Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Pedagogical Strategy Using the Harry Potter Books Research Paper
Pedagogical Strategy Using the Harry Potter Books - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that making the curriculum conducive for inculcating the interest in the students of elementary age has always come as a big challenge to the educationalists. â€Å"Culturally responsive teaching implies using cooperative learning methods and strategies to discover the student's worlds and incorporate them into the world of the classroom†. The interest a child takes in his/her studies in the elementary age plays a decisive role in his/her current and future academic performance, and his/her professional career in the long run. On the other hand, children are least sincere about their studies in the elementary school because they are too little, or perhaps more rightly, too immature to conceive the importance of education in their life. In order to generate a competent workforce to serve in the market and industry in the future, measures need to be taken today, to raise children’s interest in their studies wh en they are in the very early years of their academic career. One way to achieve this is by making the elementary education compliant with the standards, norms, and culture of Hogwarts School as portrayed in the Harry Potter series. â€Å"When inculcated in the fundamental educational system, educational and other standards of Hogwarts School will raise children’s interest in all of their subjects and school in general, and English literature in particular.†Children studying in one educational level like 1st grade or 2nd grade are distributed between sections of the same class as per the seniority of registration or any other criteria. Unfortunately, the conventional sorting processes are unwatchful of a child’s association with his/her friends of his/her own age, and the friends get distributed in separate sections. This happens to be one of the reasons why children lose interest in studies.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Leonhard Euler | An Introduction
Leonhard Euler | An Introduction Born in Basel, Switzerland on 15th April 1707, Leonhard Euler was arguably the brightest mathematician of all time. The Swiss mathematician and physicist is considered a pioneer in many fields of mathematics. He introduced a lot of the mathematical terminology and notation used today and he is considered the father of mathematical analysis where, for instance, he introduced the notation of a mathematical function, f(x). His contributions to the field of mathematics are in analytic and differential geometry, calculus, the calculus of variation, differential equations, series and the theory of numbers. In physics, although really all his contributions to mathematics apply to physics, he introduced both rigid body mechanics and analytical mechanics (Kline, 401-402). Born to Paul Euler and Margarete Bruckner, Leonhard was the first of six children. He grew up in Riehen but attended school in Basel. Although mathematics was not taught in his school his father had kindled his interest in the subject (Paul Euler had been friends with another great mathematician at the time, Johann Bernoulli) by giving him lessons at home. Euler entered university at the age of 13 at the University of Basel. Although his official courses of study were philosophy and law, Euler met with Johann Bernoulli who advised Euler and gave him help with his mathematical studies on Saturday afternoons (Stillwell, 188). Euler lived and worked mainly in Russia and Germany. First he joined the faculty at St Petersburg Academy of Sciences were he worked at first in the medical department then he was quickly promoted to a senior position in the department of mathematics through the influence of his friend Daniel Bernoulli. He also helped the Russian government on many projects including serving in the Russian navy as a medical Lieutenant. After the death of Catherine I in1740 and because of the tough conditions that ensued, Euler moved to Germany at the invitation of Prussian King, Frederick II to the Prussian Academy of Science were he stayed for the next 25 years of his life. Euler gave much service to the Academy which compensated him generously. He sent most of his works to be published there, served as a representative as well as advising the Academy on its many scientific activities. It is there that he reached the peak of his career writing about 225 memoirs on almost every topic in physics and m athematics (Varadarajan, 11). Euler returned to St. Petersburg in 1766 under the invitation of the then czarina Catherine the Great (Catherine II) to the St Petersburg Academy. During this period he lost almost all his eyesight through a series of illnesses becoming nearly totally blind by 1771. Nevertheless, his remarkable memory saw him writing about 400 memoirs during this time. It is said that he had a large slate board fixed to his desk where he wrote in large letters so that he could view dimly what was being written. He died on the 18th day of September 1783 due to cerebral hemorrhaging. It is also recorded that he was working even to his last breath; calculations of the height of flight of a hot air balloon were found on his board (Varadarajan 13). Eulers contribution to Mathematics and Physics was a lot. His ideas in analysis led to many advances in the field. Euler is famously known for the development of function expressions like the addition of terms, proving the power series expansion, the inverse tangent function and the number e: ∑ (xn/n!)= lim ((1/0!) + (x/1!) + (x2/2!) +†¦+ (xn/n!) ) =ex The power series equation in fact helped him solve the famous 1735 Basel problem: ∑ (1/n2) = lim ((1/12) + (1/22) + (1/32) + †¦+(1/n2)) = À2/6 He introduced the exponential function, e, and used it plus logarithms in analytic proofs. He also defined the complex exponential function and a special case now known as the Eulers Identity: eiÆ= cos Æ+ isin ÆAnd eiÀ + 1= 0 (Eulers Identity) In fact, De Moivres formula for complex functions is derived from Eulers formula. Similarly, De Moivre is recognized for the development of calculus of variations, formulating the Euler-Lagrange equation. He was also the first to use solve problems of number theory using methods of analysis. Thus, he pioneered the theories of hyperbolic trigonometric functions, hyper geometric series, the analytic theory of continued fractions and the q-series. In fact, his work in this field led to the progress of the prime number theorem (Dunham 81). The most prominent notation introduced by Euler is f(x) to denote the function, f that maps the variable x. In fact he is the one who introduced the notion of a function to the field of mathematics. He introduced, amongst others, the letter ∑ to mean the sum, À for the proportion regarding the perimeter of a circle up to the span or the diameter, i for the imaginary unit, √(-1) and the e (2.142†¦) to represent the base of the natural logarithm. Euler also contributed to Applied Mathematics. Interestingly enough, he developed some Mathematics applications into music by which he hoped to incorporate musical theory in mathematics. This was however, not successful. This notwithstanding, Euler did solve real-world problems by applying analytical techniques. For instance, Euler incorporated the Method of Fluxions which was developed by Newton together with Leibnizs differential calculus to develop tools that eased the application of calculus in physical problems. He is remembered for improving and furthering the numerical approximation of integrals, even coming up with the Euler approximations. More broadly, he helped to describe many applications of the constants À and e, Euler numbers, Bernoulli numbers and Venn diagrams. The Euler-Bernoulli beam equation (one of the most fundamental equations in engineering) is just one of the contributions of the mathematician to physics. He used his analytical skills in classical mechanics and used the same methods in solving celestial problems. He determined the orbits of celestial bodies and calculated the parallax of the sun. He differed with Newton (then the authority in physics) on his corpuscular theory of light. He supported the wave theory of light proposed by Hugens. Eulers contributions to graph theory are at the heart of the field of topology. He is famously known to have solved the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem, the solution of which is considered the first theorem of planar graph theory. He introduced the formula V-E+F=2 It is a mathematical formula relating vertices, edges and faces of a planar graph or polyhedron. The constant in the above formula in now called the Euler characteristic. Euler is also recognized for the use of closed curves in the provision of explanation concerning reasoning which is of syllogistic nature. Afterwards the illustration or diagrams were referred to as the Euler diagrams. The Number Theory is perhaps the most difficult branch of mathematics. Euler used ideas in analysis linking them with the nature of prime numbers to provide evidence that the total of all the reciprocals of prime numbers diverges. He also discovered the link between the primes Riemann zeta function, what is now called the Euler product formula for the Riemann zeta function. Euler made great strides in the Lagrange four-square theorem while proving Fermats theorem on the sum of two squares, Fermats Identities and Newtons identities. Number theory consists of several divisions which include the following: Algebraic Number Theory, Combinational Number theory, Analytic Number Theory, Transcendental number theory, Geometric number theory and lastly we have the Computational Number Theory. For his numerous contributions to academia, Euler won numerous awards. He won the Paris Academy Prize twelve times over the course of his career. He was elected as a foreign member, in 1755, of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences while his image has been featured on many Russian, Swiss and German postage stamps. Above all, he was respected greatly amongst his academic peers demonstrated by a statement made by the great French mathematician, Laplace to his students to read Euler since he was the master of them all (Dunham xiii). Though not all of the proofs of Euler are satisfactory in regard to the current standards or principles used in mathematics, the ideas created by him are of great importance. They have set a path to the current mathematical advancements. To conclude, we can therefore say that Euler is a very significant person in the development and advancement of Mathematics. His work has contributed a lot to mathematics up to the current period. References Dunham, William. Euler: The Master of Us All. Dolciani Mathemathical Expositions Vol. 22. MAAA, 1999. Kline, Morris. Mathematical Thoughts from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol 2. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Stillwell, John. Mathematics and its History. Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer, 2002. Varadarajan, V. S. Euler Through Time: A New Look at Old Themes. AMS Bookstore, 2006.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rachel Carson :: Essays Papers
Rachel Carson Hello, my name is Rachel Lousie Carson. I was born on a farm in Springdale, Pennsylvania on May 27, 1907. My mother, Maria McLean Carson was a dedicated teacher and throughout my childhood she encouraged my interests in nature and in writing. She also encouraged me to publish my first story A Battle in the Clouds in the St. Nicholas magazine while I was in fourth grade. After graduating from Parnassus High School, I enrolled into the Pennsylvania College for Women. I majored in English and continued to write but I also had to take two semesters of science, which changed my life. In my junior year I changed my major to zoology, even though science was not considered an appropriate avenue for women. After graduating college in 1928 I had earned a full one year scholarship to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. This scholarship did not relieve me or my family of our financial burdens, so I worked throughout graduate school in the genetics department assisting Dr. Raymond Pearl and Dr. H.S. Jennings and I worked as an assistant teacher in the zoology department at the University of Maryland. In 1932 I received my masters in marine zoology. I continued working part-time as a teacher after graduating to help support my family through the early years of the Depression. In 1935 my father had a heart attack and passed away leaving me to provide for my mother. In 1936, my sister Marion passed away at the age of forty leaving behind two young daughters, and my mother encouraged me to take them in. That same year I took the civil service examination necessary for promotion to full-time junior aquatic biologist. I scored higher than all the other candidates ( who were all male) and became the first female biologist ever hired by the Bureau of Fisheries whom I was employed by for sixteen years as a writer. My article entitled â€Å"Undersea†which had been published in the Atlantic Monthly, won praise from scientists, naturalists, and literary critics, inspiring me to write my first book. Under the Sea Wind debuted in 1941 to critical acclaim in both literary and scientific circles but sales plummeted with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. 1942 I began working for the Fish and Wildlife Service promoting fish as an alternative to foods in short supply because of the war. By 1948 I moved into an exclusively male domain, earning the grade of biologist, and becoming the editor-in-chief of the Information Division.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Why alcohol should not be legal?
Why alcohol should not be legal 1 Why alcohol should not be legal Delono Walker Devry University April 10, 2011 Why alcohol should not be 2 In the 1920’s during world war one, the churches mostly Protestants began to lobby against the sales of alcohol: in order to slow crime and domestic abuse. Furthermore many saloons or bars were selling German products. On January 16, 1919 the lobbyist won and under the Eighteenth Amendment prohibition was created and made legal. Unfortunately it didn’t last long since bootleggers were now creating their own spirits.The bootleggers were becoming wealthy by selling illegal spirits and the States were becoming more, and more unable to police them. Crime rates were rising to new heights as the bootleggers formed mobs and syndicates gaining control of the streets. In the year 1933 prohibition was repealed, congress felt that it would weaken organized crime as well as be used to generate moneys through taxation. In my opinion this shows t hat people became desperate during the Great Depression for Alcohol. Just like marijuana, coke, and heroin: the government made a drug illegal and people found a way to obtain it.In my opinion our society feels that there is a need for it and they are right. Alcohol is a drug that stimulates economic growth and development, but not with out consequences. People have different reasons for abusing alcohol. Drinking Alcohol has many consequences. I have personally seen the effects of alcohol abuse. Alcohol should be illegal, because it is a drug that can ruin many lives, can cause mental illness, and causes crime rates to increase like other drugs. People have different reasons for abusing alcohol.Many people drink socially, while others binge drink. A person might want to take the edge off by drinking a few beers. Alcohol has become a household drug. It is served at parties and at dinners. The majority of people drink in order to enjoy themselves, however many people drink for the wro ng reasons, such as drinking to forget your problems which results in abuse. Drinking alcohol has many consequences. Alcohol also leads to physical ailments such as hypertension. If a drinker continues a pattern of binge drinking he/she might become a victim of heart disease.Alcohol also causes jaundice, which is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, as well as cause kidney damage. It can cause families to break apart. It can cause people to lose their jobs and homes. Alcohol increases chances for communicable disease. There are many people in prison, because of choices made while drinking. According to Crime in America’s statistics â€Å"drugs and alcohol implicated in 78 percent of violent crimes†(Crime in America, 2010 ). Alcohol should be illegal, because it is a drug that can ruin many lives. Thousands of people have lost love ones due hospitalization and car wrecks. According to NHTSA, 35 percent of all traffic deaths occurred in crashes in which at least one driver or non occupant had a BAC of 0. 08 percent or more and that any alcohol was present in 41 percent of all fatal crashes in 2002. †(Hingson & Micheal, 2003; Hanson) Sadly it’s not always the user that is harmed; many accidents involve pedestrians, or passengers. Furthermore drinking has long term effects, it can kill someone quickly, or slowly. â€Å"In 2006 a total of 22,073 persons died of alcohol-induced causes in the United States†(Annual causes of death in the United States, 2011 para 6) Alcohol can increase the chances of mental illness.People who suffer from anxiety or depression tend to self medicate. The user only feels a deeper feeling ofanxiety or depression, so they drink more only building a tolerance. This is known as the Vicious Circle. â€Å"Moderate doses of alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine can induce psychotic symptoms in a person with schizophrenia, and small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, or other drugs can precipitate prolonged psychotic relaps es. †(Drake, 1994 para 2) People with mental illness are more vulnerable to the affects of alcohol.This is the concept behind the idea of Dual Disorder: a patient has two defined diseases. Normal people have been noted to gain mental issues from drug abuse, while people with mental problems gain drugs abuse. Many people that abuse alcohol are prone to have relationship issues. Problems controlling finances, and working their job. These contribute to an individuals need to medicate. Considering that alcohol is a depressant, in individuals that suffer from depression spirits can lead to suicide. An estimated five million of the 32 million people 65 and older suffer from depression. Russel, 2007 para 2) The chances of suicide due to drinking increases with age, because of the responsibilities that come with age. Alcohol seems to be a tool for people to evacuate the everyday life. Alcohol increases crime rates just like other drugs. There are however casual drinkers that just hav e a drink on occasion. The regular social drinkers that don’t abuse alcohol and treat it as a privilege, should they be punished for what others have, and are doing? Honestly I don’t feel as though they should. Alcohol generates money for our Government by State Tax.So why not make other drugs legal? Our Government will then be able to generate money by taxing Marijuana. It’s the same as what was happening during the prohibition: prohibited drugs are still being used without regulation and criminals are making money from it. Drug related crime on our streets can possibly be slowed by making certain drugs legal: certain dealers would no longer be able to supply if people got those drugs from a local store or pharmacy. That is why crime is lower in places like Northern California, were marijuana has been made legal in some parts.As I stated prior it seems that people are going out of their way to obtain the drug that suits them and that’s why alcohol is a d rug like the rest. I have personally seen the effects of alcohol abuse. While being a member of the Armed Forces, my associates, and I would often go to bars. While there we would go on all night binges and drink until the bar closed. One particular night we were out drinking and having a good time. One of my friends got completely intoxicated, although he was able to handle is liquor, so we didn’t see how bad off he was. We drove home and left him the car to take with him.He made it four blocks before he called us. We found him hanging on the side of a fence and the car had crashed into the side of a facility. He needed medical attention, but he didn’t want to go, because that meant discharge from the Service. So the guys and I called the local authorities and they picked him up. I wonder if he realizes that he could’ve died that night. Why alcohol should not be legal 3 References Annual causes of death in the United States. (2011). Retrieved 04 02, 2011, from http://www. drugwarfacts. org/cms/node/30 Crime in America. (2010 , march 3). Retrieved from Crime in America. Net:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
John Locke Short Introduction Essay
John Locke, who is widely known as the Father of Liberalism, is a great writer, philosopher and physician of the 17th century. He was born on 29 August 1632 and died on 28 October 1704 when he was 72. He was baptized on the same day as he was born. He was a gifted man and David Hume once described him as â€Å"wrote like a water-drinking local councilor, his style ungainly, his idioms commercial, his imagination puritanical, his humor labored, his purposes wholly practical. †As he is a talented thinker and uses different perspectives to see and think on certain things, he revolutionized the Theory of Mind to the world in his masterpiece, â€Å"An Essay Concerning Human Understanding†. On the other hand, he also developed the idea of liberty among people in society. His contributions to the world are incredible as his ideas of social contract and state of nature laid the theoretical foundation of the Constitutions of the United States of America. In Locke’s life, he came from a very intelligent and faithful Baptist family that gave him a good education and took him to a good school  Christ Church, Oxford. Though he studied medicine but not philosophy or other critical thinking courses, he met prominent people (e. g. Robert Boyle, Thomas Wills) who inspired him immensely in every perspective. One eminent scholar was Thomas Sydenham, who imposed a huge impact on the idea of how man accumulates knowledge. Thanks to Sydenham, Locke wrote one of his famous works – â€Å"An Essay Concerning Human Understanding†. Thomas Sydenham gave advice to Locke in treating Shaftesbury’s liver cancer. Locke realized in the file of Shaftesbury that knowledge in a book could be different from the circumstances Locke was facing. Hence, he raised the pivotal question in his essay: â€Å"Is the foundation of knowledge based on theory or experience? †This essay stimulated several fresh ideas to philosophers in the 17th century. One of the famous philosophers who were greatly influenced by Locke was David Hume, who described John Locke as a magnificent man. After Shaftesbury survived from the liver cancer, he became Lord Chancellor and led Locke to be involved in the field of politics. In the political struggle of Shaftesbury, Locke assisted him by writing another famous work – â€Å"Two Treatises of Government†. It is believed that the ideas mentioned in the essay were influenced by Hobbes’ thinking, but Locke never referred or mentioned the name of Hobbes. Locke countered the statements raised by Hobbes in the book of Leviathan that â€Å"everyone is living in terror†and â€Å"war of every man against every man†. Locke raised a counter statement that everyone is created equally and everyone in society has rights to fight for their life, freedom and property. To accomplish it, we shall hold together and grant greater power to protect ourselves. This also explains how civilization works. The original purpose of this piece is an argument to attack Shaftesbury’s opponents (supporters of Absolute Monarchy). However, the ideas of natural rights and a new reformation of government mentioned inside the essay are recognized as the most influential ideas on the political system in the 17th century. The basis of liberty was widely used by the founding fathers of the United States of America to write the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitutions. The influences of John Locke did not just stop in the 17th century. They still last today. Every time we hear about liberty and freedom, the basis of these concepts had been defined by Locke clearly. Besides, the issue of free religion which is still discussed nowadays was also originated by Locke. The theory of religious tolerance was one of the most controversial ideas during Locke’s lifetime. In this perspective, some historians even regarded the European War as the war between religions. In some statements made by Locke, he argued human knowledge was possibly false unless there was definite proof. By the same token, he considered that religion, which did not have clear proof, was possibly false. Because of this, religious tolerance was necessary. Religious tolerance is still being debated nowadays and it has greatly changed the outlook of modern society after this idea was promulgated. Locke’s life was a legend. He was born in a Baptist family and his writings are full of elements related to Christianity. From the statement of â€Å"All men are created equally†, it clearly shows Locke’s belief in the perspective of equality. Besides, he was also greatly influenced by the idea of knowledge. He questioned the fundamental of knowledge and questioned whether knowledge is true as always. I believe he wrote such ideas because of his experience in the treatment of Shaftesbury’s cancer that led him to start questioning that the things he had learned from the medical books were not really practical. Instead, to him, they were much more proper to be described as imaginary notions. From this perspective, he was inspired to write the essay concerning human understanding. Besides, Locke also influenced the world and created waves of revolutionary ideas in many fields. The great philosophers Voltaire and Rousseau were deeply inspired by Locke’s theories. Ultimately, Locke – Father of Liberalism – was not simply a gifted person born to be the father of liberalism, but also because of circumstances, situations which he encountered in his life to make him the father of liberalism.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
#FreelancerFriday #7 - Yari Leon Suarez, Translator
#FreelancerFriday #7 - Yari Leon Suarez, Translator #FreelancerFriday #7 - Yari Leon Suarez, Translator Yari Leon Suarez offers translation services between English and Spanish. Yari has worked in a variety of genres ranging from technical translations to translating poetry and literary fiction. Yari is also a fan of Charles Bukowski, which is maybe the best quality any person could possibly have that makes you think â€Å"I want to know more about this person.†Enjoy!–REEDSYWhat’s the biggest difference in moving from technical translation to literary translation?YARI LEON SUAREZ You work longer! *laughs* When you translate a creative piece, it takes longer because you have to work closely with the author, more than you would with a corporation. I find that with technical translation you’re working with terminology. It narrows things down, and when you have a question you can just go to a database. With literary translation it becomes more tricky - you’re working with an author’s thoughts, feelings. I think for literary translation you need that communication.REEDSY Why is contact with the author important?YARI LEON SUAREZ I find that the key for literary translation is to connect with the writer as a writer. I’ve translated for friends before, but I knew them as friends, not as writers. When I talk with them about the work, I need to talk about what they were trying to say, and focus as specifically on the piece of work as possible. We don’t talk that much about the process of getting there. Working with friends can be easier, but at the same time it’s not - I have to *forget* that they’re my friends, and look at them as a professional - look at them as a writer, not the person I go for coffee with. It’s tricky but the key is to focus on the piece of work and the writer’s voice. There’s a skill of talking with authors that came from technical translation because I have to ask companies about how they want something translated as well. It teaches you to be precise and how to know what questions to ask. You have to be focussed.REEDSY Is the focus on being accurate, on being good for the reader, on doing right by the author?YARI LEON SUAREZ It’s about doing the best work possible for the author. As a translator you’re really not entitled to change anything for a piece of work. It’s the editor’s job to advise the author on changes if there’s something wrong. For the translator it’s more a communication *with* an author, trying to keep the author’s voice as it is, but in a different language. When I started working with friends and I fell in love with a piece of work, it was hard - I had to stop myself adding to the work. To be a translator you have to be passionate about what you’re translating, but at the same time have a lot of respect for the work. You have to try to write *exactly* as the author wrote, but in a different language.REEDSY How do you practice that? Does reading help?YARI LEON SUAREZ Once, I grabbed a book I like and actually tried to translate a part. It was just a personal exercise, basically. I tried to translate pieces of ‘Women’ by Charles Bukowski. Just as an exercise in how you would translate a book by an established author in an established market, to see how you would handle it. I just kept it to myself.Reading a lot is always going to help - it helps you understand structure. Understanding structure is important because when you’re translating a text you have to understand the form. At the same time I think that right now the most important thing is to be up to date on technology. With technology it makes it so much easier to be in communication with the author, and there are tools that make the work easier. You need the right tools for writing, and translating in particular.There’s specific software that helps you when you’re translating. Nowadays the world of translation is tied to a digital format. For technical tra nslation translators can use software to connect with other translators for feedback. Like Robert Faclo said, Evernote is also fantastic for translators. And it’s necessary, because it speeds up the process of translation.REEDSY Do you do a lot of research?YARI LEON SUAREZ Oh yes, you have to. As a translator you have to be a researcher. You can’t just be happy with your own translation, you need to share your work with other translators and keep communicating with other writers - it’s a collaborative process. Translators these days don’t just sit with a book and translate it into a new language - you have to have a wider knowledge about literature today, you could say, of how the publishing industry is working. You translate in an active, engaged way. Depending on the book you’re translating, you need to know the author, you need to know where this is coming from, you need to know who’s going to be the reader of this translation to make a work that’s accurate.REEDSY What do you need to know from authors, when you’re getting ready to work with them on a project?YARI LEON SUAREZ The first thing is to know the 'motive’ of the novel, how you feel about it, if I can borrow it and read it of course! Later on I would ask the author why they want to share the novel with a different market, how they want it to impact the reader in a different language. I’d ask what the author knows about Spanish, the Spanish market, if anything, if they’re familiar with their new audience.REEDSY What’s are the first steps in the process for you?YARI LEON SUAREZ I’ll read the manuscript and ask questions about the writing, the story, anything that comes up in it about the characters. I’ll ask how you feel about the main character, how the secondary characters are influencing the story, that kind of thing. If I have any doubts, if there’s something I don’t understand, I’ll clear that up. Then I’ll go through the translation work itself, and new questions will arise. In terms of the structure, for example, more specific questions about structure, about sentences where I’m not quite sure about the tone or the intent, that only comes out when you’re doing the work.REEDSY Should authors work with Spanish editors as well, after they’ve translated with you?YARI I†¦ would recommend it. It’s not my field. I can always try and I can suggest, but I would’t consider myself an editor.REEDSY When you’re translating poetry, how does that work? What are you keeping?YARI LEON SUAREZ To translate poetry you’re dealing with a different literary structure, depending on the type of poem. If it’s free-rhyming, that’s one thing, but if there’s a specific structure you’re facing a piece that will take longer. That’s in the sense that it’s not just the vocabulary you need to worry about, but also about the structure and the differences between languages. For example, English and Spanish are completely different languages in the way you structure sentences in them. A sentence in Spanish can be longer in a sentence than English, and that can break the structure of the poem. So I have to spend a lot of time just trying to do the work because I have to make sure the same amount of syllables of the original poem are in the translation.And then also, keep in mind that it’s not a literal translation but a poetic translation as well, so you have to use the right kind of language, with the right translation of the word, whi le keeping the tone of the author. It’s a big, big challenge that requires a lot of work. With prose, you can follow a different structure and just keep in mind the genre of the work. It’s still difficult, because translation has to be based on the work, it’s not your work.REEDSY Do you see any big differences between the English and Spanish markets?YARI LEON SUAREZ In the US, specifically, they seem to be getting more into drama†¦ You know, I’m thinking. They’re not too different. They both definitely prefer prose to poetry. The majority of authors are doing novels or a series of novels following the same character - like a saga, let’s say. In that sense, the markets are similar. In Spain they love the novel that’s elaborate in a historical way. They love a novel that has historical research behind it, but is still dramatic, is not too much of a psychological novel. They follow a mystery plot, that kind of thing.The differences aren’t so big - we’re talking about literature that doesn’t require a lot of psychological analysis of the character, that isn’t a heavy topic - it’s easy reading, especially in the United States. â€Å"A read that flows,†basically; that doesn’t take a lot of time to understand, especially that’s not metaphysical. In Latin America I think they like literature with secondary meanings hidden in the prose, but here in Spain and the United States it’s more about the flow of the prose.REEDSY Thanks for your time Yari.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Boarding School Care Packages
Boarding School Care Packages When you decide to let your child go to boarding school, there are a few things you can do to help ease his or her transition. Yes, its true that attending boarding school can be a wonderful academic and social experience for the right kind of student. Boarding schools can offer academic and extracurricular activities that are not available to students in their local public or private day schools, and parents can remain involved in students’ lives through contact with their advisors and frequent visits when permitted. But homesickness can still be a problem for even the strongest and brightest students who are away at boarding school. While it often passes quickly as students are absorbed into the life of the boarding school, contact from home in the form of phone calls (when allowed), notes, and care packages can help students feel connected to home. Students truly do enjoy receiving care packages from home with some of their favorite snacks, dorm room basics, and study supplies. Here are some tips and ideas. Check What the School Allows Before mailing off your special care package, be sure to check and see what the school allows, and where to send packages. For example, packages may have to be delivered to the dorm proper or in some cases, it needs to be sent to a postal office or a main office; its often not possible to have something delivered directly to your child’s room. Also, keep in mind that packages may be delayed over the weekend, so only send items that will keep a few days, and mail homemade goodies via priority mail in plastic (possible reusable) containers surrounded with bubble wrap or a recyclable, environmentally friendly material for cushioning. Mail birthday or holiday packages several days in advance to be sure they arrive on time. Some schools offer programs that allow for parents to order goodies through a local shop or even the dining services program on campus. Mail the Necessities First, check what your child needs. He or she may be allowed to make some food in the dorm, so it can be nice to see if your child would like foods like ramen, hot chocolate, or soup. Items such as oatmeal, microwave popcorn, or pretzels make healthier late-night snacks, and its always a nice idea to be sure to send extra supplies for roommates and friends. However, food storage options may be limited, so get a good idea of how much to send and what can be easily stored. Students may also need school or personal supplies such as pens, notebooks, or shampoos. A child who is feeling under the weather can benefit from an extra set of soft tissues, even if the nurse at school is dispensing the medicine the child needs. Medicine is often not allowed in the dorm, so be sure to keep that at home and out of the care package. Instead, send some crackers, hard candy or a beloved stuffed animal from home. Mail Memories of Home Students may also appreciate personal items in their care package that help them keep in touch with their family and friends at home, including hometown or school newspapers, yearbooks, and photos. And don’t forget mementos of pets, too, as a way of warding off homesickness. If there have been any special family events while they are away, be sure to make the children who are away feel included, with details about the menus, presents, or other details associated with these events. If there have been changes at home such as a house renovation or new car, be sure to send photos of these new family events to the child who is away- such visual cues about the family life will help them transition more easily back to life at home and will help them continue to feel included. Home-made videos and news and notes from friends and family members are also warm additions to care packages. Don’t Forget That Special Something If all else fails or youre running out of ideas, your student may appreciate a gift card or a few extra bucks in addition to the necessities, and such items are easy to ship, alongside the homemade cookies. And as mature as your child seems, he or she may enjoy a playful toy, possibly something they can share around the dorm, such as a Frisbee for warm afternoons. In every package, be sure to include an encouraging note that lets your child know you are thinking of him or her and awaiting his/her next visit. Though teenagers may not always show it, they need and appreciate the encouragement. Updated by Stacy Jagodowski
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Gueule de bois - French Expression
Gueule de bois - French Expression Expression: Gueule de bois Pronunciation: [gool d(eu) bwa] Meaning: hangover Literal translation: wooden mouth Register: informal Notes A hangover is, hopefully, not something you have every day, but when you do, it might be helpful to know that the French translation is la gueule de bois. Gueule is an informal term for mouth, and de bois describes how dry it feels when you have a hangover. Coincidentally, bois is also the first and second person present conjugation of boire - ​ to drink. Examples    Bonne Annà ©e ! Ne bois trop de champagne, tu ne veux pas avoir la gueule de bois demain.    Happy New Year! Dont drink too much champagne, you dont want to have a hangover tomorrow.    Oh l l, ma tà ªte ! Jai la gueule de bois.    Ohh, my head! I have a hangover/Im hung over.    Quest-ce que tu vas faire pour soigner ta gueule de bois ?    What will you do to cure your hangover? More Expressions with avoirMost common French phrasesNew Years in France
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Creating a Science Center Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Creating a Science Center - Essay Example The following information is derived from assessments that were conducted on three separate elementary classrooms. These evaluations were performed on the science centers of a Kindergarten, Third, and Fifth grade classroom. The first classroom science center that was evaluated was for a Kindergarten class at a local school. Kindergarten The Kindergarten classroom assessed had math centers and writing centers; however, no specified center for science. Even though there were several posters and charts on the wall pertaining to scientific information there were no project tables or observation areas, other than the window sill and a teacher’s work table. Several books on plants, animals, the Earth, and so forth were present; however, they were located in the same area as the other reading materials for other subjects and/or general reading. Materials such as magnifying glasses and measuring cups were in the classroom, but again, not in a specified science area. Although, the science material was minimal in this classroom and there was no science center, the student’s needs were still met by the materials that were brought in by the teacher on an â€Å"as neededâ€
REMOTE ENVIRONMENT (Strategic Management) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
REMOTE ENVIRONMENT (Strategic Management) - Essay Example Forces that impact the dynamics of a particular industry includes the ease with which new firms can enter an industry, the bargaining power of both the suppliers as well as the customers, the availability of different substitutes within a particular industry and the intensity of competition between different firms operating in a particular industry (Porter, 2008). The enterprise competitive position helps in identifying the level of competition that is taking place in the environment in which an organization is operating. Customer profile helps an organization in identifying the needs and wants of the customers to which the organization is responding to or will be responding (Hill, 2012). The characteristic of availability of human resources helps in identifying the characteristics of the employees that are working in an industry (Enz, 2010). It even helps in identifying what the human resources perceive about a company and the ease with which these human resources can be
REMOTE ENVIRONMENT (Strategic Management) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
REMOTE ENVIRONMENT (Strategic Management) - Essay Example Forces that impact the dynamics of a particular industry includes the ease with which new firms can enter an industry, the bargaining power of both the suppliers as well as the customers, the availability of different substitutes within a particular industry and the intensity of competition between different firms operating in a particular industry (Porter, 2008). The enterprise competitive position helps in identifying the level of competition that is taking place in the environment in which an organization is operating. Customer profile helps an organization in identifying the needs and wants of the customers to which the organization is responding to or will be responding (Hill, 2012). The characteristic of availability of human resources helps in identifying the characteristics of the employees that are working in an industry (Enz, 2010). It even helps in identifying what the human resources perceive about a company and the ease with which these human resources can be
Friday, October 18, 2019
Focus on Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Focus on Society - Essay Example The point that needs to be taken into consideration is that no other art form is so fervently associated with economics and business as films. So, by necessity a film has to retain a delicate balance between expressing social realities so that the viewers may relate to it, while at the same time being artistically creative and involving, thereby addressing the commercial constraints and expectations (Curran, 1998). Cinema is an art form with a very large scope, canvass and budget. Yet, it is also a medium endowed with a greater responsibility towards society as compared to other art forms. So films do get influenced by the social context in which they are created, though the vivid blend of imagination, reality, glamour, intensity and conflict presented in them never fails to directly or indirectly influence the viewers in varying proportions (Hayward, 2000). It will be really relevant to talk about the 1994 comedy-drama Forrest Gump. The film, revolving around the life of a simpleton from Alabama, Forrest Gump, in a way presents the important social, popular and historical issues and events of the 20th century America. Yet, the film did not portray the American history with the simplicity of a school textbook.
Is the Cost of College Too High Annotated Bibliography
Is the Cost of College Too High - Annotated Bibliography Example Crouch, Michelle. "10 Reasons to Skip the Expensive Colleges: Are Ivy League schools really worth the price?" Reader’s Digest. September 2011. Web. 16 October 2013.The author disclosed ten reasons why it was argued that parents and decision makers of students pursuing higher education should think twice before opting to enroll in Ivy League schools due to exorbitant costs of college education. The strengths of the article, therefore, lie in clearly enumerating rationales for seeking other alternative options for pursuing higher education rather than setting their minds on Ivy League Schools. Likewise, at the end of the discourse, the author provided a link to the list of affordable colleges which could be considered as alternative options. The weaknesses that were noted include the lack of citations and a reference list where readers could verify the authenticity of the information that was provided; as well as the lack of statistical information that could validate arguments from an authoritative perspective. Overall, the discourse could still be used in the current research as a source of inputs for writing the proposed recommendations or courses of action, which could include the recommended option of seeking other least expensive educational institutions which could also provide an equally rewarding educational environment. Likewise, some examples that were noted could also be used; as long as these could be aptly verified as to their authenticity and reliability prior to inclusion in one’s research.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business Systems Analysis and Decision Support Essay
Business Systems Analysis and Decision Support - Essay Example following three ways will go a long way in ensuring the development of a satisfactory MIS; Business System Planning (BSP), Critical success factor (CSF) and then we have the End/Means (E/M) Analysis (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This is one and the most vital way of determining the requirements of an MIS in MagiCo operations and in any other multinational organization. This methodology is pre-formulated by IBM itself and therefore it is standard for any form of organization that intends to use its applications. This methodology goes a long way in first establishing and listing down all the priorities in terms of Information System of the organization. One of the ways it does this is by identifying the way data is maintained in the system. To arrive at this important requirement, the relevant parties will use data architecture supporting applications (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This will go a long way in defining the classes of data by employing the use of different matrices. As a result, relationship is established within the organization and its processes as well as the data requirements. Because of this approach, MagiCo will be able to find and establish the requirements of its system in the broad c ategorical approaches. The approach as developed by John Rockart takes the dimension of identifying the key business goals and the strategies as are planned to be applied by each manager. These are combined with those of the overall business and a comparison is thereafter made. The business and the management goals are then evaluated and this results into the establishment of the Critical Success Factors that underlie these broad goals and objectives. The identification of the CSFs will mean that the irrelevant factors are eliminated forthwith leaving the analyst with the next step of the CSF analysis (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This is the measure of the effectiveness of CSF an activity which will go ahead in defining the requirements of the
Ford Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ford Corporation - Essay Example On the other hand, strategic management deals with identification and description of the strategies that mangers carry out to attain better performance and a competitive advantage for their corporation. A corporation is recognized to have a competitive advantage if its profitability is larger than average profitability for all corporations in its industry. That being said, this paper focuses on Ford Motor Corporation in terms of business policy and strategic management since the year 2006. Throughout the account of Ford Motor Corporation, inclusion has been the key part of the corporation’s success as exceptional products. Ford is a leader inclusion and diversity, and both remain chief Ford business strategies. Ford is recognized to sustain diversity at all ranks of the company, from the boardroom to design studio level, form plant levels to the engineering bodies. The corporation diversity makes Ford be a better corporation, a stronger organization, by bringing in new ideas, perspectives, life responsibilities, and experiences, and also by fostering a genuine collaborative workplace. Ford Motor Corporation sells and offers purchase financing all around the world. Ford had generally made a determination to exploit on potential economies of scale attainable from its size, until in the early 2008 when CEO Alan Mullay revealed One Ford turnaround strategy. The strategy involved the Global Product Development system; a process of sharing designs and improvement worldwide and between markets, with the objective of creating global process more effective. Advancing world has grown wealthier, and higher energy prices have globally gone up for better fuel economy (Crumm, & Thomas 231). Ford strategy anticipated developing less automobile models that can be sold worldwide with few changes: coined world cars. Ford’s plan was to develop more world cars with the aim of making a similar vehicle proving in all of its market across the globe. Despite declining go vernment bailout, Ford came out stronger, and as lean as its bankrupt competitors. Ford’s chief advantage was that the corporation was able to take the benefit of the lenient economic and political climate meant for bankrupt US automakers such as GM and Chrysler (Brown, & Williams 119). Ford took this benefit while it was functioning under neither condition (government influence and bankrupt). As an outcome, the corporation was able to divest non-core brands, slash capacity, reserve treasured tax assets, renegotiate healthcare, and cut debt. All this items were simpler to do with US government and United Auto Workers more compliant to reserve the company rather than dealing with another bankrupt auto builder (Hiraide, & Chakraborty 53). Coming out of the TARP era, Ford Motor Company distorted itself into an intense and highly levered bet on the retrieval of US light vehicles. Ford Motor Company anticipated that the US automobiles will not be the gas-guzzling vehicles that wer e manufactured by auto builders such as Hummer for GM. Ford placed itself to take on impending government of up surging MPG and market desire for smaller cars (â€Å"2002 Ford Thunderbird world debut†). However, other international brands, particularly Honda and Toyota Company had a head start as they did not agonies the structural disaster that the other Big Three Auto companies experienced in the past
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business Systems Analysis and Decision Support Essay
Business Systems Analysis and Decision Support - Essay Example following three ways will go a long way in ensuring the development of a satisfactory MIS; Business System Planning (BSP), Critical success factor (CSF) and then we have the End/Means (E/M) Analysis (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This is one and the most vital way of determining the requirements of an MIS in MagiCo operations and in any other multinational organization. This methodology is pre-formulated by IBM itself and therefore it is standard for any form of organization that intends to use its applications. This methodology goes a long way in first establishing and listing down all the priorities in terms of Information System of the organization. One of the ways it does this is by identifying the way data is maintained in the system. To arrive at this important requirement, the relevant parties will use data architecture supporting applications (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This will go a long way in defining the classes of data by employing the use of different matrices. As a result, relationship is established within the organization and its processes as well as the data requirements. Because of this approach, MagiCo will be able to find and establish the requirements of its system in the broad c ategorical approaches. The approach as developed by John Rockart takes the dimension of identifying the key business goals and the strategies as are planned to be applied by each manager. These are combined with those of the overall business and a comparison is thereafter made. The business and the management goals are then evaluated and this results into the establishment of the Critical Success Factors that underlie these broad goals and objectives. The identification of the CSFs will mean that the irrelevant factors are eliminated forthwith leaving the analyst with the next step of the CSF analysis (Lotfi & Pegels 1986 pg. 86-102). This is the measure of the effectiveness of CSF an activity which will go ahead in defining the requirements of the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
ILM-Level 2 (Problem Solving and making decisions) Assignment
ILM-Level 2 (Problem Solving and making decisions) - Assignment Example As during the last decades the energy and utilities industries have been influenced by the great changes in terms of pricing, regulatory and legislative mandates, the Government Utility Company provides necessary information to the companies, while it is directly accountable to the people and serves the interests of all members and consumers. Navigating modern challenges of securing energy supply at reasonable costs and optimizing operational efficiency and customer service, the Government Utility Company aims to turn such challenges into opportunities. When dealing with the consultants and contractors, the critical set of requirement is the approval which will be necessary for obtaining the required utility interconnection and for success completion of the certain project. To get such approval, the company should comply with the local rules and codes such as electrical safety and follow legal and procedural requirements. Besides, customer-centric approach is not the last thing of importance and while serving for consumers, it should be also paid much attention (Procurement guide: CHP siting and permitting requirements, 2015). In these terms, the Government Utility Company considers that the main problem for the consultants is the poor ability in provision of approvals to the customers that can cause problems further. Thus its offers the improvement opportunity in the existing services, especially taking into account that there is a room for improvement in terms of the approval to be needed on the regular basis and technical requirements for interconnection of electricity to the projects should be abided by contractors and consultants. Besides, regulatory intervention standardization and equipment certification increase risks of company’s failure to meet the customers’ needs by technical and contractual requirements for connection approval. Specializing in conducting consultancy practices in electric services, the Government Utility
Monday, October 14, 2019
Performance Management systems Essay Example for Free
Performance Management systems Essay 1. What is the main goal of a Performance Management System? Performance management systems are designed to improve both individual and organisational performance by identifying what skills are needed to perform a role, providing regular feedback and assisting the employees in their career development. The overall aim is to equip staff with the competencies and commitment to deliver on shared organisational goals . 2. Why is it necessary to develop and implement a Performance Management System? A well developed performance management system assist to develop staff and can result in significantly improved output and performance, which ultimately leads to improved results for the organisation. Without a well developed and implemented performance management system, an organisation can risk poor staff performance and a high turnover of staff due to lack of support. 3. What are the three stages of Performance Management? †¢ planning for performance – setting performance goals, establishing performance standards and setting performance expectations, identifying developmental goals in work (action) plans †¢ performance appraisal – observing, documenting and assessing performance †¢ performance improvement – providing regular feedback, review performance appraisal, rewarding excellent performance 4. List the four groups who are involved in Performance Management? †¢ your team †¢ you, as a supervisor †¢ human resource professional †¢ union representatives. 5. Why is it necessary to ensure that performance management and review processes are consistent with business objectives and policies? Staff performance plans must be based on the overall aims and objectives of the organisation so as to ensure that each staff member is working cohesively towards the same goal. They must also adhere to organisational policies so as to ensure that they are fair and consistent across the organisation. This also assures that they comply with legislation (that is, presuming that the policies set out stipulate this). 6. Write a paragraph explaining why you think performance evaluations are necessary and the method/s that you consider best to be utilized. I think the importance of performance evaluations is twofold. In my experience, working in an extremely under-resourced organisation, it has been very difficult for me in the past to gain feedback from my supervisors about my performance. One to one time with a manager is rare. This has at times resulted in frustration because I have felt as though I have not been able to gain direction in my work. I fear that at times this may be the case for the staff that I supervise also. Therefore, I believe that on one level performance management systems are extremely important as a method of support for staff. On a more obvious note, performance management systems can also lead to improved output and performance of individuals, which ultimately leads to improved results for the organisation. In terms of what method I believe to be most effective, I believe that there are some core principles that must be followed. The plans should be developed with staff so as to ensure owndership, implementation must be consistent and timely (3 month reviews shouldn’t be undertaken at 7 months! ). 7. Why is it important that both managers and employees receive suitable training in how to handle performance review interviews? Without training about how to handle performance review interviews, there is a very big risk that the appraisal will not be effective and even more concerning is that it could prove counterproductive and damage the supervisor/employee relationship. Training equips managers and team leaders with skills to conduct positive appraisals. It assist employees to understand the new relationships and how performance issues are openly discussed and resolved. Training sessions also can assist employee to see how their work links to the goals of the organisation. 8. Explain why and how often you think performance appraisals should be held? I believe performance appraisals should be held after 3 months in a role and then every 6 months following this. I write this in the context of the organisation for which I work. One to one time with your manager is difficult in our organisation and I believe that in the past this has led to staff feeling very unsupported. There has been quite a high turnover of staff in some programs and I believe that this could be addressed by stronger support systems in place from management. While some may argue that appraisals at such regular intervals can be difficult for managers to implement due to time constraints, I believe firmly that this investment will be returned in increased staff output. 9. Why is it important to recognize the contribution of your work group members and why should you do this? Recognising the contribution of group members is an important method of motivating staff. It reinforces positive contributions and shows their importance to the organisation. If the contribution of staff members is not recognised, it risks losing the motivation of a team who may feel that their work is for no purpose and is not appreciated. We all need a thanks! 10. List three pieces of legislation that are related to performance management †¢ Fair Work Act (2009) †¢ Workplace Health and Safety Act (1995) †¢ Awards/Enterprise Bargaining Agreements/Union Collective Agreements. 11. How would you devise a training plan incorporating both monitoring and coaching for individuals with poor performance? It is important to spend time to time to try and understand why a staff member may have poor performance. This is important in determining what action to take – be that formal training or coaching. The following points – from the course book – I would certainly include in any coaching I was to undertake: †¢Good coaches challenge employees and ask questions that help the employee to discover how to improve. †¢Coach when you wish to focus attention on any specific aspect of the employee’s performance. †¢A coaching meeting should focus on just one or two aspects of performance. †¢Any more than that and employees won’t remember the main impact of your meeting. †¢Keep coaching conversations brief and between 5 to 10 minutes long. †¢Being an effective coach requires understanding what motivates the members of your team. Remember that people are motivated in different ways. Be sensitive to the things that drive your people to perform. †¢When things are performing well, take the time to understand what is working and why. †¢Good coaching is guiding, not telling or doing. †¢Allow the employee to own the problem and its solutions. Ask them: ‘How finally feels as though she is getting somewhere. In terms of monitoring, I would plan more regular catch ups with the staff member (perhaps monthly) to discuss progress. I would continue to implement reviews at the times stipulated by organisational policy. I would also ask for regular feedback from the staff member. 12. How can you provide support services if required? †¢Provide details of union representatives †¢HR representative details †¢Training options †¢Set up future one-to-one meetings †¢Work manuals †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"buddy†system in which staff member is teed up with competent staff member 13. If the individual continues to perform below expectations what process would be necessary to implement? If the poor performance continues, it may be necessary to give a written warning to the staff member. This is discussed further in question 20. 14. Why is it necessary to document and record performance? Documenting and recording performance can lower the risk if a person chooses to challenge a negative appraisal. Holding records of poor performance may assist to cover an organisation legally if the employee raises an unfair dismissal claim Documenting good performance is also important so as to avoid claims of favouritism for example of undeserving staff members. Documenting performance also makes it much easier when the time for appraisals comes around, particularly for managers who are managing a large number of staff. 15. Explain the term â€Å"interpersonal conflict†Interpersonal conflict is the most apparent form of conflict for workplace participants. It is a disagreement or differing views between two or more people over a particular idea, thought, or action.. Also language and personality styles often clash, which can create conflict in the workplace. ref http://www. mediate. com/articles/donaisB2. cfm 16. How does interpersonal conflict affect the workplace? Interpersonal conflict is is easy enough to observe in the form of office politics, gossip, and rumours. It can lead to a negative work environment, with groups forming within the workplace. Unless these conflicts are resolved, they can lead to a very challenging and unfriendly workplace. In more extreme cases, interpersonal conflict can lead to charges of harassment and discrimination or at least the feeling that such things exist.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Sexist Views in The Bacchae :: Bacchae Essays
Sexist Views in The Bacchae Throughout my life, I've heard the phrases, "Women shouldn't serve in the Armed Forces; no, I wouldn't want a female president; a woman's place is in the home." Even though our society is drifting from these extremely sexist views, opinions like these are still widely held. Women were mistreated much the same in the ancient Greek civilizations. The views of our society, regarding the social and sexual roles of women, are mirrored in the ancient Greek tragedy, The Bacchae. The idea that a woman's place is in the home is all too common in our culture, just take into consideration the Southern Baptist Convention's declaration stating wives must be submissive to their husbands. This belief was held strongly in the Greek civilization as well. A woman's function was to bear and raise children, cook, clean and care for any other needs the family may have. They weren't entitled to the basic freedoms they deserved. This intolerant view was illustrated in The Bacchae when Pentheus, in a rage, was ranting on about how all the women have deserted their homes to run wild through the dark woods on the mountain (pg 19, ln 17). The imagery associated with the woods is black and evil, yet when Pentheus speaks of the home, he claims the women have "deserted," as if they were wrongfully leaving their duty. Obviously, he believes the home is the proper place for a woman. Another very common misconception about women is that they were created for the pleasure of man. The idea that a woman's body was not her own, merely a possession to be dominated by her master as he wished, is also present in The Bacchae. The instances where the Maenads drank themselves into insensibility then crawled into the bushes to lie down before lusting men shows what lack of control these women had over their bodies. They were continuously dominated by the male god, Dionysus, and the fact that noone spoke against this behavior as being morally wrong only supports the idea that women are objects. It's absurd viewpoints like these that lead to modern day rape and sexual abuse. Yes, the sexist views demonstrated in The Bacchae belittle the social and sexual roles of woman, and yes, they may be reflected in our society today, but I do believe we're progressing above those close-minded, ignorant ways of thinking.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Admissions Essay: I Spoon-fed Her Each Day :: Medicine College Admissions Essays
I Spoon-fed Her Each Day  Watching my grandmother get progressively weaker; not wanting to believe the doctors' diagnosis of terminal cancer and the prediction that she would live only for another year; separated by thousands of miles from my parents, who had moved to the United States while I stayed in China with my grandmother-I lived a life so different from that of the average seventeen-year-old. In addition to caring for my grandmother, I was going to school and preparing for my final exams, the equivalent of the SATs.  Grandmother died on the day that I took the exam. Of the one million students who took the exam that day, I was ranked thirty-fourth and won the national merit scholarship. And yet I was in a state of complete shock: my grandmother was gone and I felt paralyzed. But eventually my memories of her inspired me to make a genuine difference in the lives of others. I decided to pursue a career in medicine.  I joined the rest of my family in the U.S. and within six months was enrolled in the honors program at Mississippi State. Since there is no pre-med major, I was able to major in any subject and still complete the pre-med requirements; I was advised to major in Philosophy or Drama to boost my GPA. Instead, I decided to major in Math, a subject I've always enjoyed. Though many people told me I must be crazy and that my background would not have sufficiently prepared me for the difficulty ofthe pre-med classes, I have earned A-plusses in all of the ten math courses I have taken so far, five of which were advanced classes.  I have concentrated on opportunities that will prepare me for studies in clinical medicine, oncology and geriatrics. I learned of a prestigious research fellowship at Harvard and, although it was open only to upperclassmen, I applied and was accepted.  I have taken honors classes in biology and have enjoyed the research work I've done.  Keeping in mind that my goal is ultimately to help people, I've also devoted a portion of my time to volunteer opportunities: I tutored math for high school students in my neighborhood and recently became a part-time volunteer at Memorial Hospital. It was terribly difficult for me to leave China and create a completely new life after the death of my grandmother. Admissions Essay: I Spoon-fed Her Each Day :: Medicine College Admissions Essays I Spoon-fed Her Each Day  Watching my grandmother get progressively weaker; not wanting to believe the doctors' diagnosis of terminal cancer and the prediction that she would live only for another year; separated by thousands of miles from my parents, who had moved to the United States while I stayed in China with my grandmother-I lived a life so different from that of the average seventeen-year-old. In addition to caring for my grandmother, I was going to school and preparing for my final exams, the equivalent of the SATs.  Grandmother died on the day that I took the exam. Of the one million students who took the exam that day, I was ranked thirty-fourth and won the national merit scholarship. And yet I was in a state of complete shock: my grandmother was gone and I felt paralyzed. But eventually my memories of her inspired me to make a genuine difference in the lives of others. I decided to pursue a career in medicine.  I joined the rest of my family in the U.S. and within six months was enrolled in the honors program at Mississippi State. Since there is no pre-med major, I was able to major in any subject and still complete the pre-med requirements; I was advised to major in Philosophy or Drama to boost my GPA. Instead, I decided to major in Math, a subject I've always enjoyed. Though many people told me I must be crazy and that my background would not have sufficiently prepared me for the difficulty ofthe pre-med classes, I have earned A-plusses in all of the ten math courses I have taken so far, five of which were advanced classes.  I have concentrated on opportunities that will prepare me for studies in clinical medicine, oncology and geriatrics. I learned of a prestigious research fellowship at Harvard and, although it was open only to upperclassmen, I applied and was accepted.  I have taken honors classes in biology and have enjoyed the research work I've done.  Keeping in mind that my goal is ultimately to help people, I've also devoted a portion of my time to volunteer opportunities: I tutored math for high school students in my neighborhood and recently became a part-time volunteer at Memorial Hospital. It was terribly difficult for me to leave China and create a completely new life after the death of my grandmother.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Project Approach: A Key for Better Learning Essay
The Project approach type of learning presented by Sylvia Chard is an effective tool to use in the learning place. This approach allows students, especially the younger ones, to develop a wide range of learning and have a thorough understanding on different things which they encounter in their everyday lives. The said approach promotes the use of a specific topic which is most likely relevant to young children. Although there is a vast of topics in which the teacher can choose from, it is important to consider that the topic to be chosen should be of significant to the learners. Topics to be used must be link to other areas of study. In adapting the said approach, a teacher must first understand that this approach is a means to supplement and provide the children with contexts for applying the skills they learn in the more formal parts of the curriculum. A more concrete, local and specific topic is best to be used on younger learners. The teacher must however note the differences between a topic and a theme. Distinction between these two concepts should be clear. A topic defines a more exact area of study than the so called theme. Having a vague idea between the two concepts may lead to poor teaching and may cause confusion to children in the classroom. An educator must also note the distinction between a project and a unit because these two concepts are sometimes used interchangeably. As to any approach in the teaching process, it is imperative for a teacher to first understand the depth and the concerns of the process. Before implementing a project to young children, the teacher should assess and have a clear idea on what he would like to portray to his students. Initial planning and used of tools such as the topic web would be beneficial. Considering planning before starting the project would lead to a more organized manner of teaching. Furthermore, consulting other teachers on the prepared project would help one to improve his project. Application of the project approach in the learning place would bring a lot of benefits if properly executed. This approach develops a learner’s capability to think critically in analyzing the topic presented. They will be more likely to raise their opinions and questions regarding the topic presented and tend to find solutions and justification by collaborative working with other children and their teacher. And as opposed to the systematic approach of teaching, the project approach encourages active participation of the children because this addresses their proficiencies instead of their deficiencies. Knowing the nature of young children, they are more encourage and motivated if the teacher would acknowledge their accomplished works. In addition, this approach would also promote active participation of children in the learning place and would therefore make the discussion to be more lively and interactive. Reference Chard, Sylvia C. (1992). The Project Approach: A Practical Guide for Teachers. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Printing Services.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Animal Farm’s Totalitarian Leader Essay
Animal Farm’s leader, Napoleon, has all the power. He is able to build up and hold onto that power as a totalitarian leader, which is a central government that controls over all aspect of life. Napoleon did many different things to get to that power and hold onto it. Napoleon first took charge after the rebellion against Mr. Jones. He and Snowball, who was the other smart pig on the farm, wrote the seven commandments. The other animals don’t know how to read, so Snowball needed to read it to them. â€Å"Never mind the milk, comrades!†cried Napoleon.(Orwell 44). â€Å"So the animals marched down to the hayfield to begin harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.†(44) †So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.†(44) â€Å"Comrades!†he cried. â€Å"You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!†(52). Napoleon and Snowball sent squealer to strike the animals with fear that Jones might return, and stole the apple and milk from them because they â€Å"require it†. Napoleon took care of everyone who was a threat to him.†At this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for Snowball, who only sprang from his place just in time to escape their snapping jaws.†(66) Napoleon got rid of Snowball because he was a threat to his power. Snowball was in favor of helping the farm, but Napoleon just wanted to get the power for himself.†To the amazement of everybody, three of them flung themselves upon Boxer. Boxer saw them coming and put out his great hoof, caught a dog in mid-air, and pinned him to the ground. The dog shrieked for mercy and the other two fled with their tails between their legs. Boxer looked at Napoleon to know whether he should crush the dog to death or let it go. Napoleon appeared to change countenance and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.†(92) Napoleon tried to get Boxer killed but Boxer did not realize that, that’s why Napoleon countenance. Napoleon tried to get Boxer killed because everyone looked up to him, and he was loyal to Napoleon. †‘Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.’ Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer to the knacker’s!†(123).Everyone thought Napoleon was sending Boxer to the hospital, but really they were going to kill him. Napoleon tried keeping all of the animals dumb so it can be easier to take advantage of them. â€Å"It was the most affecting sight I have ever seen!†said Squealer, lifting his trotter and wiping away a tear. â€Å"I was at his bedside at the very last. And at the end, almost too weak to speak, he whispered in my ear that his sole sorrow was to have passed on before the windmill was finished. ‘Forward, comrades!’ he whispered. â€Å"Forward in the name of the Rebellion.†Long live Animal Farm! Long live Comrade Napoleon! Napoleon is always right. †Those were his very last words, comrades.†Here Squealer’s demeanor suddenly changed. He fell silent for a moment, and his little eyes darted suspicious glances from side to side before he proceeded.†(125) Squealer easily lied to them about them taking Napoleon to the hospital. Napoleon changed the Seven Commandments without the animals knowing, because they were working too much to have time to read. The original Commandments were:†1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. 2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. 3. No animal shall wear clothes. 4. No animal shall sleep in a bed. 5. No animal shall drink alcohol. 6. No animal shall kill any other animal. 7. All animals are equal. â€Å"(43) In the end, Napoleon took them all out and left only one; Four legs good, Two legs better. Napoleon used many different techniques to build up and hold onto the power he has over Animal Farm. He kept the animals dumb, got rid of his threats and changed the commandments.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Going Back to School
Going back to school looks good for my future financially because now of days higher education is the key to many success in life. It also requires proper time management. Going back to school can become stressful it your not prepared for it. I always planed on going back to school but after high school things didn't work out as I had plan. I am the second to the youngest in a family of five and my mother never pushed college. So I went to work thinking I graduated from high school that was good in my book. But soon I learned that good wasn't good enough I should strive to be the best not just good. so as I began to work and live on my own have children of my own we began to struggle to make ends meet. I began to switch jobs seeking the most befits and finical stability for me and my family. but still it just wasn't enough. As I began to look for jobs that could take care of my household family size I discovered that I need a degree. What are my educational Experiences In 2007 I decided to go back to school. I wanted to start of small to see if I really was going to like going back to school. So I began taking classes at a place called Action for children. At action for children you payed for your own classes out of pocket then when complete with the 4 week class you got your money back from the session you had to take as many classes as you needed to equal 120 credit hours. It was hard for me having a family and working full time but I did receive my CDA in the summer of 2007. When returning to school from summer break My job CDC Head Start had an all staff meeting and in that meeting we were told that a law had been passed for all teacher to have bachelor’s degree and the assistant teachers to have a CDA by 2013. So I was safe for know but if I wanted to continue what I love I was going to have to go back to school . So one day I was on the internet looking for help for single moms a couple of colleges came up but two of them offered online classes so I entered my information and one school keep in contact with me so in February of 2010 I began online classes at Ash ford university. The ups and downs of going back to school The ups and downs of going back to school can very from day today or week to week. Some major ups for me have been that I have learned a lot on tying parers and really enjoy the discussion board and reading and commenting to other discussions as well. The instructors and TA s have been very helpful and patient with me when I lack the knowledge or understanding of an assignment. my family is my biggest support group. Without them going back to school would be much harder. The down side to going back to school for me is time management. Being single, working full time and include time for the children s sports some days I feel were did the time go. My personal and professional goals My personal and professional as I get myself back into the swing of things the classes are becoming harder and a bit of a challenge but some how I over come them and gain more confidence in myself and the field I choose. I can see my children being very proud of there mother finishing school and earning her degree. I think this whole experience will motivate my own children to go to college as well. I don't want my children to struggle I don't want them to find them selves settling for less because of education purposes. I want them to know that there are other options available for them as they grow older and that college is very much needed for life success.
Why have the western and melodrama featured so prominently in genre Essay
Why have the western and melodrama featured so prominently in genre criticism - Essay Example 2). The sentiment was rather exaggerated yet films shown in different forms of media such as television, theaters and video cassete are absolutely the channel of the general public’s entertainment and are the embodiment of a democratic cultural framework. However, the primary significance of the film industry in the creation of pleasure for the general public does not necessarily imply that it can be a dimension of the cultural and historical indication. But the reality that films get in touch with the mass audience means that they represent some of the unconsious and conscious experiences of the general public, or probably a considerable portion of it (MacBean 1975, p. 48). Nevertheless, in the case of the American film industry, it is painstaking for many art scholar and historian to discern the relationship between Hollywood films and popular consciousness from the time 1940s until the contemporary period. The popular mind itself is multifaceted. It is inticately divided into different categories such as age, gender, ethnicity and social class and is habitually inconsistent and unstable in response. During the late sixties and early seventies, in the span of four or five years, the general movie audience shifted away from compassion towards social deviance of Bonnie and Clyde (1967) to the justice and regulate vigilantism of Dirty Harry (1971), and it is uncertain if that constant alteration of movie preference is in commune with some deep-seated transformation of popular feeling. However, it is probable that these divergent outlooks toward wickedness and crime coexisted in the American society, and the films further influence the already heteregenous American public. Likewise, it is difficult to determine the factors that contribute to the popular success of a particular film (Neale 1981, p. 11). For instance, did the movie Rambo garner its popularity because of its political underto ne such as
Monday, October 7, 2019
IT strategy-memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IT strategy-memo - Essay Example The current functioning of the firm delays the access to vital information for efficient decision making vis-Ã -vis various managerial decision making. There is lack of effective communication amongst the various branches and departments which increases the overhead costs considerably and delays in the various production processes like new designs for furniture, cutting etc. that can be expedited through new technology. The diverse units of FYC need to be linked through effective system that would facilitate sharing of information within the departments and within the branches. Information provides wide ranging knowledge about the existing and emerging models of the business world which may have considerable impact on the organizational performance outcomes. An effective information system development is essential so as to manipulate strategic business information for improving the overall business prospects. The information technology and information system development help to exploit information and has been evolved to encompass various spheres of the business including administration, management, productions, accounts and other areas which are intrinsically linked to produce the desired outcome of efficiency, quality and profits. Use of technology vis-Ã -vis production would facilitate higher level of efficiency and organizational growth which would offset a competitive advantage over their rivals. Production department is one of the most vital units of FYC and technology would greatly boost its various processes like creative design, cutting and mass production of furniture. Computer added designing or CAD software packages are important technology based tools that facilitate innovative designing of furniture and accessories and promote customization to gain leverage against competition. Thus, collation of information, using integrated approach to the IT and ISD has become intrinsic part of competitive
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Supplay chain management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Supplay chain management - Research Paper Example Any business that fails to do so is prone to failure and its survival as a going concern is in doubt. To attain the three main objectives of a business, the business needs to attain sufficient revenue and resources in the form of fixed assets and working capital (Muller, 2003: 1). Working capital include the resources used in the trading activities of a business. Working capital is important because it is the resource base that is used to attract more profits through trade. It is through profitability that a business can earn liquid resources to fund its existence. On the other hand, there is the need growth and expansion, which is characterized by the holding up of wealth in fixed assets. This is also a vital part of the growth of an organization because holding more assets enables a business to expand appropriately and remain a stronger going concern. This means that fixed assets are essential and necessary for the expansion and promotion of business. However, locking up too much o f your capital in fixed assets leads to over-capitalization and this leads to a situation where there will be limited working capital for trading purposes (Chakraborty, 2003: 2). On the other extreme, holding too much working capital leads to over-trading which stands in the way of growth and survival of the business. There is therefore the need for businesses to draw a balance between the extent of locking up capital in assets and in trading activities. Inventory or stocks is an important element of business because in most production entities, inventory represents over 50% of the cost of production (Bragg, 2004: 1). This therefore means that inventory is a major factor that determines the nature, existence and operations of a business. The elements of inventory costs include cost of purchase, cost of storage, labor to receive, checking quantity, retrieval, selection, packing, shipping and accounting for it (Muller, 20030 p2). These costs sum up to very high amounts that are materi al in the financial statements of the business. Inventory is vital in the cost structure of businesses. This is because it can be a point for the lock up of immense working capital which can affect trading as well as the capitalization of the the business. Inventory therefore has to be monitored regularly and closely to ensure that it does not become an avenue for the inefficient use of a business' wealth. The inventory must therefore be monitored and managed through various units of an organization like purchasing, production planning, inventory control, receipt and storage and distribution of inventory. (Bose, 2006: 31). This is done by the use of various techniques and skills in managing the purchase and movement of stocks. Bose (2006: 31) argues that some techniques can be used by managers to ensure the efficient use of resources for the monitoring and control of the inflow and dispatch of stocks as a component of supply chain management. These techniques include Just-in-Time (J IT), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Re-order Point/Point of Safety Stock. These techniques help managers to take decisions that help the management of organizations to ensure that the right levels of stocks are kept at any given point in time to ensure that production goes on without the lock up of capital. On the other hand, it enables the management to order for stocks at the right time to ensure that there are no stock-outs which leads to idle time in businesses. Re-order Point The re-order point concept
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Strategic leadership2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic leadership2 - Essay Example 91). This paper will look at the extent Wal-Mart’s failure or success was due to poor or excellent management or to environmental factors. In the business world, price and product are constituents of the 4Ps of marketing. The deliberate pricing of a product or service is an essential part of a process of business building that its significance cannot be over emphasized (Steger 2010, p. 53). This is because the cost of a commodity or service may make or break a business, so it should be carefully examined (Emiliani 2008, p. 71). Wal-Mart have acquired and maintained their leadership position in the sector largely due to their exclusive pricing strategy. Wal-Mart established a distinctive pricing technique that differentiated it from its competitors and gave it a competitive advantage over rivals. Over the last decade, Wal-Mart has developed into the globe’s leading and possibly most commanding retailer with utmost sales and operating earnings of all discount retailers (M ullen & Stumpf 1992, p. 42). The organization owes its growth from regional retailer to international powerhouse chiefly to adequate and changes in management. Wal-Mart has been largely successful in most parts of the world, and this has been attributed to both proper management and environmental factors. In areas where it has failed, for example, Europe and Asia, it has been largely due to environmental factors. Wal-Mart started with the objective of providing clients with the commodities and services they required where and when they needed them (Adair 2003, p. 51). This strategy was referred to as outside-in thinking, where the organization’s philosophy and approach put the interest of the client before the capabilities of the organization (Peng 2008, p. 49). In addition, the management of Wal-Mart under Sam Walton, employed homespun business knowledge and folksy charm with progressive supply-chain and information technology management to establish the globe’s most sufficient retail company (Walton 2009, p. 553). The organization’s management concentrated on establishing cost structures that permitted Wal-Mart to provide low daily pricing. Wal-Mart’s management also focused on creating a more advanced and highly structured management plan to enhance and exploit the competitive advantage it was experiencing. Under the leadership of one of the chief executive officer, Lee Scott, Wal-Mart embraced environmental and social responsibility (Hill 2010, p. 31). As the organization enlarged in its variety of services and goods, for example, health clinics, groceries, financial services, fashion clothing, online prescription drugs, and music downloads, it was compelled to puts the interest of the client before the capacities of the organization (Merritt 2008, p. 63). Therefore, Wal-Mart’s management took this opportunity to utilize the large size with rapid responsiveness and speed towards customers (Sanders 1998, p. 67). Moreover, to offer a wide variety of commodities, Wal-Mart’s senior managers, Bud and Sam started promoting their individual discount store idea. During this period, discount stores were only found in large towns (Bradley 2005, p. 53). Sam Walton argued that if the prices were favourable, Wal-Mart’s discount stores could be of tremendous help for clients in
Friday, October 4, 2019
How should the set be constructed and designed in order to reflect Research Paper
How should the set be constructed and designed in order to reflect traditional Expressionist Theatre in a production of The Silver Tassie by Sean OCassey - Research Paper Example This thus makes second language acquisition difficult and slow. But a scientific factor as to why children learn second languages easier and quicker than adults is that children’s brains are flexible until they reach their teenage years in a process known as lateralization. Here the brain loses its flexibility by assigning specific roles to each side of the brain making learning hard and slow (VanPatten et al, 2004). This is also true in the learning of subjects as children catch up quickly and memorize unlike adults. This essay is going to review recent research findings related to how age affects the second language acquisition process mostly for English language learners that are new comers into the US. The language acquisition process is process where language is observed, grasped and produced by a child, which is the first language (Clark, 2001). The same process is used in the second language acquisition. The second language acquisition process has steps that it follows to learn. That is the child must learn the word, retain them, recall them and apply them constantly to be perfect (Birdsong, 2006). This steps cannot happen on their own since the child needs to first learn the language and this the child does by following some set of steps. These steps include Imitation, repetition, memorization, drilling and reinforcement. When a child is at this stage reinforcement is very productive and rewarding the child when they make good sentences or the correct words will enhance quick learning process of language acquisition. When this achieved it means that the child can now talk. The acquisition of the second language now comes into play and a theory is that a child’s learning of the first language is an insight to his learning the second language. This term was developed by a philosopher Noam Chomsky and it is abbreviated as UG. Chomsky in his theory suggests that human beings in general do not have to be taught language to acquire it but rather
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Antimicrobial Effects of Cilantro Essay Example for Free
Antimicrobial Effects of Cilantro Essay A drop of cilantro juice and water in varying concentrations (1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80) was added to a nutrient agar plate inoculated with S. epidermis and a nutrient agar plate inoculated with E. coli. The plates were incubated for 48 hours and then observed for a zone of clearing where the cilantro juice drop was placed. Cilantro was found to not display antimicrobial activity against either bacterium in the experiment in any of the different dilutions. These results could have to do with the possible contamination of cilantro or the specific bacteria we chose to target. Additional studies of cilantro should be conducted on different types of bacteria in order to gain a better understanding of how the herb works as an antimicrobial. Introduction Herbs and spices have been used for many years for their health benefits and antimicrobial properties (Lai amp; Roy, 2004). Cilantro, an herb found in many ethnic food dishes, has been shown to have an antibacterial effect on Salmonella choleraesuis due to the compound dodecanal found in the leaves. Dodecanal was found to be twice as potent as the antibiotic gentamicin that is commonly prescribed for Salmonella infections (Kubo, Fujita, Kubo, Nihei, amp; Ogura, 2004). The antimicrobial properties of cilantro have also been demonstrated against the bacteria’s Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli (Marsh amp; Arriola, 2009). We decided to conduct our own experiment to see if cilantro had any antimicrobial effect on the bacteria’s Staphylococcus epidermis and Escherichia coli. Experiments about the antimicrobial properties of herbs re interesting because their results can affect the way people choose to eat. For example, if a certain herb is found to delay food spoilage then perhaps people will choose to include it more often in their cuisines. Or, if a study finds that an herb has an antibacterial effect on an organism commonly found on produce, perhaps a fruit and vegetable wash could be produced that contains the herb in order to help prevent inf ection. We chose both a gram positive bacterium (S. epidermis) and a gram negative bacterium (E. oli) to see if a bacterial outer membrane would inhibit any antibacterial effect of cilantro. Gram negative bacteria have an outer membrane and gram positive bacteria do not (Tortura, Funke, amp; Case, 2010). We predicted that cilantro would have an antimicrobial effect on S. epidermis but not on E. coli. We inoculated two nutrient agar plates, covering each with one of the bacteria’s, and divided each plate into quarters. We then placed one drop of cilantro juice mixed with water in each of the four sections in different concentrations. This allowed us to see if a minimum concentration of cilantro was needed to produce an antimicrobial effect. We then incubated the plates at 37 degrees Celsius to allow the bacteria to grow and evaluated the plates after 48 hours. We expected to see a clearing of bacteria in at least one of the quadrants of the plate containing S. epidermis and did not expect to see any clearing of bacteria on the E. coli plate. Methods 1. Label one nutrient agar plate S. epidermis and one nutrient agar plate E. coli and divide each plate into quarters. Label each quarter with the different dilutions : 1:10, 1:20, 1:40, and 1:80. 2. Inoculate and label one water blank with S. epidermis and one water blank with E. coli. 3. Create a lawn plate of S. epidermis by dipping the inoculating loop into the water/S. epidermis tube and streaking the loop across the nutrient agar plate labeled S. epidermis. The entire surface of the plate should be inoculated with bacteria by zigzagging the loop across the plate after every quarter turn. After the initial zigzag, the plate should be turned three more times for streaking to be performed. Repeat this process by making a lawn plate of E. coli. 4. Put nine drops of sterile water into one of the depressions of the sterile spot plate using a sterile Pasteur pipette and a third unused sterile water blank. Put five drops of sterile water into three more depressions of the sterile spot plate. 5. Ground cilantro using a mixer or juicer and add the last sterile water blank to the cilantro in order to obtain a drop of cilantro juice. 6. Put the cilantro juice drop into the first depression of the sterile spot plate that already has the nine drops of water in it using a sterile eye dropper. This creates a dilution of cilantro of 1:10 (1 drop cilantro juice out of a total of 10 parts/drops). 7. With the same sterile Pasteur pipet used to add water to the sterile spot plate, mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the first depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the first depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:10. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 8. Using the same first Pasteur pipet, put five drops of the first depression mixture into the second depression of the sterile spot plate. Take a new, second sterile pipet and mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the second depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the second depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:20. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 9. Using the same second Pasteur pipet, put five drops of the second depression mixture into the third depression of the sterile spot plate. Take a new, third sterile pipet and mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the third depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the third depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:40. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 10. Using the same third Pasteur pipet, put five drops of the third depression mixture into the fourth depression of the sterile spot plate. Take a new, fourth sterile pipet and mix the cilantro juice and water contained in the fourth depression of the sterile spot plate. Put one drop of the fourth depression mixture into the section of the S. epidermis nutrient agar plate labeled 1:80. Repeat this step for the E. coli nutrient agar plate. 11. Incubate both nutrient agar plates at thirty seven degrees Celsius for at least forty eight hours. Results Cilantro did not display antimicrobial activity against S. epidermis and E. coli in our experiment. A clear zone where the cilantro juice drop was placed would be indicative of cilantro acting as an antibiotic because bacteria would be cleared from the area. Both the S. epidermis and E. coli lawn plates showed no clearing in any of the four dilution sections (1:10, 1:20, 1:40, 1:80) where a drop of cilantro juice was placed. Interestingly, there was additional microbial growth where the cilantro juice drop was placed.
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