations of the largest American TV system, $6billion. Newscorp reached an agreement in 2007 to purchase Dow Jones publications of the wall street ledger for an estimated $ 5.6billion. On 15 Oct 2007, the corporation spun off a business news channel from fox news, fox business news. Their lawyers reviewed all the details of the contract betwixt Dow Jones and cnbc said Alex Glock fox business newss vice president and the channels morning anchor. But she added, We will actively use the another(prenominal) Dow Jones properties. (Alex Glock)B. Goal ClarificationMaking the most of Dow Jones Cohen pointed to newscorps. past statement that it could realize $50million in cost savings, specific offers were demurred by chermin, saying we believe there are significant cost savings on the print side. We would like to see the deal close before we offer any number or predications. In the broadcast terms, Dow Jones NYSE News .people revenue comes from two areas and one of those areas print, is under -leveraged. (http// Strategies and Tactics fulfilling the GoalsAnnual conferenceNews Corporation invariably organizes an annual management conference, discussing media related issues to geopolitics. Those that attend include news corporation executives, senor journalist, politicians and celebrities. Cancun, Mexico, Australia, hosted such events. They were private and secretive, records are not available for the schedule neither were duologue given at the conference and no uninvited journalist are p ermitted access.The 2006 event was in pebble beach California led by Rupert Murdoch, leaked copy of the agenda to the Los Angeles Times and other media accounts showed that issues discussed related from Europe to broadcasting and new media terrorism to the national policy. The event included speeches from Rupert Murdoch, former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Bono, Al Gore, Hillary and Bill Clinton etc.D. Environmental AnalysisNews Corporation made its first acquisition in the United States in 1973 when it purchased the San Antonio Express- News and after founded the guinea pig Star, a supermarket tabloid and purchased the New York post in 1976. in 1981, it bought half the movie studio 20th century fox and the other half in 1984. In 1958, it announced it was buying the metro media group of stations, setting the stage for the launch of a fourth U.S broadcast network. In September 4 1985, Murdoch became a naturalized citizen to satisfy the legal requirement that only United States citizens could buy and own television stations. In 1986, the metro media deal closed and the fox broadcasting company was lauded. This network known and seen as FOX can now be picked up in over 96% of US household.In 1987, newscorp bought the harbinger and Weekly Times ltd. In Australia the company that Rupert Murdochs father had once managed. By 1991, newscorp had amassed Hugh debt which forced it to sell many of the American magazine interest it had acquired in the 1980s. Much of this debt came from its stake in the sky television satellite network in the uk, which incurred massive losses in its early years of operation which was subsidise with profits heavily from other of its holdings until it forced its rival to accept a merger on its terms in 1990. The merger company BSKYB has dominated the British pay- TV market since.E. Competitive AnalysisNews Corporation. NYSE NWS, NWSA, ASX NWS, NWSLV.As at December 2007, News Corp had total assets of approximat ely US $69billion and total revenue of $31billion. They are diversified in their entertainment with operations in eight industries segments television, filmed entertainment, cable network programmes, direct broadcast satellite television, magazines and inserts etc. newscorp activities are conducted in the United States, Continental Europe, UK, Australia and Pacific Basin.F. Strengths and Weaknesses of the organizationNews Corps revenue for the year ended as at June 30, 2007 was $28.655billion with operating income of $4.452billion. This does not include newscorps minority shares of the revenue from direct TV and British sky broadcasting, almost 70% of the companys sales is from its U.S. business. (http// Glockhttp// gs-digital-tech-cx_pco_0917paidcontent.htmlhttp//,23636,22617852-14334,00.htmlhttp//,9171,960821-2,00.htmlhttp//,9171,960821-3,00.htmlhttp// flim-flam Business makes TV debut, Hollywood Reporter, 16 October 2007. Accessed 10-17-2007Fox Business Network blazes new trail, USA Today, 14 October 2007. Accessed 10-17-2007.Fox Business Fluff meets financial, Toronto Globe and Mail, 16 October 2007. Accessed 10-17-2007.http// 4766914058.htmlMurdochs son sees pay doubled ahead of exithttp//, Nancy and Danielle Rossingh. News Corp. to Sell U.S. TV Stations for $1.1 one million million (Update5),, 2007-12-22. Retrieved on 2007-12-22.Murdochs Pebble Beach shindig, Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved on 2007-12-01.Bono and Blair to join Murdoch on the beach, Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-12-01.The PM, the mogul and the secret agenda, Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-12-01.FCC, (2001). FCC Approves Fox/Chris-Craft Merger with Conditions, FCC 01-209 Fox Entertainment Group, (2001). Annual Report Hoovers, (2001). write on News Corp. Hoovers, (2001). Profile on Fox Entertainment Group Hoovers, (2001). September 11 Consequences,, downloaded on 11/29/01. Hoovers, (2001). News Corporation Reports Double Digit Film Operating Income Growth in First Qu arter,, downloaded on 11/29/01. News Corporation Inc. (2001). Annual Report News Corporation Inc. (2001). Executive Management The Star (2001). Murdoch says 5050 chance to win Hughes, Valueline (2001). Profile on News Corp.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
New Surgical Technology: Adoption or Diffusion? Essay
This article raised an interesting subject surgeons and patients seeking make betterd treatment often forget that a new proficiency is not necessarily a bankrupt one. Human body with its health problems remains the same but the functional applied science is always moving towards progress. People develop new working(a) tools and new surgical procedures constantly. However, do we painstakingly test tout ensemble these new tools and procedures before using them on people? And how? On human races? On animals first perhaps? Is it ethical? How do we know that new tools and procedures are better than the existing ones? Too many questionsNew surgical applied science promises improved patient care and, therefore, surgeons whitethorn hurry to adopt it despite little evidence or their advantage all over existing procedures. functional procedures that are later found to be ineffective waste resources and endanger lives. Anything new mustiness be carefully tested and proved in fac t to be better. Therefore, the key to this problem is a wide-awake and total understanding from the surgeons and the patients of why such new procedures tell apart to be offered as treatment. Lets look in detail how this new medical technology gets follow in the US. It may come in the course of* a drug* a device* a procedure* a technique* a process of careFor the surgical technology in particular, new things come in the form of a new procedure that uses existing devices or drugs, or an existing procedure that uses new devices. forwards adopting any new technology, people should seriously consider the following factors * Will this new technology improve the quality of clinical care? * If found successful, leave behind the inventor promote its rapid adoption? * How astray this new technology will be distributed?* Will it pass all known and potential barriers for adoption, (financing, marketing, etc.)? * Is it congenial with the existing technologies and operating rooms? From al l of these questions the main factor is always the same the new technology MUST improve the quality of clinical care for patients. If this precondition is not satisfied, the technology should be wedded even a logical and scientifically positive attitude is no substitute for proof in practice. There were cases where surgical technology that was quickly adopted without evidence of its relative benefit, was abandoned after careful examination. For example In 1964, Dr. Smith reported that injecting the enzyme chymopapain into an intervertebral disc relieved pain caused by herniation of the lumbar disc.In 1989, the American Medical Associations diagnostic and therapeutic technology assessment group questioned the effectiveness of the procedure and raised concerns about its safety. Their evaluation showed that, compared with placebo or no treatment, chymopapain was effective in only selected patients. In addition, when it was used by less experienced surgeons some patients had serious complications, including allergic response and even damage to the spinal cord. I feel positive about innovation in all fields especially when people can improve the quality of life by repairing and healing the human body. However, before adopting any new technology in the operating room, it should be offered to patients for a trial period. as well surgeons shall carefully watch and study this procedure being done numerous times, and if it can be support by the already existing equipment and the existing operating rooms.Do we ask the patient about the whatchamacallum or improvement by the new procedure or equipment? Of course He is the one on the operating table putting his life in the hands of the surgeon. Surgeons always like the new technology if it can be easily and quickly understood, and added to their existing practice without waste of time. If the input to their practice is great, surgeons will invest more time and effort and disregard disruption of their routine day to ex pand the agonistical advantage that a new technology offers. What I learned from this article is the use of new surgical technology has the potential to provide patients with the best possible care.On the other hand, if the new procedure or instrument were not carefully tested and approved, it ruined surgeons reputation, wasted resources, and caused harm to patients. Surgeons and institutions must not adopt a new technology without solid evidence of its efficiency and superiority over existing ones. In reality, quite a few innovations in medical technology were often adopted without enough evidence and testing and this was wrong. No matter how good the surgeons skill and powerfulness to perform a procedure, it is wrong, if the procedure should not be done in the first place and may potentially harm the patient.Source Article from BMJ British Medical Journal 2006 January 14 332(7533) 112-114. Editorial by Gabbay and Walley and pp 107, 109.Contributors and sources CBW is senior adv iser for the Health Technology Center and senior fellow at the Institute for the hereafter in California. -References McCulloch P, Taylor I, Sasako M, Lovett B Griffin D. Randomised trials in surgery problems and possible solutions. BMJ 2002 324 1448-51. PMC free article PubMed.
Monday, May 20, 2019
A Tale of Two Cities Symbolism
An example of figureism AND imagery is the broken wine cask. As dickens describes the scene extracurricular of Defarges wine shop and all the scrambled people, he is able to create a symbol of hunger. I think this hunger is not only the peasants starvation, but also metaphorically for political freedoms. For instance, the narrative directly associates the wine with blood, noting that some of the peasants have acquired a tigerish smear some the mouth and portraying a drunken figure scrawling the word blood on the wall with a wine-dipped finger.As he shows such a strong symbol, the imagery is what makes the readers feel like they are actually in the book. The way he describes the setting is horrifying, yet intriguing, which is one of many ways he makes the symbol uprise out. The wine was red wine, and had stained the ground of the narrow street in the suburb of Saint Antoine, in Paris, where it was spilled. It had stained many hands, too, and many faces, and many naked feet, and m any wooden shoes.The hands of the man who sawed the wood, left-hand(a) red marks on the billets and the forehead of the woman who nursed her baby, was stained with the stain of the old stir up she wound about her head again. Those who had been greedy with the staves of the cask, had acquired a tigerish smear about the mouth and one tall joker so besmirched, his head more out of a long squalid pop of a night-cap than in it, scrawled upon a wall with his finger dipped in muddy wine-leesblood. (Dickens, 29-30) Beca occasion of dickens use of personification, it helps readers really get a feel for the book.For example, the concept of hunger is described in Chapter 5, as staring down from the chimneys of the poor and rattling its dry bones. Hunger. It was prevailed everywhere. Hunger was pushed out of the tall house, in the wretched fit out that hung upon poles and lines hunger was patched into them with straw and rag and wood and paper. Hunger was repeated in every crack of the s mall modicum of firewood that man sawed off hunger started down from the smokeless chimneys and started up from the filthy street that had no official, among its refuse, of anything to eat. (Dickens, 32)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Back Pain Causes And Effects Health And Social Care Essay
clog up bother is considered to be the most common grounds for physician visits it is the largest former of work-related absence. Back perturb in the neck is known as Lumbago and burn be defined as mild to severe annoyance or uncomfortableness in the country of the lower spine. The hurting locoweed be acute ( sudden and terrible ) or chronic if it has lasted to a greater extent than three months.Strains or sprains of the musculuss and ligaments of the dorsum are the most common cause of ague cover hurting. Injuries, chronic diseases and Functional moxie hurting out-of-pocket to inst superpower are other grounds of buns hurting.First of wholly, harmonizing to ( Chambers R. , 2007, p.41 ) Most of the cover strains and sprains occur after a sudden motion associated with bending or distortion, and raising heavy objects . Therefore, occupations touching lifting, transporting, forcing, selective service, take downing and retentivity traveling objects crap a high hazard of acquiring moxie hurting. For case, kids with their school books or mailmans who carry freight on one side may develop smashing back hurting. P.Fysh ( 1995 ) , citied in his report Back Pain in School Children that in ( 1994 ) a Norse survey, by Trousler identified the prevalence of back hurting in a group of 1,174 school kids at 51 per centum was out-of-pocket to backpacks. This survey withal found signifi dealce in the hazard factors like shape up and genders those kids.Furthermore, back hurting that consequences from occupation nature is extremely reported among workers who have to go forth a weighty objects. Harmonizing to Kincla & A Davis ( 2009 ) Carpenters and other building workers who inst wholly wallboards have high rates of strains and sprains to the low back and shoulder ( p.305 ) . Furthermore, musculus strain can happen in the back merely like anywhere else in the organic structure, and most likely to impact people in their mid-fortiess, although it can g o on at any age.Striving the back musculuss is characterized by sever hurting and inability to travel. Since strain has several(prenominal) impacts on the organic structure, it can do the musculuss to pull or travel in such a manner that they sustain awful cryings. Besides it might take the sinews and the ligaments that attached the musculuss to loss its snap, by drawing superfluousively far on a musculus, and the country around it can go inflamed which leads to massiveness hurting.The 2nd major cause of back hurting is gestation. Normally back hurting and gestation together. alas this typesetters case of back hurting last for several hebdomads to few months with meaning(a) adult females. Its grounds can change. It can be due to organic structure alterations for illustration, hormonal alterations, or it might be due to extra weight the adult females may derive during the gestation period.The organic structure endocrines in the pregnant adult female tend to loosen up the ligament s and the musculuss that attached to pelvic, to let foetus and uterus maturation may do many alterations in the organic structure and back hurting can be a side-effect of these alterations. Besides A difference in endocrine degrees can do musculuss and ligaments to go more relaxed, particularly during the last few months as the organic structure is acquiring ready for labour from ( Back Pain and Pregnancy, 1999. , parity, no ) . Extra to that, the consequence of the excess weight and organic structure topographic point adds excess strain on the pregnant adult females by drawing the musculuss. This means if the pregnant adult females is keeping twins it is decidedly the attractive force on musculuss will be great. Silva A. ( 2004 ) aloud echoed thatThe weight of the babe can ensue in a higher grade of curvature of the lower spinal anesthesia column, intending ligaments and musculuss must accommodate and sometimes can experience strained. The Centre of gravitation will be unclou ded altering besides, maintaining a house base with pess shoulder width apart will assist to rile this ( p.34-5 ) .and gestation period may develop what cognize as Pregnancy-Related low Back Pain ( PLBP ) , this type of Back Pain frequently lead to other jobs with Significant physical, psychological, and socioeconomic deductions , harmonizing to Silva ( 2004, p.39 ) . In improver to that the sleep wont kerfuffles frequently associate with such hurting. Beside all these effects, fright of abortion ever is a pregnant adult females concern related to long classs pain killer medical specialty is use and prescribed or concerns of havening kid with inborn jobs.However gestation back hurting can be minimized and avoided, standing up directly and straight the musculus by exercising such as swimming are severe illustration of minimising the dorsum hurting. Although, the primary bar is by non sitting in one place for long clip, but massage therapy would be the best technique to utiliz e as it is emphasized by Silva Curative massage for low back massage is thought to bring out low back hurting alleviation by bettering blood flow, cut downing musculus stiffness, increase scope of gesture, and raising endorphin degrees in the organic structure ( 2004, p.51 ) .The 3rd major cause of back hurting is related to the degenerative disc diseases in the back as portion of the natural procedure of bend older. In fact, it is non an existent disease therefore it affect an aged and retired people. It starts with the disc ( shock absorber ) that consists of the gelatin and lays mingled with the vertebras in the back bone. Over the clip this disc slips out and leads the jelly inside the disc to leaks and loses its ability to absorb dazes. Pressing on the nervus and taking into sever pain that may radiate to hip and legs are the big leagues effects of disc prolapsed. This job is widely spread among immature work forces who performing artist a heavy work, but it is still se e to be ageing process disease. R. Windsor ( 2008 ) stressed on this point when he stated in his article that Low Back Pain secondary to degenerative disc disease is a spot that affects immature to middle-aged individuals with peak incidence at well-nigh 40 old ages besides he pointed that the prevalence of disc devolution additions with age .Furthermore, depression, isolation and demarcation line in activities are effects of degenerative Disk disease. It is good documented that physical hurting can take to feelings of depression, but a new survey from the University of Alberta shows the contrary can be true, every chip shot good. When Dr. Linda Carroll, a professor in a Department of Public Health Sciences, led the survey that shows picture is a hazard factor for oncoming of terrible cervix and low back hurting ( 2003, p.3 ) . The survey is published in the Journal Pain. Besides this, people who suffers from battalion hurting may be minded(p) to be isolated from others due to fear of farther hurt and defeat sing their status.This mental position can besides indirectly damage the dorsum. Mental emphasis, dissatisfaction at work, depression and hurt can all play a function in back hurting. These factors may re-enforce comparatively minor hurting signals turn out in a much more present hurting esthesis ( Carroll L. 2003, p.5 ) . So, there is a strong connector between emphasis and back hurting, when the tenseness created by emotional emphasis can give you a back hurting. Besides Stress causes the musculuss to fasten up. The musculuss may strain up so much and they go into painful cramps. Then it followed by cut down blood flow to the tissues and eventually the dorsum is little capable of digesting even mild work load.However, this type of back hurting can be besides avoided by commanding and cut downing the sum of exposure to tensenesss and nerve-racking life state of affairss. Yoga is a very popular signifier of relaxation therapy that increases musculus strength as it calms and works out emphasis. In add-on to that exercising is of import to cut downing emphasis, by making early forenoon take the air and implemented as a hebdomadal modus operandi in the individual life. Last, there are about as many ways to forestall back hurting as there are bad behaviours that cause it.Socioeconomic is another side consequence of degenerative or disk diseases. Peoples who suffers back hurting have to pay a batch of medical sweeps that includes doctor fees which is typically high, medicine cost and physical therapy. last this intervention costs are frequently hard to be afforded by them. Extra to this, back pain lead to work absenteeism, statistic shown by ( Parthan A. 2005, p.14 ) estimated the one-year loss in productiveness due to endorse hurting in the United States to be about $ 28 billion. The loss in productiveness is chiefly due to absenteeism from work .Despite antecedently discussed causes of back hurting, there are still ma ny grounds requirement to be reviewed like, hurt where all the types injures consequences several back jobs, started with strains and terminal with back bone break and never amendss. ( Windsor, 2008 ) has written It is normally acknowledged that back hurt is the most serious wellness job go through by most of the universe s work force . However, Injury consequences from autumn, route traffic accidents, and athleticss hurt. or even originate from direct blunt impact Objects. Any hurt to the dorsum can do amendss to environ soft tissue of the spinal column, bruised and inflamed. And besides, some clip amendss exceed the tissue to make the pointless and nervus construction. Subsequently on the spinal column becomes stiffer. These hurts may varies can be range from mild, conduct to break up. A good illustration of Midland moderate back pain hurt is strain, really treatable in its tow signifiers. But sever hurt may take to palsies or even give way at the hurt oncoming.To sum up, a side from the usual side effects of back hurting, like the perturbation of your kiping wonts and the trouble in sitting still during extended periods of clip, the existent concern should be addressed to the causes for back hurting. Unfortunately since back musculuss are the hardest on the job musculus group in the organic structure, back strivings are a frequent happening which indirectly effects it being the hardest to place status. It is a good investing to larn all about back hurting, the causes and the side effects of back hurting, and how it is prevented or if the status is happening, how best to alleviate the consequence.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
â€ÂAs You Like It†by William Shakespeare Essay
Support the view that Shakespeargon is examining incompatible manakins of jazz and marriage in this play?In the play As You Like It there argon quite an a few different types of deal. There are four sexual relationships in the play, all of which have different varieties, or examples of turn inThe main couple in the play are Rosalind and Orlando. They first gear meet in a wrestling match that Orlando has been entered in against Charles. Rosalind notices him for his good looks and youth, and because of this is concerned he clear out be hurt. Orlando wins the match though and as a token Rosalind gives Orlando her necklace. Orlando instantly falls in love with Rosalind when he first sees her and is stuck for what to avow to her,Can I not say, I thank you? My better part are allThrown down, and that which here stands up is exactly aQuintain, mere lifeless block.Rosalind accordingly runs off into the forest of Arden dressed as a man called Ganymede. Orlando also flees to the forest where he writes mirthful love poems and posts them on trees for Rosalind to find. Rosalind, dressed as Ganymede, then becomes friends with Orlando and gives him advice on ways to go close communicate her to marry him. She does this by pretending to be Rosalind while dressed as Ganymede. This is so Orlando does not deal it is her. This can cause quite confusing at times. She finally reveals to him that it has been her all along though and they get married straight away.This is the first kind of love where both concourse love each early(a) and no one else. This is the most simple love situation in the poem because it has no complications of people loving some other people, or them not being allowed to love each other.The couple that show the to the lowest degree romance th savageout the play is Silvius and Phebe. Silvius is a kind-hearted shepherd who lives in the Forest of Arden. Phebe though is a rough shepherdess who finds Silvius annoying. The reason for this is b ecause Silvius is deeply in love with Phebe, and she has rejected him many times. Phebe just ignores him though and because of this Silvius keeps on inquire her to love him, Sweet Phebe, do not scorn me, do not, Phebe.Say that you love me not, moreover say not so inBitterness.The only person Phebe finds attractive in the play is Ganymede, who is really Rosalind. She writes a letter to Ganymede asking him to marry her, and is rejected quite obviously. As a result of this Phebe is forced to marry Silvius in the end because she has no one else who likes her.I think the aspect of love that is showed her is a cruel side of love. The reason I think this is because Phebe is virtually forced to marry Silvius when she does not motivation to. Silvius though is overjoyed because she is the love of his life and marrying her is his dream. This is unfair on Phebe though because she does not love him, but she has no one else so has to go along with it.Celia and Oliver are the most surprising couple in the play I think. This is because they meet very close to the end of the play, and instantly fall in love with each other. Another reason for this is that Celia is a very kind, likeable woman throughout the play. Oliver on the other hand changes his personality. At the beginning of the play he is a very nasty man who says he hates his brother because of his good looks and his ability to be liked by everyone he meets. His personality changes though when he is sent into the forest to find his brother, Orlando, by Duke Frederick. He finds Orlando and then he meets Celia, who he instantly falls in love with. He then makes the story up of saving his brother from a lion and his personality completely changes.Twas I, but tis not I. I do not shame to tell youWhat I was, since my conversion so sweetly tastes,Being the thing I am.He turns into the complete contrary of his old personality, and becomes very nice. This also attracts Celia to him, as well as her thinking he is good loo king. This haul between the two of them means they become a couple and get married too.This is the same kind of love as Orlando and Rosalind experienced. This is where they have no complications and both of them love each other. They also fall in love with the first sight of each other, as did Rosalind and Orlando.The next couple I am sack to examine from the play is the pairing of Touchstone and Audrey. This is possibly the strangest couple in the play. My reason for thinking this is that they are completely different people, and have very different backgrounds. Touchstone is a court jester, and has lived a advanced courtly life. Audrey on the other hand is a country girl who has been brought up on a farm. Even though there are these differences, the two still get married. They were meant to be wed quite early into the play, but this did not go as planned and they did not. They did how ever talk more about it and finally got married at the end of the play.Come sweet Audrey, we mu st be married.The love that this couple portray is lust. Touchstone may not have had the chance with a woman before, but he now has the chance of Audrey. He is only with her really because of the fact he can get things out of her, mainly sex. She is a country wench and Touchstone knows this, and I think this is the reason he goes after her,Truly, and to cast away honesty upon a foul slutWere to put good pump into an unclean dish.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Promotion Strategies
For many years I begin been considering the idea of learning a foreign spoken communication for example, Italian or Spanish. I was forever interested in foreign languages and linguistics, especially in European languages of Latin origin. Besides, some of my far relatives have Italian roots and can speak Italian very good.I could hear this language occasionally since my childhood and was truly fascinated with its melodiousness and beauty. But, unfortunately, I did non have a good galvanic pile of freehanded time for learning a second language when I was studying in high school, because I had to take c are intimately my little brother.This summer when I was staying with my family in my home town, I motto an attractive bright advertisement in a local newspaper. This ad was informing people about opening night new language learning facilities and inviting people to marrow the lessons. Unfortunately, the newspaper was a little obsolescent and I was late to enter the parentag e. Nevertheless, to my mind, advertisement in a newspaper was a good promotional idea, because it was necessary to attract attention of general public and inform target audience about opening the course.Three-four weeks later I bought a fresh newspaper and found there an article about that language school. The article was not only informing about opening some extra courses, but as well as presenting opinions of the students and interviews with some teachers. Publicity, as an element of promotional mix, was also quite successful technique, because a undischarged deal of potential customers of such courses are young businessmen or officials, who plan to join international enterprises and are regular readers of newspapers.In addition, the author of the article gave detailed explanations as to the companys discount policy. In particular, students and youth were offered up to 20% discount. Besides, those who could bring a friend as whizz more student of the course could receive extr a 10% discount. Certainly, in such situation discounts are also among the most legal elements of sales promotion, because language courses can be interesting for students and even for teenagers, who can be financially embarrassed.Couple of eld later I visited my favorite bookshop in the center of the city and saw there a promotion agent, who was distributing flyers and leaflets to potential students of the course. He also had a variety of other promotional materials for example, he was fully grown a pen and a colorful notebook to the people, who were entering their names to his list and intended to join the course.Probably, this was a little less telling strategy, because there were not many people in the bookstore who could be really interested in language courses. But it was a good opportunity to converse to a representative of the school about the details of their programs.In addition, the company spent a lot of resources for advertising their services in profit. An up-to-da te site was created, which had all necessary information about the lessons and was quite comfortable to navigate. Besides, I could see their banners and small ads on other local Internet sites, attracting attention of numerous Internet users. I suppose that this strategy could also bring good results, because nowadays everyone uses Internet and it is easy to attain potential customers through the web.Finally, there was one more very interesting promotional technique, which was directed not only on attracting new customers, but also on challenging and stimulating the students to achieve great success in learning languages. As I could learn from Internet site of the language school, they were going away to award the best students of the courses with different prizes, including a trip to the West Rim of the Great Canyon. I suppose, this is one of the best promotional ideas, which can bring to very good outcomes.Unfortunately, I could not join the mannikin of Italian because it would take me minimum three months to complete the first level. But I had to be acantha to university to continue my study. Nevertheless, it was an amazing opportunity for me to observe how different promotional strategies work and can be effective in this particular marketing environment. I have to admit that marketing specialists of the language school were very well qualified, and they managed to organize a very successful promotion campaign.BibliographyPACE, Unit 15. (2001) Promotional Basics Brochure. The ticker on Education and Training for Employment, The Ohio State University. OH Columbus.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
New York City Project Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
juvenile York urban center Project Part 1 - Essay ExampleDue to lack of adequate coin to do it all, the cypher reflects the priorities of the metropoliss elected representatives. And I consider the city council of New York urban center has a comprehensive plan because that the New York City Charter (the Charter) vests the responsibility for preparing an annual spending and capital budget with the mayor. The mayor must then submit the expense and capital budget to the City Council for its review and adoption. It shows that the process of making a budget has to be rigorous enough to be implemented (Christine, 2013). Besides, each budget must consist of several parts the expense budget, which sets forth proposed appropriations for the operating expenditures for municipal benefits including debt service the capital budget and program, which sets forth proposed appropriations for capital projects for the ensuing fiscal year and the troika succeeding fiscal years and the revenue bu dget, which shall set forth the estimated revenues and receipts of the city. In addition, the expense budget is further broken down into a contract budget, which can be viewed as a detailed portion of each agencies other than personal services expenditures for contractual services that are personal service in nature (Christine, 2013). ... Private employment rose by 9,000 in August 2013 after an increment of 13,000 in July. The unemployment rate rose to 8.6 percent in August from 8.4 percent in July. House market place is a significant factor in the New York Citys economy. Some of the most high-priced office space in the United States is located in New York City. For example, the worlds one-third expensive office building-Bank of America tower was value $1 billion in New York City. discussion section of buildings monetary 2014 Preliminary Budget is $93.7 million, which is approximately $2.6 million less than the $96.4 million Fiscal 2013 Adopted Budget (Christine, 2013). This is primarily due to revenue increases from construction related fees. Budgeting Methods Budgeting is a very grievous management tool in every organization. New York City plays a very important social occasion in the economy of United State. The constitution of United State gives the city council of New York the power to reserve budget. This budget ensure that the city continue to support the economy. The city is headed by a mayor who manages the city with the assist of a council, which is commonly called city council (Clarke, 1978). The city council of New York uses a master budget in running the activities of the city. The city council uses this approach because it can project all the activities that need a budget allocation. The limn items in the master budget include transport expenses, salaries and allowances. The performance of the citys budget is monitored on monthly bases by its chief financial officer to ensure accountability. The city has various departments such as hea lth, education and waste management (Eltis, 1993). Expenditure is distributed as per the departments
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Storm Drainage Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Storm Drainage stick out Project - Essay ExampleThe inf broken in into the river after the rainfall is through different ways. The major types ar overland flow which represents the surface flows which includes other direct flows into the river. The ground water flow component is the sub-surface outpouring component contributing to the river discharge from a particular region after the rainfall. If the major portion of overflow water reaches the river as overland flow , a heavy rainfall would result in fast(a) response in the river and the hydrograph shape would be peak. Thus the risk of floods would be higher in this case. darn if the major share is through ground water flow the rise in discharge is slow and the repose of the river is slower. Thus the rate at which the flood waters reaches the river body determines the shape of t he hydrograph. The major factors contributing to these situations are characteristics of drainage basin, type and amount of precipitation, land use pa ttern in a region, impact caused by human intervention, size and shape of drainage basin and major river prudence measures adopted (Flood hydrograph, n.d.).The hydrograph for river Cynon is drawn fored on the rainfall and river flow depth data (figure 1). The discharge in the river is plotted along y-axis and the time (in hours) along x axis. Similarly, the rainfall depth is indicated on a indirect y axis in the same graph corresponding to particular instant of time. Based on the flood hydrograph obtained for the river Cynon, it is obvious that the drainage characteristics of the terrain results in the occurrence of peak discharge soon after the rainfall. The drainage basin soil characteristics is said to have relatively low value of permeability and this results in low infiltration rates into the soil. The rising limb of the hydrograph has a very steep rise while the recess limb was not as steep. The receding limb required more time to reach the base flow condition which justif ied the
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 21
Case Study ExampleAdditionally, Persuasionis a matter of persuaders engineering actors decisions to produce the desired action (Funkhouser & Parker, 1999, p.28). Jill presents raw data to her guests that require her to breakdown for them so that they may be emotionally appealed. She further makes the assumption that once they leave they result read the discipline in the folder that she presents to them. Jill completely fails to communicate to her guests effectively because of the lack of emphasis to the significance of her proposed research.Effective communication requires adequate appeal to the passion, logic and the constituent of an individual. Jills does non appeal to these aspects hence she is not able to convince her guests to donate towards her research. As pointed out by Barker (2010), the key to effective persuasion is having effectual ideas and delivering them well (p.75). Though Jill presents herself and her work in a systematic and orderly way, she does not convinc e the guests to be passionate about her work. In addition, she does not appeal to their logic by demonstrating freshly in really basic language how the project would be helpful to the society as well as the donors. Instead, she assumes that the guests (donors) will understand what she is up to. Nothstine & Michael (1989) have mentioned that most people have never been trained in white-tie logic and reasoning (p. 47). On the other hand, the potential donors are people that are rich and their character may be based on the need for self-actualization. Jill fails to clearly communicate to the guests by appealing to their character. It is clear that there is an aspect that is lacking in the communication, as well put by Mayo and Jarvis (1992), cogentcommunicationis more effective when salespeople create a sense of togetherness with those with whom they speak (p.1). At the ends of the day, she ends up not getting any correspondence from
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